21| Us.

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Wes coming back for me says so much about him. Years of my life, I have been surrounded around abandonment, so I've gotten used to being left, but Wes broke the cycle.

I'm not really sure what my plan was after leaving Wes in the parking lot at Carter's. Maybe move back home, couch hop from Elle's house to Noah's. I'm not homeless of course but never being welcomed at my own house, it sure does feels like it.

The drive back to Wesley's is quiet. No music playing or wind from outside filling the truck. I hold his hand in mine the entire drive. Mad at myself for ever letting him go in the first place.

I should have never questioned Wesley's loyalty or accused him of doing something, that I know deep down he would never do. But between my family and Brecken, It's really hard to trust anybody including myself.

Wes pulls into the driveway and parks but neither of us move.

I look over at Wes who's already looking at me. Tears fall from my eyes and he lets my hand go to wipe them away. A huge wave of guilt washes over me.

"I'm so sorry Wesley." I say, barely bringing my voice above a whisper.

"We both have a lot of problems we have to work through Kenna, but we can work through them together."

I shake my head and more tears leave my eyes, Wes pulls up the middle console and brings my body onto his.

I curl up into his lap as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I'm so broken Wes. Every time you're with me I have more and more issues that you have to deal with. It's not fair for you."

"You're not broken baby. Please stop telling yourself you're a burden. I want all of your problems. All of you." Wes rubs his thumb up and down my cheek kissing my temple lightly.

"I never slept with Kayla, let alone touch her. I promise. I would never do anything to hurt you Kennedy." Wes whispers in my ear when I don't answer.

"I know. I'm so sorry."

The truck goes quiet and we sit there for a really long time.


I wake up In Wesley's bed laying on top of him. I prop my face on his chest to look up at him and of course, he's already looking right back at me.

His eyes look nothing but exhausted and I can't help but feel another wave of guilt. The sun is setting outside of the rooms window which makes me turn my head to the clock on the nightstand, 5:34 pm.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep." I tell Wes.

He just smiles and brings my body closer to his.

"I'm done telling myself I don't want us." I whisper in the nook of his neck after a while of silence. I can feel Wes smiling against my shoulder which makes me smile.

"I like that word." Wes whispers back. I prop my hands on either side of his body, lifting my head to look at him.

"What word?" I ask confused.

"Us." Wes confirms. Unable to hide my smile I drop my lips to his and my heart instantly flutters. Kissing Wes feels so right. The way his lips mold onto mine and his hands explore my body. It all just feels so right.

"You know 4th of July is next week, where should we go, baby?" Wes asks wrapping his arms around me.

I've never told Wes my birthday. Mainly because it hasn't been important around the house since Dad moved. It's just felt like any other day of the year.

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