"I will wait for you all summer and every summer after if I have to."
Competitive surfer, Kenna Calvin has one last summer in Channel Islands, California. Between her horrible family and the constant obstacles she faces with people from her past, Ke...
Wes has been so patient and caring for me all day and It's hard to leave it unnoticed. I found Noah and Elle in the kitchen a little after coming downstairs with Wes.
"So you and Wes hm?" Noah says nudging my arm.
I scan the room looking for Wes immediately finding him looking right back at me in the corner of the kitchen.
In every room I move into he follows right behind me, then moves to the corner and watches me. Walking up and standing in front of me if I look uncomfortable with a guy, which he said he notices I rub the hem of my shirt or fidget with my bracelets when I look uneasy about someone.
There's really nothing not to like about Wes he's protective but gives me space, he listens when I need someone to talk to and takes mental notes on everything I do or tell him. Which scares me. I've known the guy for less than a week and I'm already warming up to him.
A week ago if you asked me if I would consider even thinking about liking someone I would've laughed in your face. But it's so easy with Wes, and maybe it's because he's seen me at my most vulnerable moments, so the hard part is already over.
"Yeah we're friends." I say smiling, giving my attention back to Noah and Elle.
"Right friends." Elle chimes in giggling.
The party is super chill, just a little kickback with about 40 people so the cleanup should be easy. Elle and Noah decide to leave early because it is still a school night, I don't blame them, so I walk over to Wes who's eyes are already locked on me.
"Hi Kenny." Wes says taking my cup away from me and setting it on the counter next to him. Giving me the 'that's enough, its only a Monday look' which I just giggle and prop myself up to sit on the countertop.
"Thank you for today Wes."
"You don't have to thank me Kenna, I didn't do anything."
"Wesley Carter, a humble man." I say giggling which makes him smile. Dimples. Cute.
I catch myself still smiling a minute later but feel less embarrassed when he is too. We sit in a comfortable silence when my eyes catch the stairs. Wesley's eyes immediately following mine. I look towards him and he knows.
Brecken Porter and my fucking sister walking down the stairs together laughing their asses off. Oh hell no.
I hop off the counter, Wes immediately following behind me not even protesting.
"Oh hey sis! Enjoying yourself? Ooh maybe a little too much, your shirts on backwards." I say shoulder checking her and walking up the stairs. Fucking livid.
"What the fuck is her problem?" I hear Brecken yell out, probably towards Wes.
"Don't even get me started with you Brecken, I saw your tongue down Kayla Millers throat after 4th period." I yell leaning over the railing.
I don't hear much after that, mainly some yelling coming from Riley and the front door slamming. Good. What a snake, my own sister too. Honestly don't even know why I'm surprised. She's just like Mom.
Today has been so 50/50. I stayed a full day at school, just to get yelled at by my Mom. I place first in Summit Qualifiers just to get a door slammed in my face by my own sister, and I throw a party for fun just for my her to have a little too much fun with my psycho ex. Yay me.
The only positive thing in my life recently has been Wes. Which I'm surprised I can even admit to myself. I tried so hard to avoid him these last 3 days but its been useless. Truth is I don't want to avoid him. I want to be by him all the time, hear his laugh, see his smile, and feel his touch. Wes.
I fall asleep lost in my own thoughts before I can even say anything to Wes. Which makes me sad even thinking about it but I'm so exhausted. I have been for a really long time.
I wake up to my morning surf alarm, quickly turning it off because the sound literally triggers me, its so annoying. I open one eye looking at my phone screen for any notifications. A few from Instagram, Snapchat, and from Wes. Wait what. Wes? Wes.
Wes : kicked everyone out when I saw you were asleep. also locked your door so no weirdos could get in. | 9:18 pm
Wes : ur jeep is in ur driveway w/ full tank of gas. | 10:42 pm
Wes : morning Kenny see u in 30 :) | 5:36
Immediately smiling at my phone I wonder how he got my number, how he got my jeep back here, and how he knows where I'll be in 30 minutes. But It's Wes so anything is possible.
I kick my sheets off of my body and head over to my desk to pack my school bag since I wont be coming home after my surf session. My eye immediately catches Wesley's grey hoodie I wore yesterday. I swear I gave it back to him. On top is a note. My smile practically untamable.
Don't let yesterday affect today, I like seeing u smile :)
The note looks like an index card cut in half, so I slip it into the back of my phone case. I put on a sage green bathing suit, the water is warm enough to not wear a wet suit, and because I have school at 8:30 I don't really have time to put one on anyways.
I use Wesley's hoodie as my cover up for today and slip on my Birkenstocks heading out the door. Smiling when I see my jeep in the driveway.
20 minutes later and I'm pulling up to Channel Islands Beach, parking right next to Wesley's truck this time. He's sitting on the bed of his truck just like he was yesterday. Yes I noticed him and yes it was so freaking cute.
"Good morning Wesley." I say smiling and setting my school bag into the back of my jeep.
"Good morning Kennedy." He says smiling in return making me smile even harder. Right when I am about to grab my board out of the jeep, his arm catches mine and stops me in my tracks.
"Wanna go to Onshore when you get out of school. You know as friends," Wes asks nervously his right hand is still holding onto my arm while his left hand rubs through his hair.
"Say yes Kenny. Just two friends having some food. Don't think too much into it. Please." Wes asks again when I don't say anything.
"Bye Wes." I say giggling continuing to pull my board out from the back before he stopped me. Wes is walking back into the shop when he turns back to me halfway through the door.
"My hoodie looks way better on you Kenny." Wes shouts, before I can even answer him, he's already in the shop. I smile and walk towards the ocean feeling Wesley's eyes on me through the shop window. When I turn and confirm my thoughts I let out a small giggle and continue walking.
Wesley Carter is going to be the death of me.
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