Chapter 2- After party

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MJ, Val, and Lottie all turn to me with huge puppy dog eyes and their bottom lip pouting.
"Fine, we can go." I say. The 3 girls start to cheer as they make their way over to the lounge area with Jonny D. LJ comes close to where I'm standing. "You're a very good performer." I tell him.

"Well thank you, beautiful. I try my best to keep girls like you entertained." He says winking at the end. He gestures toward the lounge area where our friends are. When I get back there, I see Val on C-Mac's lap. Val has always gotten all the guys. Hell we walk into a store and the guys there are licking the ground beneath her. Val has blonde hair with pink streaks, very pretty brown eyes and you never see her without any gold jewelry on. She's gorgeous.

I notice MJ tucked into a sofa with Jonny D. Now he's exactly her type. Tan skin, black hair with a few blonde highlights, piercings and extremely tall. "Are we gonna go to this party or what?" Lottie shouts in annoyance. Lottie is a straight party animal and wild card. She could go on week long benders and wake up the next day just in time for band practice. So if you say there's a party, you have about a 15 minute time frame to get her there.

"We'll go," Mitch says as he's sitting next to Lottie. "We just need someone to drive us."
"I'll drive." I say. A bunch of cheers come from everyone as the guys rush to the dressing room to get ready. I plop down on the sofa next to MJ while we wait. I take some time to go on my phone. I go onto my Spotify and search up the band Propaganda. My jaw hits the floor as i see how many listeners that have. I elbow MJ. " Ouch Millie, what do you... Holy shit." MJ says in just as much shock. " 2.4 million listeners, what the hell." I say. "I thought they were underground." Val says in confusion.

We ignored their fame and just continued on with what we were doing. The boys finally decide to come out. I felt this tightness in my chest when i seen LJ. He was wearing baggy jeans, an oversized Polo t shirt, and a backwards ball cap. "Y'all ready to leave?" He says. We all clique up with who we deem as the male versions of us. Mitch and Lottie are both party animals and borderline alcoholics so they go together. Val and C-Mac are both funny and attractive so they go together. MJ and Jonny D go together because they both have this emo vibe about them. So that means Im stuck with LJ.

We make our way out to my Jeep. "Oh shit i forgot i had my jeep today. Yall are gonna have to pile in the back. I jump into the drivers seat, LJ gets in the passenger seat, and everyone else was in back. Val was already making out with C-Mac. "C-Mac,dawg, not in the car." Mitch says giving him the "don't fuck this up" eyes. LJ hooks up his phone to the aux and gets the party directions. His phone starts to play, "Scream" by A-Vam. I look in the rearview mirror at the girls, with panic and stress in my eyes.

All of the boys start singing right along with my voice.
Trust me, you've got me beat
Kick me,punch me
Do what you need
Scream shout, let it out
Don't hold it in
"Man i love that song. It makes me so angry that the band won't come out of hiding yet or show their faces . I heard that they are going to be at battle of the bands though." LJ says. Not knowing he's with the band right now. I feel Val's eyes burn into the back of my head.

Our most popular song called "Twister" is now blasting through my speakers as we drive up to this enormous house. " Who would've thought that you guys were big A-Vam fans?" I say teasing LJ. "Dude of course I am. I know that lead singer is fine as hell. Her voice is so unique." LJ says. We all walk up to the front of the house. MJ has linked arms with me.

LJ just walks right in and we follow right behind him. Lottie runs straight to the kitchen where all the alcohol is. "She has issues, bruh. I don't want to have to take care of her tonight." MJ says. Since her and Lottie share a room, she's had to deal with her hangovers before. I see a bunch of people smoking in the corner and I sprint right over there. I practically fall right onto the couch and I sit next to this guy. He's sorta cute. He has brown skin, brown eyes, dreadlocks and super white teeth.

"Hey, I'm Tray." He says while passing me the blunt that was going around the circle. " I'm Millie. Nice to meet you Tray."  I take a decent sized hit off the blunt before passing it to the next person. Val and C-Mac make their way over to the circle. Val doesn't smoke so i'm shocked when i see her take the blunt from the girl next to her and hit it.

"Valentina, what are you doing?" I say confused. "Smoking duh!" she says while blowing out the smoke. She's already drunk and the time she mixed substances, let's just say we were in a ditch at 3 am. I just left her with C-Mac and went to find MJ. "MADALYN, WHERE ARE YOU??" I shout over the loud music. "OVER HERE MILLIE!" I follow the voice and find MJ.

We walk into the kitchen. As soon as we walk in there, we hear "Wannabe" by the spice girls playing. MJ and I grab our drinks and rush out to the living room. They had a karaoke spot set up. Not even five seconds later, Lottie and Val are right up next to us. We all grab a mic and start drunk singing the lyrics.

If you wannabe my lover, you gotta get with my friends
Make it last forever, friendship never endsssss

That has been our song since forever. I met MJ when we were in 6th grade. Our little weird asses were so in love with music. I met Lottie my senior year of high school. She was the new girl so Val, MJ and I took her under our wing and now we've been friends since then.

I see Propaganda watching us sing. LJ's eyes keep flickering over at me. MJ picks a different song for us to sing. " I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet boys to be more specific. The boys all look at each other and run up to us.

You are my fire
The one desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way

All of us are singing together and having a great time. "Millie, you have to sing your song!" Lottie says. My girls all shake their heads and beg me to do the song. "Fine, Fine. I'll do it."  They all start to cheer. They pulled the boys out of the way and I put the song on.

My baby lives in shades of blue
Blue eyes and jazz and attitude
He lives in California too
He drives a Chevy Malibu
And when he calls, he calls for me and not for you
He lives for love, he loves his drugs, he loves his baby too ( Shades of Cool- Lana Del Ray) 

I notice LJ out of my peripheral vision. He's trying to analyze my voice. At this point, I'm pretty sober. So this was just pure and raw singing. It was like a light bulb went off in his head. He figured it out... We are A-Vam


Authors note: I know this is sort of short. It's kind of a filler chapter since more will happen in chapter 3!  I'll post chapter 3 as soon as I can. Im so sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but you'll be thankful i did 😉

As always,

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