chapter twenty four

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Later day ; midnight

Hot. Sweat. Burn.

You woke up gasping for air, your body burned with heat while you woke up. You felt your body set on fire with the amount of sweat you shed and heat you feel.

The ac was working on full swing, Taehyung and Misoo were tightly glued to each other, sucking warmth from each other while Jungkook was in the corner of the room, scribbling something on his notepad.

You panted, pushing away the sheets and getting down of the bed, approaching Jungkook almost startling him.

" j-jungkook!" You squeak out, reaching to him as you looked at him dazed.

" YN?" He stands up, keeping the notepad on the table as he nears you.

" are you okay? Why are you sweating so much?" He asks, wiping the trail of sweat from your face.

" It feels like I'm burning. I'm set on fire Jungkook, do something!" You hug him, feeling your own body hot against him. His rather cold body soothes you momentarily, but that doesn't last long and the feeling of heat returns to you.

" YN " he understands your situation.

He understands the reason, your hormones were all the place. It was a phase, your body's struggle to survive against the unusual happenings inside you. The curse was physically weakening you, and the worst part was ; you never understand why it was happening with you.

He was grateful that your body wasn't cold like he imagined, it was rather hot ; nevertheless harmful.

" l-let's go in the open air outside." Jungkook takes you out carefully, sitting you on the bench.

The cold air on your skin feels good, against all the heat under your skin. You inhale the air deeply, cool breeze swiping your hair strands away from your visage.

" why?" You suddenly speak, confusing Jungkook.

" what?" Jungkook asks, sitting beside you.

" why is all this happening to me? Firstly, the food poisoning, then upset stomach, then the fever and now this. What have I done wrong?" You ask, your voice almost as weak as your body.

" I know it's hard, it's just a phase YN. I just cannot explain you why, I know." He says as quietly, his voice just above whisper.

You look at him, your eyes moist. " can you not do anything to help me? I know you can, you know what's happening, and why." You say, scooting closer to him.

Jungkook sighs, a huge and audible one.

" you wouldn't want to know YN, it's a huge way to save you." Jungkook says.

" save me? " you mutter, shocked and confused.

" yes, all this is happening is an important phase. It's the border between life and death, for you. " he says, his hand enclosing yours, gently.

" w-what?" You croak.

Jungkook looks at you, knowing he cannot reveal everything to you. You wouldn't understand a thing.

" make love to me." Jungkook suddenly says, your eyes growing wide.

" what?!" You shriek, looking at him shocked.

" your body is on survival mode, your mind is assuming the surroundings as ice age, this increases the heat in your system when practically it's not . In order to make you stronger, tougher to revive your life we need to be united, physically made one. I know you wouldn't agree to it, hence I was reluctant to tell you and busy finding other ways to overcome this." Jungkook says it all in one breathe, inhaling sharply shortly.

You look down, processing all the information you just recieved. All what he said, did make sense.

" Jungkook, how much time do I have?" You ask in a small voice.

" twelve hours " Jungkook mutters.

" and if we make love, will it increase my life?" You ask, as naively as the idea wasn't.

" yes, this phase will fade away." Jungkook says.

" I'm ready, let's make love." You say.

" YN, you don't need to force yourself to expose yourself to me. I won't touch you, unitl you're ready." Jungkook say, his hand caressing yours ever so tenderly.

" I won't be alive for you to wait Jungkook, if that's the only way , I'm ready." You grit.

" you—"


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