-^-^-》Part 10《-^-^-

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"Everyone please welcome my soon-to-be brother-in-law." Everyone turned their heads to Yoonji....

The whole living room got silent after hearing Yoonji's words but they got shocked when they noticed the ethereal boy who was in between Jin and jimin. Looking like an angel. Walking towards them holding the hands of his jinnie mumma. With a soft smile and a tiny tiny blush on his face.

( One word

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( One word.... ethereal )

Hye-Kyo got up from her place and goes to tae and hugged him....she caressed his cheeks and whispered with a smile... "you're looking beautiful my baby."

"Thanku maa." Tae replied a little shyly.

"Oh come on noona, we are also here waiting to meet him so can you please let him meet us." Yoo-Han said impatiently. To which he got a eye roll from Hye-Kyo and a smack from Joong-Ki.

"Have some patience you big kitty, look our soon-to-be groom is sitting patiently and here you don't have any patience." Everyone laughed heartily when they noticed the pink cheeks of both the boys. And Yoo-Han's pouting face.

"Okh.... so everyone please be patience am gonna introduce my two brother-in-law  and my oppa.... meet my little brother-in-law taetae I mean Kim Taehyung, kim Mansion's butterfly. And here my second brother-in-law, Park jimin, my little pabo chimmy who is going to marry a grumpy cat. And here my world wide handsome oppa, jinnie oppa. Our dear joonie oppa's lovely husband Kim Seokjin." Yoonji introduced them with a smoochie on their beetroot like cheeks. Then she happily skipped to Hye-Kyo and hugged her from side. Hye-Kyo ruffled Yoonji's hair and kissed her forehead. Everyone chuckled at this cute interaction between them.

"Well this kitty already introduced my three beautiful babies so please take your seats and we can discuss about somethings." Joong-Ki said and got up to bring tae to seat beside him. While jimin take the seat beside Yoongi and Namjoon told jin to seat on his seat and he himself sat beside jin's leg keeping his head on his lap.

"Ohh, I forgot to introduce my family to you oppa. As you know papa and mama (Yoo-Han and Yoo-si), so here my appa Jeon Jong-suk and my eomma Jeon Ji-Eun. My dear husband Jung Hoseok and our soon-to-be groom Jeon Jungkook. Oh and our little Sunshine Jung Yoo-seok aka Seoki." Jin, jimin and tae bowed to the Jeons but Jong-suk and Ji-Eun embraced them. Our hobi gave his Sunshine smile and bowed back to jin as he is older than him. And our Jungkookie made a 90 degree bow towards them is nervousness.

"Seoki, baby where is your manners. Say hello to samchon's and give respect to them." Hoseok said to his son when he didn't said anything but was staring at tae, Jin and jimin with big big puppy eyes.

When Seoki didn't move even after hearing his dad Yoonji pinched his chubby cheeks.

"Wae mumma. You lied to Seoki. You all lied to Seoki." After getting out from his staring state seoki started to whine loudly.

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