Jeon, Jung and Min Family

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Jeon Jong-suk and Jeon Mi-suk both are siblings. They both are basically from Busan. Their parents wants to startup their own company so they have to shift to Bangtan city. They both were like Tom and Jerry, always ready to bite each other.

Mi-suk is eldest but she acts like youngest and annoyed the hell out of Jong-suk. Mi-suk is a huge extrovert while Jong-suk is introvert. After shifting to Bangtan city Mi-suk easily got many friends but as Jong-suk is a introvert he didn't make many friends... but one day in their neighborhood a new family shifted .. the new family also have 20 Sunshine siblings Jung Hi-Eun and Jung Ji-Eun..

The Jung siblings were from a small town near Daegu. They both were like Sunshine always bright and happy.. but little Jung I mean Jung Ji-Eun is like devil in angles disguise... if she is happy her surrounding will be happy and peaceful but if you once get her angry then say no to your peace....

As our Mi-suk was extrovert she easily became friends with Ji-Eun... and Hi-Eun became Jong-suk's bestfriend... after that 4 of all became pretty close to each other...

Years passed but their friendship didn't break instead it became even more stronger...

One day elder jeon and elder jung thought to marry Mi-suk with Hi-Eun... both immediately said yes cause they both love each other but never confess to each other.. because they fear that if they confess their friendship will get ruined so they kept quiet but after the elders fix their marriage they talk to each other and confessed to each other and that day not only them but their little siblings were also very happy...

Hi-Eun was a teacher in Bangtan National University.. and after graduating from college Mi-suk also started to help his father in their company J.M group of industries..

So they decided to marry 1 year later... and in those 1 year their blossom another couple our introvert Jong-suk and extrovert Ji-Eun...

The day Mi-suk and Hi-Eun got married Jong-suk proposed Ji-Eun....

After 3 years in 18 February 1992 Hi-Eun and Mi-suk got their bundle of joy, their little Sunshine little hobi aka Jung Hoseok... and after 2 years Jong-suk and Ji-Eun got married... and during their marriage time they got to know that Ji-Eun was pregnant... everyone got happy but little hobi didn't understand anything so he asked his dad what is happening and his dad said that he will have a little baby... hearing the baby word he became super excited...

Like in a blink of eye time passed and then in 1 September 1995 they got a little bunny aka Jeon Jungkook....

After birth of Jungkook the whole Jeon Mansion became Joyful.... Jungkook is their lucky charm cause after 1 month of his birth J.M group of industries crack the biggest deal... And the suk duo(Jong-suk and Mi-suk) became busy... Hi-Eun's also got busy with his university and classes.... so little bunny, little hobi and Ji-Eun would spend time together... like sometimes they would go to the nearby park or spend time in their backyard playing games.. everything is going peacefully.... at weekends jung couple and jeon couple with their babies will have their little family time...

Our kookie is now 4 months old.... as usual suk duo is in office and Hi-Eun also in his university so the Sunshine hobi, bunny kookie and sunbeam Ji-Eun is now returning from park after their play time...

While returning Ji-Eun notices that someone is shifting to the opposite mansion to their mansion and as a cute social butterfly she fly .. I mean go to the house to greet their new neighbors...

Iu ( please Ji-Eun is too big beside I like Iu more☺️) with little Sunshine and bunny koo meet their new neighbor... Min's... Min Yoo-Han and his wife Min Yoo-si with their 3 years twins Min Yoongi and Min Yoonji...

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