20| Talk This Through

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It's been 7 hours, 12 minutes, and 42 seconds since I last talked to Kenna. I'm going fucking insane.

I don't even remember what Kayla looks like so why she would randomly text me? No fucking idea.

I've been stuck at Carter's all day and I'm just about to close up shop when I see Lily, TJ's sister walk in.

"Hey Lily what's up?"

"Wes there's something I have to tell you." Lily says warily. I nod my head signaling her to keep talking and she does.

"The other day, this girl and guy walked in and I overheard them talking about Kenna. The girl was saying how bad she wanted to be with you and the guy was giving her ideas on how to break you two up."

What the fuck.

"What did the two people look like Lily." I don't ask, I demand. If it's who I think it is, their summer is about to get really fucking ugly.

"Um.. the girl had brunette hair, kinda tall. And the guy had dirty blonde hair with like.. facial hair." Lily says. I stalk back to the break room grabbing my keys.

"Thanks Lily. See you around." I don't look back and head straight to the truck, giving Easton a call.

Easton has lived in Channel his whole life and knows pretty much everyone and their business. So he's the perfect person for the job.

"Sup lover boy."

"Listen I don't have time to flirt and shit. Where does Brecken Porter live." I demand.

Easton tells me without hesitation and I tell him to meet me at his house ASAP.

Unlike most of my drives this one is quiet. It's so weird not having her with me. And it fucking sucks, I know how bad Brecken hurt Kenna, but for her to think I would even look at Kayla Miller, makes me sick.

15 minutes later I pull up to Brecken's big ass house, which is just down the street from Cove Drive. Two cars sit in the driveway and I see his shitty Toyota next to the blacked out G-Wagon. Which is really confusing but that's not the point.

Easton's truck pulls up and he hops out the car giving me a nod. We don't even say a single word to each other. Kenna has practically turned into Easton's little sister so if someone hurts her, they get hurt.

We walk up to the front door and start banging on it aggressively.

"Come on out Porter. We just wanna have a little chat." I yell, steam practically coming out of my damn ears.

Brecken opens the door halfway and peeks through the crack.

"Listen whatever you guys are here for, I swear I wasn't involved-" I cut him off by kicking the door open and yanking him out of the house by his T shirt collar.

I could give less of a shit about getting arrested if it meant protecting Kenna.

"Try to break up me and Kenna hm? Well good fucking try, I know you're bitter because you landed her sister instead, but fucks sake Porter- get over yourself."

"How do my leftovers taste-" Easton cuts off Brecken this time by punching him across his jaw, blood immediately dripping from his chin.

"How does my fist taste bitch?" Easton says pressing Porter.

Brecken doesn't answer so I let his collar go and pull out a knife. He flinches and I can't help but let out a laugh.

"Jesus, I'm not going to kill you Porter. Not that I wouldn't if you tried going near Kenna again-" I add, "But clearly your ass needs to be taught a lesson so why don't you follow me over here to your precious car." I say smiling twirling the knife in my left hand.

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