Chapter 27

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Kirti stood by the column in the open archway that led to the living room where most of the ladies were sitting playing the dholak and singing while some of the kids and few adults danced taking turns. Anika was also one of the people dancing. Some of the older men sat on the sofas with glasses in hand. Laughter, music, gaiety flowed through the room. Kirti had danced a little too at the urging of some of the people who had gotten used to her presence in the house by now. The atmosphere was infectious except...except some of the things she had observed, heard through the evening was starting to bother her. She didn't know about Maan but she was a little disillusioned, if she could use that word for lack of another.

Her relatives had turned a full one hundred and eighty degrees on her and Maan. Suddenly, everyone was in awe of Maan. Shaking hands, sharing hugs, patting backs and blessing him. Initially, she had thought they had accepted them, of course, because of the lie about them being married. But after she spoke to Amrit, she had to change her thought process. Apparently, right after Gullu mama, Sheila mami, her first cousins Kanwar and Harbir's arrival there had been a shift on perspectives. Kanwar had claimed to know Aryaman Khanna including how big he was in Mumbai, how rich, with a powerful family background. And so Maan was now not just acceptable but someone whose name and number should be on everyone's contact list right on the top. And how had Kanwar come by this enlightening information? A relative of a very good friend of theirs worked for a client of Maan's. And so, they had claimed to know all about him. Kirti could have scoffed because they didn't really know anything except that he was a financial wizard, ran his own company and in very short years had risen to the top of investment banking field. He was more rich than was possible at his age. And all by himself too. Yes, he had an influential background but he had achieved everything on his own steam. A self-made man, with a great background, excellent bank balance and chiseled good looks was suddenly someone everyone wanted to be acquainted with. Kirti had been surprised at how the very people who had shunned him, been rude to him, been critical of him and had gossiped about him nonstop had turned around conveniently forgetting the other nasty things about his background they had held so dear for so long. The way they now flocked him, showered him with praises and attention made Kirti's head spin. Best, she was quite acceptable too now. Loyalties had changed. But it shouldn't have surprised her all that much? And probably it didn't. Wasn't it generic human behavior. Though what they would achieve from it all remained a mystery to her. No more comments or sarcastic remarks came her way. She had been included in everything since she had come downstairs much to the displeasure of her parents. Not that anyone else had noticed. Even Rimple was behaving as if she was her best friend everything she had said and done forgotten. Just like that. Dimpy maasi was all smiles. Shalu maasi couldn't stop telling her how lucky she was to have found Maan. Not that Kirti was arguing over that point. She was lucky to be with him. But it wasn't because of all the materialistic things that accompanied him. She had been in love with him for years, even before he had become somebody, even before she had probably known what she felt for him was love.

She had seen all her uncles, cousins and neighbors flocking around Maan all evening. Poor thing. He had started by being amused then slowly descended into impatience and finally irritation. It wasn't because he felt superior to all around him, it was just that he didn't know how to respond to all the conversations around him. But he was there. Listening. Watching. Observing. Not once did she see him grimace or mock anyone. Her mother had kept her distance from both of them. Anytime their gazes had met all Kirti had seen was disapproval. And of course, tension. Kirti wasn't sure if her mother was tense because she was worried the truth would come out or if everything would go well till the wedding was done and everyone left? Maybe it was all of it combined. Even Preeti chachi cast anxious looks at her mother every now and then. Maan hadn't promised anything but...he hadn't said anything about telling the truth to all either. And somewhere Kirti knew he wouldn't. He did understand at some level even if he didn't approve. She had seen Maan detach himself from the group a little while ago and had wanted to follow him to ask if he needed anything. But then decided against it. He probably needed some lone time. But as she had crossed a few neighborhood ladies involved in a deep conversation she had caught snippets and it had only increased her disillusionment.

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