37| You Give Me Life

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If I wasn't in shock before, I sure was now. The last thing I wanted to do today was talk to anyone, and the first person I have to talk to is my Dads new wife.

"I wish we didn't meet this way, I stopped by here after work to grab some of the things your Dad mentioned you like. How am I doing so far." Her voice is so sweet and genuine, and her gesture makes me smile.

I take another look at the cart and back up at her.

"Perfect." I reply smiling. She grins and whispers 'yes!' under her breath. Tess is honestly exactly how I imagined her. Beautiful and full of life.

"I was just about to check out, maybe we can walk around a park near by and chat?" Tess says starting to walk out of the aisle. I follow her and nod when she turns to look at me.

Since Dad told me the news, the last thing I've wanted to do is talk about it. I barely even explained what happened, to Wes. But I'm starting to think I should stop running from the idea, I need to talk about it, accept it, and move on.

Tess and I load the trunk of her car and after, I walk beside her on the way to the park.

"I want you to know that whatever is said right now, stays with me. Forget your Dad or the people at home, just you and me sis. I know this is a lot to take in, and I've begged your Dad for years to just tell you. He was so scared to hurt your heart Kenna."

Tess' words fill a void in my body that I didn't know existed. The genuine look in her eyes and the undivided attention she's given me since we met.

Dad did hurt my heart, in so many ways. But I'm willing to hear him out and rebuild our relationship.

"Start from the beginning?" I ask Tess. She nods smiling, and starts talking.

We sit and talk for hours and not once do I wish I would've kept myself closed off. Tess tells me the beautiful story of her and my Dad's story, and not once do I feel betrayed or envious.

For years a heavy invisible weight has been sitting on my shoulders, and a piece of my heart broken off and taken by my father.

But now that relationships are being mended, I can't help but feel healed, or the fact that the weights are slowly lifting off.

I finally feel light-weighted.

The flight to Chicago went by quick, which in my case is good because I'm so excited to see Kenna

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The flight to Chicago went by quick, which in my case is good because I'm so excited to see Kenna.
Not once on the way here did I wish I stayed home or think twice before purchasing a last minute ticket. Because Kenna telling me to come see her, is all it takes.

I walk up to the hotel room Ken said she was staying at, and knock on the door. When she doesn't answer I knock again but get interrupted by a voice down the hall.

"Hi." Kenna's voice.

I turn my head towards her and smile from ear to ear.

"Hi baby." I say running to her and scooping her off of the ground. I toss her over my shoulder and her giggles are uncontrollable. It's one thing hearing them over facetime thousands of miles away, but hearing them in person. God this girl.

She swipes the card and I open the door sprinting to the bed. I drop her down and lay on top of her as we're both laughing.

"You're gonna crush me Wes." Kenna says muffled into my hair.

"What's that? You have a crush on me? I'm flattered, but I actually have a girlfriend." I joke, picking my head up off of her.

"Girlfriend? Then what's this?" She rebuttals pointing towards her ring finger.

I smile again and plant kisses all over her face and neck. "Hi wife." I whisper into her ear. She giggles, pulling me back in to her and hugging me.

Being away from her sucked, so the minute she told me to come here, you bet the hell I did. Truth is I had the ticket website tab already open and ready, because I figured she would eventually ask me. But she doesn't have to know that.

I set my suitcase on the bed and pull out a hoodie. I peak over at Kenna who is staring intensely at me on the other side of the bed.

"What?" I tease.

"That for me?" Kenna says moving closer to me and my suitcase. I roll my eyes laughing and toss it in her lap.

She has this weird obsession with my clothes but I don't mind, she looks better in them than me.


"I don't care what we get, just pick." Kenna says throwing her hands up. I've been here for a little over and hour and 75% of that time has been Ken and I going back and forth on what to order for dinner.

I've been giving her a hard time because I like seeing her all riled up, she knows I'll eat whatever she picks so I think she's feeding into the little game I have going on.

"Wesley, we both know you want In-n-Out." Kenna says again poking at my chest.

"Kennedy, we both know you want In-n-Out and that's the only reason you brought it up." I say laughing and poking hers back.

Kenna scoffs and looks away crossing her arms. I let out a small chuckle before pulling out my phone and ordering what she gets every time.

"Coke or Sprite?" I ask nudging her arm with my elbow. Kenna looks over at me trying to hide her smile but fails miserably.

"Surprise me." She says breaking character. Kenna does this thing where she pretends to be mad at me and ends up forgetting about it five minutes later. It's real cute.

The food comes a bit later and we eat as Ken catches me up on her day. She tells me all of the details about her Dad and Tess, how it made her feel, and how she feels now.

My heart is happy once I hear she's okay, and is willing to build something with her Dad but understanding it will take time.

"I'm so proud of you Kennedy." I whisper. She's sprawled out on top of me and I can tell she's slowly starting to fall asleep by the way her breathing pattern changes.

"I love you." She whispers back.

"I love you Kenny. You give me life." I reply quietly. I run my fingers through her hair as she falls asleep and can't help but think about the girl in my arms as I drift asleep with her.

Truthfully, she's all I really ever think about.

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