Chapter 44

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"She said 'let go' Veer," Maan said in a voice that reflected the forced calm he was trying to hold on to.

It hadn't been his intention to go looking for Kirti. After the meeting with his family he had had emotions assail him. Guilt had been foremost followed close by regret. Sure, he had always lived by the rule where he wouldn't help unless someone asked for it, having faced disappointments before but here it had been his sister. And knowing Isha's temperament he should have been more forthcoming but...he wasn't sure of some of his rules and actions anymore. He had been angry with Isha for not listening to his advice for not getting married at the tender age of nineteen, and he had practically washed his hands off her post that. Even if he had been minutely concerned he had never let that take precedence over the rules he had built. He had cut off himself from emotions and ties completely. But he wasn't sure if that was really true anymore. Questioning his actions or how he felt had never been something he had done before. Was it Kirti's influence? Or was it just plain this city? He didn't know. He was evolving into being more reflective, something he had never done before living a very selfish, self-centered life. He was manipulative, but those facts about himself had never bothered him. So why were they starting to bother him now. In a way, it had been good to know Isha was doing fine now. And that husband of hers was taking care of her. He hadn't realized when the invitation for a visit had slipped from his mouth. But he felt a little good about it. Before he could have run away with his thoughts an uncle of Kirti's had engaged him in a conversation about investments and finance. Once he had gotten rid of the man, he had looked for Kirti with the intention of discussing their return tickets the next day and if she wanted to leave at the same time or wanted to make a change. He hadn't been able to locate her. He had asked around but nobody had been able to give him a decided answer till Anika had told him that she had seen her going into the house a little while ago. Wondering if all was well he had followed. But he hadn't known where exactly to look for her. So, he had decided to start from the room they were given. He had almost taken the first step on the stairs when he had heard voices coming from the front room. That was where a separate bar had been setup for anyone who wanted a bit of peace and quiet. Or wanted to have uninterrupted conversation away from the loud music and melee of people. And he had walked towards the room immediately recognizing Kirti's voice. She had sounded angry. As he had neared he had recognized the other voice, full of hatred and anger. Veer. What was Kirti doing with Veer? Was Veer harassing her again? Fury like he had never known had coursed through him, along with fear. Veer wasn't the same anymore and Maan hadn't been too sure about the man's motives. If he hurt one hair on Kirti's head..... But he had come to a standstill when he heard Isha's name being mentioned. Curious he had paused and listened. Sure, Kirti's voice had been angry but she hadn't sounded distressed or in pain. And then all he had heard had surprised him. Veer had been in love with Isha. They had had an affair. When the hell had that happened? Why hadn't he known? Why hadn't either of them said anything? Had Isha compromised again when she married a second time? What would he have done had he known? Would he have helped or would he have left Veer to find his own path? There hadn't been time to ponder over any of those questions. And then Kirti's defense of him. The way she took a stand for him, for Isha...damn, but he was proud of her. It was only when he had heard Veer talk foully to Kirti was when his fury had risen to the fore again. He had warned the man to stay away. It seemed the man had forgotten all of what he had said. He couldn't wait for something bad to happen to Kirti. So, he had announced his presence.

As he watched the shocked expression on both Kirti and Veer's faces he tried to keep his anger under control. There was a big gathering outside. Anika was to get married tomorrow. And he didn't want to create a scene if he could help it. He brought forth all his reserves to keep himself in control. Though he wanted to rip Veer apart for hurting Kirti.

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