-^-^-》Part 4《-^-^-

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After the chaotic day everyone were now chatting in the living room after having their dinner. But like everyday Joong-Ki is having his little time with the nature. It's Joong-Ki's daily routine to walk in their beautiful garden after dinner. He loves this time of his day. Joong-Ki is a nature lover. He used to plant small trees every Sunday with little joonie, minnie and taetae in their garden. And like their roll model Namjoon, jimin and tae also started to become nature lovers. Every Sunday Joong-Ki and the three little Kim's would play in their garden. When they slowly slowly became big their play time reduced but not their bonding time. They would sit in the garden for hours doing anything while talking and laughing.

Garden is Kim Mansion's most lively place. Whole kim family has their own share of memories in their garden.

Joong-Ki's pov...

Aish... today was a very chaotic day... well now I have to make up to minnie for what I did today with that little devil...

"Ofcourse you have to make up to him.. poor child was crying nonstop for your stupid prank.." my thoughts were brutally broken by Yoo-Han's sudden appearance.. I got scared also..

"You little brat.. I almost got a little heart attack because of you.. you just scared the shit out of me."

"You deserve that hyung after all you also scared the whole family. Anyways why did you do that with poor jiminie." He asked me with narrow eyes.

You guy's want to know what I did.. for that we have to go back to flashback... let's go...


"Am sorry minnie but that's what is good for you. And the boy I chose for you is here.. his name is... wait you wanna know his name or meet him directly.."

"Ki papa what are you saying. Why would minnie marry someone else when he is in love with Yoongi hyungie." Taetae asked me with confusion written over his face. Well the whole family is confused except my dear wife, I think she knows what I am doing...

"You don't know anything tae baby. This is good for jimin. Him marrying some one else is good for him. I just want his happ-"

"Oh shut up you old man. Stop your dirty game. You can make the whole family fool but not me. I know you like no one else. So please stop this drama of yours or else strawberries were banned for you."

"No not my strawberries. Am sorry minnie am sorry everyone. I was just doing a little prank. I am sorry. See I said sorry and stopped my drama now you don't have to ban my strawberries."

I said and looked towards kyo with my best puppy eyes..

"Nope. Not gonna happen. Strawberries are banned for you that too for a week. Now don't ask me why. First see everyone is shocked because of you. So no strawberries."

When I turned to look at whole family they were like statues. They were staring at me like I did some crime. Which is making me a little nervous.

"That means there is no other boy with whom I have to marry. "

"Yes minnie. There is no boy other than Yoongi from the start. "

"That means you approved my relationship with yoonie. "

"I never disapproved your relationship with him minnie. I was just trying to prank you cause you hide this big thing from me. But this oldie here ruined my plan." Last part was only for me to hear. Cause I don't want to die this early.

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