Chapter 18- House Party

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Tension is still in the air as we walk into the recording session Thursday afternoon. We all have barely talked to each other. Val was sleeping on the couch and MJ was moved out the day after our fight.

Deanna and Stella notice right away. Stella has become Deanna's personal assistant on top of our stylist. "Okay girls what's going on?" DJ asks, full mom voice. No one decides to speak up about it.

"We all got into a fight. Secrets were exposed and they lead to a fight." Charolette says, finally speaking up.

"Uh- no, you guys can't break up now. You got 20 minutes before your session starts. Work it out now!" Deanna struts away in her stilettos, Stella follow closely behind.

"I don't like the secrets. Just because shit is going on with Levi doesn't mean you guys can't talk to me." I say prompting the conversation.

"I know Millie and we are sorry. We wanted to tell you." Val says.

"It's okay, just please don't break up the band now." The three of them crack up.

We hug it out before making our way into the recording studio. After what felt like hours, we finally finished recording the first 6 songs in our album.

We go home to celebrate. We invite everyone we know for a house party.

"I'll call MJ and invite her." Val says. Lottie has been soaking up not having to share a room. It's been sad not having her here but we all have to go our separate ways.

After cleaning up the house a bit and putting away our valuables, people start to arrive at our house. I take it upon myself to text Courtney and invite her.

"Hey Courtney!!" I say as she comes through our front door. She's dressed in a cute skirt and top. She has a guy with her.

"This is my cousin,Vinnie." She says. He sticks his arm out to shake my hand. Vinnie is extremely fit, about 6'6 and beautiful tan skin. I realize I haven't heard from LJ in a while.

"Want to get something to drink?" I say ushering Vinnie to the kitchen. Courtney goes off with Danica, one of Val's friends.

"You're beautiful Millie." He says while Im pouring his cup. I smile at him. I felt my stomach flip when he said that. At that moment, "Genius" By LSD starts to play.

"Omg I love this song!!" I run out of the kitchen to where everyone was dancing. Vinnie followed me and was feeling all on my body. His hands were on my hips, butt, really anywhere they could be. He was singing to me.

Val and C-Mac spotted us. "YESSS! GET IT MIL!" Val shouted. She was so down for me to get over Levi. Next song was "Habits" by Tove Lo. This was mine and Lotties favorite song when it first came out.

She ran over to me and we started dancing. Our bodies just bumping off each other. I felt so complete in that moment. Every stress I had flew off my body.

I feel Vinnie checking me all the way out. After the song is over, I go get a drink from the kitchen. Vinnie follows me, it's getting annoying with him acting like a lost puppy.

"I'm going to find Courtney." I announce. I walk around the whole main floor and upstairs. I couldn't find her until I go into our studio. "Courtney what the hell?"

Her and Danica were in there reading all our sheet music. They were also talking pictures. "You really thought we were gonna not take pictures of the A-Vam house and your new album?" Danica says.

"Get out of the house, NOW!" I shout. Danica tries to slap me but i duck out of the way just in time. Val, Lottie and MJ came to give me backup.

"You guys need to fuckin leave." Lottie screams. After 20 minutes of trying to get them to leave and a bunch of screaming plus name calling, they finally leave. I grab as much as I can to drink. I'm downing shots with Lottie.

"Millie you need to slow down." Jonny D says , trying to take the red solo cup out of my hand.

"Hell no!! I've only had 8 mixed drinks, I'm fineeeee!!"

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hey Millie. I miss you."

"Hi Levi, I can't really talk for too long."

"Well you've been dodging my calls for the past couple days. I'm just making sure you're okay."

"Yeah sorry about that. We've been recording and shit like that." I'm sort of slurring my words.

"Are you drunk?"

"Pshhttt no, me drinking, never." Fuck, obviously he's gonna be able to tell.

"Millie stop drinking."

"You're not my dad. Besides I'm not an addict like you." 

The other end of the line is silent. Why would I say that? What was I thinking.

"Well I'm sorry, I made some bad choices but I'm here trying to fix them. Fuck this Millie."

I'm met with the painful silence of a hang up. I support him through everything. I love him with my heart. I want to go up a see him.

After some more shots and sulking around, I magically make it up the stairs.

"Here Millie, Let me help you ." Vinnie calls from behind me. He helps me get to the bathroom.

"Up ya go." He lifts me up onto the counter. He takes all my makeup off. He helps me take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.

"Fank you Vinnie. You're so nice, you're my new best friwend." He laughs at me then helps me into my bed.

"Make a pallet on my floor and sweep there." He raises his brows and takes a couple throw blankets, pillows, then makes his bed.

I wake up still feeling drunk and like shit. "Val Why did I drink so much?"

"Don't ask me I drank just as much as you. Charles, what are you doing here?" I shoot up as straight as I can.

"Who's Charles, Valentina?"

"It's me." C-Mac groggily gets up from laying beside Val. They are so sweet for each other.

"The real question is who is on your floor, Amelia?" C-Mac says.

I peer over the side of my bed to see Vinnie laying there. "Vinnie, get up. You need to leave!"

He's barely awake as I'm shoving him out of the door and into my car. "Millie, why are you rushing me out." He asks.

"It's a long story. Thank you for taking care of me last night."

"Yeah no problem. You kept calling out for Levi and how you missed him and his dick."

My cheeks flush red from embarrassment. I take him home, not without exchanging numbers. He's a good guy and I want to be his friend.

I made a plan to go visit Levi tomorrow. I'm hoping it'll go great!


Authors note: This is just a filler chapter!! I wonder what will happen with Vinnie and Millie. Also what will happen with Levi and Millie!!

Don't forget to vote!! Love you guys!!

As always,

Ari <3 

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