Chapter 25

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Kirti put her earrings on as Maan walked out of the bathroom. And Kirti paused in the middle of putting the second earring as she caught his reflection in the mirror. Her breath hitched. How did one happen to grow more handsome every time you saw him? She didn't know if it was true in all cases but in her case, it was. In his maroon short kurta and jeans complete with dark brown sandals, his hair set neatly, clean chiseled looks the man looked good enough to eat. He probably felt more than saw her stare because he looked in her direction and raised his eyebrows in question. She smiled and turned finally putting her earring in place.

"You look too handsome for your own good," she said teasingly.

Maan instead of reacting to her words looked her over. She was wearing the light pink embroidered suit with heavy pearl earrings and simple pearl string for a necklace. The delicate bangles she wore in her hands tinkled with the movement of her hands. She had tied some of her hair behind her head and left the rest loose. With minimal makeup and a pale shiny glossy lipstick Maan didn't know if there was anyone more beautiful than her. In fact, she looked more beautiful for her own good. And he swallowed a lump. Beautiful both inside and out. He was a very lucky guy. There was no doubt about it.

"I could say the same for you," he said quietly, "only change one word..." he said and paused as Kirti waited, "from handsome to beautiful," he responded huskily.

Kirti didn't miss the emotion in his voice. She felt heat rise in her cheeks. This wasn't the first time he had complimented her. And yet, she felt shy and unsure. Not otherwise, just with his compliments and praise.

"You do like to tease me don't you," she managed with a smile.

And all Maan did was shake his head with a smile before bending to get his watch. When Kirti suddenly remembered the gift she had bought for him. She would have given it to him when she would have returned but he was here now. So why not give it to him. It would go well with his outfit.

"Wait," she said and rushed forward to take his watch from him as he looked at her strangely.

"What?" he asked quizzically.

"You will see," she said with a grin and went to the drawer where she had kept the box. She retrieved it and went back giving it to him.

Maan took the box, it was a bit heavy and then opened it. He looked at the dial that gleamed in the light nestled between the folds of velvet and satin. Kirti had gotten him a watch. She knew how he liked to collect watches. And this was one he didn't have in his collection. When exactly had, she found the time to buy it for him? She was here to attend a wedding. She should be buying gifts for her sister, family, herself. But wasn't that typical of her. She never did shop for herself. Unless it was books. She always bought things for him. And he had to commend. Her choice was really good. She always knew what gift to buy. And not just for him. For all their friends too. It was as if she had a knack for knowing who needed what. As for him, buying gifts had always been a c****. So, he had happily given that responsibility to Kirti. If he ever did spend time to buy something, it was always for her. She was the only person in the world he ever spent thought, effort and energy to buy the right thing. He took the watch out of the box and tossing the box onto the bed wore it on his left wrist.

"Did you like it?" Kirti asked as she looked up to his face to gauge his reaction.

"Fishing for more compliments are we," he said with a teasing smile and Kirti nodded her head unapologetically, "then who am I to spoil the mood," he said and drew her closer, "it is gorgeous, same as the person who gifted it," he said and placed a kiss on her forehead, "but when did you get the time to buy it?" he asked curiously.

"When I went shopping yesterday," Kirti said happily, "I saw it at the jewelry store and couldn't resist buying it for you," she said with a broad smile, "am glad you liked it," she said.

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