-^-^-》Part 16《-^-^-

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After the little embarrassing moment everyone laughed and got sitted to talk about both Taekook and Yoonmin's engagement. As the Jeons and Min's both have to return early in the morning.

"I think it would be good to hold both of them's engagement on the same day. First we can do Jimin and Yoongi's then after the lunch Tae And Jungkook's.." Joong-Ki said which was accepted by everyone excluding 4 people.. first one is Bo-young, she obviously can't tolerate this as she knows if it happens then Tae will steal the spotlight from her son. Second Tae-joon and Shin-Hye, being the eldest they know what feelings Bo-young have for Taehyung and they didn't wanted to make it worse. And lastly Taehyung himself, everyone thinks he didn't notice the slight negative feelings Bo-young have for him, but only he knows how much Bo-young is envious of him regarding her son, and honestly he also feels like Bo-young is right in her place..

"Umm ki pa.. can we do Jimin's engagement first then mine.." poor boy didn't wanted to make Bo-young more angry on him so he thought to tell his thoughts to everyone.

"Why baby, wouldn't it be good to have both of yours engagement on the same day.." Hye-Kyo asked softly knowing why the boy asked to do separate engagement.

"Yes taetae, it would be wonderful to have both of our engagement on the same day.. we both will select each others dress and then we both can even match our outfits,or are you unhappy that you have to share your special day with me" Who will tell Jimin that his mother is one who is not happy about this thing..

"It's not like that jiminie,I will be the happiest to share my every special day with you, but you know I want you to enjoy your special day and have all the spotlight for yourself. And moreover I want to spend some time with Jungkook-shi then take the next step in our life." Everyone were admiring Taehyung, because even after being the youngest he is talking like a mature person. And after listening to Taehyung, Kim's also remembered about Bo-young and her little tantrums.

And don't even ask about Jungkook, poor boy have been fallen in love with Tae once again at that moment.

"I also agree with Taehyung. We should do hyung and Jiminie's engagement first."Jungkook also agreed with Taehyung, earning a little smile of gratefulness from the said male.

"Ohh see, he is already agreeing with Taehyung. Hmm, tae baby please come to our home quickly and then someone will be there to tame this human bunny." Yoonji teased the couple, earning fitfull laughs and two human tomatoes.

"It is settled then, jimin and Yoongi's engagement will be held first then after someday tae and Jungkook's." Yoo-Han said while looking at Joong-Ki for conformation. And both of them hugged each other finalizing the bond of the yoonmin couple.

"Well well well, congratulations to the four of you on becoming in-laws but Joong-Ki what about my condition." Tae-joon stood up patting Joong-Ki, Yoo-Han, Ji-sung and Jong-suk's back but asked about his condition with a very strict face.

" what condition Taj,( she calls him Taj, tae's ta and joon's j, because she couldn't call him either tae or joon) what are you talking about. " Shin-Hye asked her husband, not having a slight thought about this condition thing.

"Yes, what condition are you talking about hyung." Yoo-Han asked..

"Well, because of something he was angry on me and I apologized but he told me that he'll only accept my apology if we all agree to his condition, which is to spend sometime in there Mansion, in briefly he want all of us to have a little vacation with him and Shin-Hye in there Mansion, and in this he means including the Jeons.." Joong-Ki briefed everyone about the condition and everyone sighed agreeing with the condition.

"It is settled then, after Yoongi and jimin's engagement we will spend two weeks in my Mansion and then will hold tae and Jungkook's engagement and then spend another day and then you all can go back to your daily life." Tae-joon is doing a little dance after telling his future plans to everyone 

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