36| When In Chicago

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I decided to stay in a hotel nearby for the night. The thought of sleeping in the guest room of my Dad's secret family's house- yeah, no thanks.

Distracting myself from whatever the hell just happened in the last twenty-four hours I decide to call Wes. He seems to be the only person that can calm me down and I just miss his voice.

"Hi, baby." Wes says in his morning voice answering the call. I turn to face to the small clock on the nightstand and see it's seven in the morning, which is 5 am in Channel.

"Sorry, I forgot about the time difference. I can call you later."

"It's okay Ken, really."

His words make me smile and I press the Facetime button and turn over on my stomach propping my phone in front of me. It feels like a lifetime since I've seen him.

His face fills the screen and a smile immediately hits my face. Wes smiles back and rests his head on his extended forearm placing his phone against a pillow.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah of course-"

"I'm going to ask you again, and this time don't lie. Are you okay?"

I pause for a second and answer him in a low voice, "Not really."

I see right through Kenna's lies, but luckily, she knows I do

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I see right through Kenna's lies, but luckily, she knows I do.

"What happened, baby? You can talk to me." I whisper. Being this far from her sucks. Especially when I can tell she's hurting right now. But I also think it's important that we learn to be okay with being away from each other. It makes us and our relationship stronger in that sense.

"He kept a lot of secrets from me, Wes." Kenna finally says. Her eyes drop down to her fingers as she twirls my hoodie strings around them. I give her a second to see if she wants to keep talking about it and she does.

"He has a whole other family. My Dad and Mom have been divorced for years. They hid everything..f-from me." Tears roll down her face and she can't even finish a single sentence without sniffling.

My heart breaks for Kennedy. Hearing this news from an outside standpoint is horrible, so the thought of how she feels right now. Alone in a hotel room, across the country from home- is unbearable.

"Please let me come see you, Ken. I don't want you to be alone, we can go through this together. Please."

Kenna goes quiet for a few minutes. Her face leaves the screen and drops to her pillows and small muffled cries echo through the phone.

As much as I'd love to kill her Dad myself. That's not an option. Not that I know the full story but if she left him crying, that's enough for me.

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