27| Double Dates

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I drop off my suitcase at the apartment and decide to head over to Carter's. Wes gets off in a little bit and I want to surprise him.

I walk in the shop hearing the usual bell echo throughout the shop and the music playing in the front.

TJ is standing behind the counter on his phone and I can hear Easton and Wesley's voice in the distance.

"Hi boys." I exclaim plopping myself up on the counter beside TJ.

"Oh hey Ken, what's up." Trent says looking up from his phone.

"Kenny's here?" Easton says yelling from the break room.

Easton rushes in and I lean over to get a better look at TJ's phone. Text messages fill his screen and at the top I see Elle's name.

I grab the phone and wave it in the air.

"Who ya texting?" I say teasing.

"Yeah yeah shut up." TJ says grabbing the phone out of my hand. Easton and I break into a laugh and Wes walks out from the break room.

"Hi girlfriend." Wes says pulling me into a hug.

"Oh come on Carter, how many times does she gotta tell you? She's not your girlfriend dude." Easton says laughing and sitting up on the counter next to me.

"As of last night you, Mr. Ashford are incorrect." Wes replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes playfully and hop off the counter to find a snack.

"Ah the boy finally grew some balls huh?" Easton says joking. The boys love to give Wes shit about every single thing, which I think is hilarious. But now that TJ and Elle have something going on we all just give Easton shit.

I grab mini M&M's from the candy aisle and walk back to the front. TJ holds his hands up and I toss the bag towards him. Wes intercepts the bag and slips two dollars on the counter towards TJ.

"Sooo. You and Elle?" I say giggling to TJ. He blushes and shrugs. He's so into her.

"You know what that means." Wes says with a mouthful of red M&M's. He hands the bag to me and I smile up at him. He knows me so well.

"No I don't. What does it mean?" TJ answers confused. I look over at Wes and Easton and we all laugh in unison.

"Do I get to know? Or do I have to guess." TJ asks annoyed. I pop a few M&M's in my mouth and tell him.

"Double dates!" I reply giggling. TJ immediately shakes his head and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Oh come on T, just a fun little dinner at Onshore. It wouldn't hurt anyone." I ask practically begging.

"I can't tell if your just hungry and you want dinner or if you really want to go on this 'double date'." He responds chucking.

I reach over the counter and give him a few pats on his shoulder, "Both." I say smiling.

TJ just laughs and pulls out his phone- that's definitely a yes.

We decide to meet up at six, back at Onshore. Easton said he'd love to join us but he's 'busy', I don't think he understands the whole Double Date purpose, but I'm sure he'll find something to do. Noah left for vacation with his family this morning, so us four it is. Perfect.

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