19| Was Any Of It Real?

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I wake up around 5:30 every morning still, even though I'm out of school and haven't been been home for a while, surfing in the mornings has always been my therapy.

I quickly change in the bathroom when I hear Wesley's alarm go off. He told me Lily is taking his morning shift today so I assume he forgot to toggle off his alarm last night.

It's been a week since Wes took me to Aztec Falls and we have gone everyday since. It's something I look forward to everyday and I'm so happy, Wes pushed me to try it.

I walk around the bed to Wesley's side and turn off his alarm, when I see text messages flooding his phone from earlier this morning.

Unknown Contact 
Suggested Contact : Kayla Miller

Kayla Miller: I had so much fun last night, we should do this more often ;) | 1:22 am

What the fuck. I keep reading, walking into the bathroom and locking the door.

Kayla Miller: ALSO glad you finally came to your senses!! That bitch Kenna isn't even all that LOL. | 1:25 am

Kayla Miller: same time again tonight??
| 2:37 am

Tears fill my eyes but I decide not make a huge scene. Not right now anyways. I grab my surf bag, stuffing a few extra clothes in there and leave the apartment.

On the way to Channel Beach I think about when Wes could've possibly slipped out during the night, and why he felt the need to hide it from me.

I feel like I can't be that mad because we technically aren't dating but we've shared a lot of special moments together. I've never even thought of another boy in months, and for Wes to be sneaking around with Kayla, is really low.

I surf until I see Lily leaving the shop which means Wesley's shift starts soon. I toss my bag into the backseat and get into my jeep. Right when Im about pull out of Carter's, Wes pulls in behind me blocking me in.

He taps on the window and I roll it down but I keep my eyes forward refusing to make eye contact with him. I know I should hear what he has to say but the texts prove it all.

"Is everything okay Ken? You've been avoiding me all morning."

"Move your truck, Wesley."

"Not until you talk to me. I will stand here all day until you tell me what's wrong."

I turn to look at Wes and he looks so distraught. His hair is messy and he's still wearing the same clothes from last night. Last night. With Kayla.

I face forward again ignoring him.

"Move your truck, Wesley." I say again tears forming in the back of my eyes. I wipe them with my arm trying not to show weakness.

"I'm not moving my fucking truck Kennedy. Did I do something wrong? Tell me please." Wes pleads.

"Why? So you can act all sweet to me and then go and mack on other girls behind my back?" I cry out, the tears I tried wiping earlier falling down my face.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't act fucking oblivious Wesley. I saw the texts."

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