08| nothing more

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I pull into In-n-Out where Kenna chose to eat. She lifts from my lap to look up at the menu, my skin cooling from her loss of touch. Minutes later we pull into an empty parking lot near the restaurant and I put my truck in park.

"So what did you wanna talk about." Kenna says giggling, stuffing her mouth with fries.

"You barely know me and I barely know you. So who are you Kenny, what's your story?"

"I feel like you know me enough. I practically trauma dump on you every time I see you. Sorry about earlier by the way. And the time before that, and the time-" I cut off her rambling by bursting out laughing.

"I don't get what's so funny Wesley Carter." She says in response to my uncontrollable laugh. I open my eyes to make sure she was joking and she starts giggling.

"We should do this more," I say looking at her. I probably look like a creep, but I just cant help it. She's so pretty.

"I don't know Wes, I-"

"Just two friends hanging out. Nothing more, okay?" Her face goes from a slight frown to a sweet soft smile almost instantly.

It feels like we've been sitting here a lifetime but I don't mind. I glance at the time on my trucks screen. 6:12 pm. I look back at Kenna to see her frowning at her phone.

"What's wrong, something happen?"

"No. No its nothing sorry." She replies with the fakest smile I have probably ever witnessed. Putting her phone into the cup holder in between us I quickly grab it.

"Wes stop." She says laughing reaching over my lap to try and grab it. My left hand is holding onto the phone while my right is holding the side of her head to make sure she doesn't hit it on  anything.

I look down at her phone pretending to read notifications when really her screen is blank.

"Give it back Wes." Kenna prompts, her giggles out of control. She is practically in my lap now- her face inches from mine trying to reach her phone. She turns her face towards me still giggling, I can almost feel her eyelashes on my face and one small movement our lips would be touching.

"Hi Kenny."

"Hi Wes."

"What's your password?"

"Ask nicely." Kenna replies stealing the smirk right off my face and putting it on her own. She stares so deeply into my eyes and I swear for a second she can see my soul. She leans in closer and my breath staggers.

"Gotcha!" Kennedy says snatching her phone back out of my hand but not moving from off my lap. Her back is towards me and all I can see and smell is her long pretty brown hair, which smells like coconut and paradise if you were wondering.

I look over her shoulder and once I see her phone unlock I quickly grab it back.

"Gotcha back." I saw leaning down into her ears. Kenna starts laughing again clearly not even caring I have her phone. I put my number in her phone and add my contact.

"Your boyfriend doesn't mind you're with me?" I ask handing back her phone. She turns sideways so she can get a better look at me and cocks her head looking confused.

"I don't have a boyfriend Wesley. Where did you hear that from?"

"The guy who walked in with you at the shop." I answer. Hoping he is just her brother or some friend.

Who cares if it's her boyfriend Wes. You're just friends. You don't like her. At all. Not one bit. Yeah okay bud.

It takes Kenna a second to process but when she does she starts dying laughing again. Making me let out a small laugh but taking it back right away because, what's funny?

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