-^-^-《Part 11》-^-^-

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Its already been 10 minutes they're left alone and the only thing that can be heard is their loud beating heart, shallow breaths and the faint laughing sound coming from the living room.

After the departure of Yoonji, jimin and Seoki, tae told Jungkook to sit and without any words Jungkook took the seat beside tae. They were sitting silently, not uttering a single word. Both were nervous.... but Jungkook gathered himself and decided to start the conversation....

"Umm... I'm not too sure that I know what we should be talking right now. But we're meant to take a decision about the next step in our lives so, I think we should talk about our past before we took any decision about our future." Jungkook nervously told everything he had on his mind and waited for approval. He was talking with a sweet but low voice like he is talking to a glass and if he raised his voice a little that glass would be broken in pieces.

Taehyung just nodded his head signaling that he also wants to talk about it.

"Well, to tell you the truth am a little nervous so please forgive me if I start to ramble nonsense. I am a big introvert. I don't know how to start a conversation. I get super nervous around strangers..."

"Am I making you feel uncomfortable. Or are you uncomfortable because we're alone. Should we head back to living ro..."

"Hey, stop taehyung, you're not making me uncomfortable nor am uncomfortable being alone with you rather I was waiting to be alone with you for sometime... oops I was blabbering right. Hehe sorry. " Jungkook spoke with red cheeks.

"Truth to be told, I was nervous as Well but thanks to you all my nervousness flew out. I must say you know how to make someone comfortable. Thank you so much." Tae replied without any nervousness.

"Umm.. welcome. But it was true that I was waiting to be alone with you." Table turned.. now tae is the one who is red as beetroot.

"Ok, now leave that. The main thing is that we both are now comfortable to talk about our past and future and I'll go first. As you must have know that I was in abroad and returned to Korea just last year. I spent five and half years in LA. 3 years doing studies and next two years handling our LA branch. Everything was going fine, I work in day time and would enjoy some time with my friends after work. My day was perfect, I was happy but suddenly I started to feel like there is something missing from me. At first I ignored it thinking maybe am feeling like this cause I miss my family and thought it will be gone but as time passed my loneliness started to grow. I thought may be if I start to spend more time with my friends I'll not feel like this and then I started to spend time with them. They were not bad but they have some bad habits. And I also started to adapt some of those habits... oh no not like clubbing and then get laid. I just started to smoke and drink with them." Jungkook fastly corrected himself when he noticed the expression of tae. And got relived when tae nodded his head.

"But one day Yoonji noona and hobi hyung caught me. They have come to surprise me but they got the surprise. They give me some sense with a head flick, head smack and lots of yummy dishes made by noona. That day I promised to them that I'll never do anything reckless and to always tell them if I feel something off. They are like a second parent to me." Jungkook stopped talking to understand the expression of tae.

"What are you thinking." Jungkook..

"Umm.. I was thinking about your loneliness. Why must have you felt that." Tae replied with a little frown on his forehead.

"I also don't know about that. But I know one thing that I never ever shared this feeling with anyone but I just felt to tell you everything. Every part of my life. Now your turn to share your part if you also feel like to tell me." Jungkook asked with hope visible in his bambi eyes.

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