Chapter 20- The end of an Era

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2 years later

"Give it up for Millie J!" The announcer shouts into the mic. It's my fourth time as a solo act.

I run out on to the stage.

"What's up, Detroit? You all know that I am a Michigan native so I have to sing a song by a famous Michigan artist." The crowd starts to cheer.

Tom Keluca runs out from the side of the stage and we start to sing his song "Free world" together. The crowd is loving it, I'm loving it and he's loving it too.

I finish off my show and make my way back to my green room. I fling the door open and there stands my 3 best friends who I haven't seen in months.

"Oh my gosh!! Hi girls." I give them all individual hugs. Val has her son CJ attached to her hip. He has all the best parts of Val and Charlie.

Propaganda broke up last year. They are all still best friends. Band life wasn't for them.

Jonny and Madalynn moved out to Calabasas. They are expecting a baby girl in June.

Charlotte is married to Shawn. Their wedding was the last time we were all together.

"So girl, are you with Levi?" I haven't seen these girls in months and I know they are barely on social media. I honestly thought that the boys would've told them.

" Yes, we are engaged! I'm so excited." We all squeal. We end up deciding to go out for drinks and dinner. My beefy security guards follow us down the street to Billy's Burgers. I order the greasiest burger I can. Val has her son with her and he's so sweet. Hes well mannered also.

"Okay guys so I have an announcement to make." Lottie says. We all tune in closely.

" I'm pregnant!" MJ's jaw hits the floor. " No way I'm pregnant too!"

Val squeals too. "I'm pregnant also." Now my jaw is on the floor. I know we are in our mid twenties but everyone's pregnant except me! What the hell?

The girls come back to mine and Levi's house. Levi went solo and is also a producer. He's home along with his three best friends who double as my best friends husbands. We stay up all night talking, laughing and enjoying our lives before chaos come in. 3 babies all around the same time. That's not to say any of them have twins. I've missed my girlfriends a lot.

Lotties pov

5 years later

"MOMMY! Auntie Millie is on TV." My son, Nate cries out. I have his baby sister, Annalise, on my hip. Mitch made room for me on the couch.

I sprint into the living room to find my best friend on stage accepting her 7th Grammy. The camera flashes to Levi who is staring at her with gleam in his eyes. Not an ounce of lust or betrayal behind his eyes. They've been through hell and back together but I know they care so much about each other.

" First I'd like to thank my parents for everything. I'd like to thank my three best friends, Lottie, MJ, and Val. Without your encouragement I wouldn't be here today. I love you guys forever. Lastly I'd like to thank my husband, LJ Adams. Hes my biggest supporter and he never fails to make my smile. I love you! I'd thank my producer but my husband is my producer. Thank you to my fans as well. I love all my Milliebillies." She blows a kiss to the crowd and I feel the tears well up in my eyes.

The same girl who crazily convinced my parents to let me move to LA or who convinced me to take a chance on Mitch, is now winning Grammys and being a badass. Mitch pulls Nate onto his lap.

"Mommy, auntie Millie is so cool. I love her so much can we go see her?" I nod my head yes. Nate, Annalise and I curl up with Mitch to finish watching the award show.

Millies Pov

Winning my 7th Grammy made me feel so happy but not happier than the positive test that came four months after winning. After round and round, somewhere I got pregnant. I hid the test in a cute little watch box. I threw it in a gift bag. LJ was set to be coming home soon so I would give it to him then.

"Baby i'm home." He calls out. I walk downstairs with the gift bag in my hand.

"Hey baby. I have a gift for you." I pass the gift bag over to him. He looks confused but opens the gift anyways.

There was some candies and other random junk in there. Then he got the to watch box, he opened it and his jaw hit the floor.

"Pregnant? You're pregnant. Oh my gosh I'm gonna be a dad!" He runs over to me and hugs me. He places sloppy kisses all over my face.

"You won't be a dad to one kid, you'll be a dad to twins."  His face lights up even more and he's even more excited.

"I love you Amelia. With my whole heart, baby." We kiss again.

I call my besties and tell them the news. They are so happy.

"Finally girl, you gotta catch up." Val says laughing. Poor girl has 4 kids. LJ had to give C-Mac a lecture about wrapping his willy every once and a while.

MJ has two daughter and Lottie has one of each. It's so crazy that the girls I used to party with non-stop are now moms and aunties. The guys that used to throw ragers and play bartender all night are now mixing baby bottles.

I'm so happy with my life. I'm a famous singer, my husband is a famous producer. I'm married to the love of my life and I'm now pregnant with his children.

I'm so glad everything worked into what it need to be. I'm so glad there are no more toxic secrets amongst us.

Authors note: Final chapter thanks for your support everyone!!

Don't forget to vote!!

As always,
Ari <3

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