Chapter 1- A night out

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"Val, I really thought he was the one for me, like honestly." I say, as I wipe my tears with a tissue

"He was honestly a waste of flipping time, Millie. He was a piece of shit anyways. I know you've been stuck on him since high school, but come on girl! We are in a new and upcoming all girls band. The guys are gonna flock to us like magnets." Valentina says while standing with her hands on her hips.

Shes right. She always is. Valentina has been my best friend since freshman year of high school. We met when we were at lunch and we haven't left each others side since.

The guy that I'm talking about is my ex boyfriend,Brantley Ryans. He was my very first love . We were together for 4 years and i just found out he never really cared about me.

"He told me that he could never support a rockstar hoe. Like following my dreams makes me a hoe!" I yell blubbering while throwing up my hands up in the air. "We are going out, Millie!!" Valentina shouts. I shoot her a death glare from hell. She ignores my glare and continues on. "Come on Millie, my brother told me about this cool underground spot we can go to! Please,please,please Millie??"

"Fine, fine I'll go. Only if you let me do your hair for you." I say begging Val. "Well duh you know you do hair great!" Val says while hugging me tight. "I love you Amelia Jeannette!!" " I love you too Valentina Rain."

I leave our bedroom and walk into the next room over. I find Charolette and Madalyn laying on Madalyns bed,just talking. " Hey girls, Val and I are going out tonight. Y'all want to join?" I ask. "Hell yeah, I never turn down a night out with my girls." Charolette says.

I chuckle as Charolette and Madalyn eagerly jump out of bed and make a mad dash toward the bathroom. We all live in one big house with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Val and I share a room. Lottie and MJ share a room. We have the extra room dedicated to being our band room. All of our equipment is stored in that room. We also dedicated one bathroom for getting ready and the other for regular use.

In a short 10 minutes, all of us are piled up in the bathroom. Talking and laughing with each other. " Millie, he is so not worth your time anymore. You're literally the cutest in the world. You're also about to become a famous rockstar. He's just jealous and he can't support your dreams then he's got to go!" Lottie says about my ex breaking up with me. "No Hands" By Waka Flocka blares through MJs speaker. We all start singing and dancing along with the song. I realize that these 3 girls are my besties.

As I'm curling Val's hair and Lottie is helping MJ with her makeup, we start talking about a new competition coming up called Battle of the Bands" We totally should compete. The winner gets a record deal with LBJ Records. Only the hottest company in the game." MJ says. "Okay let's join the competition! It'll be fun and it'll be a way to noticed better." I say with everyone in mutual agreement.

We finish getting ready and get in my black Jeep. I was designated driver for the night since last time it was MJ. I let Val have aux and she picks "All I wanted" by Paramore. We all are screaming the lyrics so loud that every time i stop at a red light, everyone is staring at us. Our music is rudely interrupted by Val's phone ringing. "Shit, it's Deanna!" Val says with panic in her eyes.

Deanna is our manger who we call DJ. Val picks up the phone and greets her nicely. "Hey DJ... mhm...mhm... yes ma'am.... mhm... yup i know right.... we already did... okay... yup love you too DJ. bye bye." We all had our necks broke to look at her while she was talking. "So what did she say?" Lottie questioned " She pretty much said that she needs a new song like asap and she also said that thank gosh that you and Brantley broke up. Now you can write a great song about it. Oh and she also said to register for the Battle of the Bands competition." Val says trying to catch her breath at the end.

"The new song can wait,tonight is a night with my girls!! Also we already joined the competition!!" I shout. We all cheer in agreement as I pull into the parking lot. We all jump out of the Jeep in our cute mini skirts and baby tees. Valentina walks right up to what appears to be the bouncer and says " We are all with Antonio." He opens up the door to let us in. Antonio is Val's big brother. He owns a bunch of clubs so we always get in for free.

We walk right up to the bar. We never get ID checks even though Val and Lottie are the only two legal ones. I order a round of shots for us and we down them like no one's business. I look around the club and see mass amounts of people here. Lottie reads a flyer on the bar counter that says, "View your new favorite underground band, Propaganda! TONIGHT ONLY!"

"We got to watch them perform tonight." I say. We grab a second round of shots and head to where the band was performing. An announcer comes out onto the stage dressed in jeans and a Propaganda band tee. "Is everyone ready for tonight?" The announcer shouts into the microphone. I can barely hear what else he says because Val is pulling the rest of us to to the front row.

The crowd erupts into cheers as the band takes the stage. " How's everyone doing tonight?" What appears to be the lead singer asks. The crowd starts to cheer again. " I'm LJ, leader and singer of the band, this is Jonny D, drummer, for guitar we got Mitch and bass we have C-Mac." LJ stares into the crowd directly at me. I feel slight butterflies in my stomach.

Their set starts with "Under the Bridge" By Red Hot Chili Peppers. MJ and I start singing and dancing with each other. This has been mine and MJ's song since we were in 7th grade. The second song of their set was an original song called "Raise your hands up". LJ really knows how to keep the crowds energy up. He crawls on his hands and knees toward my girls and I. He stops just inches away from my face.

He's so close I can smell cologne and cigarettes on his body. His brown eyes stare right into my soul. His brown-blond ish hair falls right around his face in the best way. He gets so close that our noses are touching. My cheeks get all red and I feel my heart beating out of my chest. He's very attractive.

They finish off the set with 5 more songs. The band ends the night with LJ saying " I hope that you all have a good night. Unless you're the 4 girls in the front row, walk up the the security guard and he'll let you backstage."

"Was he talking about us?" Val shouts. "I think so!" Lottie exclaims. We all shriek and head over to the big beefy security guard who lets us through. "Thanks for coming backstage. You guys are beautiful." LJ says. I start to blush. "You guys willing to going to the after party with us?" Jonny D says smirking.


Authors note: I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter!! I really enjoyed writing it. We will see what these for hooligans get into in the next chapter. Again this is my first story ever on Wattpad, so bare with me!! :)

As always

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