Chapter 16- Rude Questions

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After dropping Levi off, I called Mitch. Lottie said it was cool for me to call him and update him. "Mitch, yeah I dropped him off. I'm proud he's doing this."

"Yeah Mil. You deadass were his rock. You were everything he needed." The tears start to fall and I don't stop them. I end the call with Mitch shortly. As I'm driving back home, I realize he's gonna miss my birthday. I start to cry even harder.

Once I get home, We have to get ready for the TV interview. A driver picks us up to take us to the set. Once we get out, we are met with the best fans ever. "Millie, Please sign my paper." A cute blondie, no taller than my hip calls out.

I ,of course, sign her paper. "I wanna be just like you when I grow up. Beautiful and smart." I pick her up from the other side of the gate. "Can I take her with me?" I joke with her dad who was standing with her.

The dad starts to chuckle. "She's very inspired by you. You're one of the best role models I could ask for my daughter." I start to tear up. I give the girl another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Once we get backstage, I go to glam. Lotties in there with me. I'm typing away on my phone,zoned out "Mil, are you okay?" Lottie says snapping me out of it.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just worried." Lottie grabs my hand. "He'll be okay. He's got you, mitch and the rest of the band." I squeeze her hand to thank her.

We get ready to walk out into the stage. "Hello everyone and welcome to the Randy Coffee show!! We are so excited for our first guest of the day, A-Vam!!" The audience starts cheering and clapping as loud as they could.

We sit down on the ugly brown couch they have set up. "So we are gonna jump right into it, When's the new album coming out?"

MJ fake laughs. "As soon as the record company approves it! We want it out asap!"

"Millie, these photos were circulating the internet this morning. Care to explain?"

The photo. It's the photos. I'm kissing LJ in the parking lot of the rehab center. It flashes to the next slide, It's me carrying Levi into my house after finding him on the porch. The final slide is what does it for me. It's a video of him at the rehab facility, going through withdraws.

The crowd is completely silent. The tears well up in my eyes. Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry.

"Let's move on, thanks. This is just wrong." Val says quickly jumping to my defense.

"We just want Millie's comment about LJ's history of being a druggie."

That's when I blow up. "A druggie? Seriously? He's not a druggie. You don't know crap about his life or what he does or doesn't do. Ill support him through hell and back. So please keep our private life out of the public eye."

Randy gets the idea to drop it and we finish the interview. I'm pissed off though. I storm off the stage. "Millie, what the fuck was that? Are you okay? I told production not to say anything about that." Deanna shouts the minute Im behind the curtain.

"I'm fine, it just pisses me off." The girls all hug me. When I get to glam, Stella give me a huge hug. I sit down to get my hair touched up and I start to scroll on my phone.

My sister, Beth, shared a link to me. Propagandas, LJ, caught with A-Van star, Millie J outside of rehab center. Which one is a druggie?

What the fuck? I scroll through instagram too. A bunch of fans DM'd me about the situation. They said they support my decision and love A-Val regardless.

I get a call from a random number.


"Millie, my god, it's so good to hear your voice. I heard about the interview. I'm sorry baby. My issues should not involve you at all. I'm sending out a statement to Dave tomorrow."

"I'm sorry too Leaves. I still love and care about you so much."

"I do too Mil. You're my foundation. My tie to earth. Mitch is my best friend but you're my soulmate. I love you Amelia."

"I love you more Levi."

"I'm sorry for cheating on you as well. I was not in the right head space at all. I was so high, I'm surprised i'm still alive."

"It's not okay. But thank you for confessing. I need time to think. I'm still you're best friend. I'll still support you through this rough patch too."

"I don't deserve you. Look, I gotta go but I'll call you tomorrow. I'm proud of you my baby."

The next day, the statement goes out. It says that he does have a drug problem and is in rehab to correct it. It also says to leave any A-Vam memebers out of it.

Todays the day we meet with the record company. I'm shitting all forms of bricks. We all drive together in our Yukon with Deanna.
"You guys have to really sell it today. I know the songs are great, Mil and Lottie produced them. You guys can go down in history. I know it." Deanna says.

When we get to LBJ Record's headquarters, we are met with a sweet lady working the front desk. "A-Vam so happy for you to join us, President Jordyn will be with you in a few minutes. In the meantime, wait in the meeting room, down the hall and to your right!"

We follow her directions and are met with tons of people. We go through introductions and play our songs.

"We loved them all except Levi's Jeans." President Jordyn said. My heart sort of broke a little. Levi's Jeans was about Levi and well his jeans. How I still wear his clothes.

We work out dates and recording days. I'm barely present. I'm waiting for a call from Levi. I'm so proud of him.

We close up the meeting and thank them for their time. I'm so whipped at the end of the meeting, I want to go home and sleep. So that's what I do. I slept from 6:30-11:30 when I wake up to three missed calls.

Fuck, I missed his calls. There's a voicemail.

"Hey Mil. I'm not trying to ruin your time. Just saying I miss you and your bed. It's way more comfortable than the ones here. I'll talk to you tomorrow. As always , I'm proud of you my love."

I silently weep over the voicemail. I want to trust him and forgive him but I can't just yet.

But hey, 21st birthday is around the corner.

Authors note: Hate love relationship with this chapter but screw Randy Coffee.

As always don't forget to vote and drink your water!!

As always,


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