Chapter 7- Battle of the bands

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Today was the day. All my siblings were here to see me. "Amelia, we missed you so much!" Carson said giving me a huge hug. I'm the middle child. It goes Carson, Daniel, Me, Beth and then Emma. I decided to pick them up from the airport. After hugging everyone we get back into my Jeep. Emma was so jealous. Growing up, we weren't rich nor poor. My parents did struggle to put us all through our sports, music lessons, braces, and drivers training. Not to mention, college for my older brothers.

My sisters can both play piano and sing. Daniel plays bass and Carson can play drums, guitar, and for some odd reason flute too. "I'm taking you guys out for lunch at my favorite spot!!" I say. "Thank gosh, I'm starving." Daniel says. We are all listening and playing music in the car before we reach my favorite restaurant, The Lunch Box. We get a table and order our drinks before the questions start coming.

"Sooooo.... you and LJ??" Emma asks,drawing out her O. She's so nosey. She loves anything involving love. "It's nothing your 14 year old self needs to worry about. Just know you have no niece or nephew on the way." I say earning laughs from everyone. She just pouts.

"It might not be for her 14 year old ass to worry about but it's for my 24 year old ass to worry about." Carson says. I roll my eyes. "Guys, it's seriously nothing. He's just a friend who is also famous. Besides you guys aren't here for my love life, you're here to watch me perform tomorrow."

Our food finally comes and I stuff my mouth full so I can't answer anymore questions. We finish catching up and eating. I take the boys and Emma to the hotel to rest. I take Beth with me to rehearsals. Once I get to rehearsals, Val is still not there. "Where is she?" Lottie gripes. Lottie gets annoyed fast, which I don't blame her for. "We can start without her for now and then if she ain't here in 10 minutes i'm calling her." DJ says.

Deanna and Beth are sitting on chairs in front of us. We decided to do a cover of  Refections by The Neighborhood. I sing as best as I can without letting my emotions slip through. I haven't talk to LJ in almost a week. He stopped calling after he realized I wasn't gonna answer. I still like him but I need to focus on winning right now. Him and his bullshit can wait.

25 minutes after practice time, Val shows up. "What the fuck, Valentina? Where were you?" I shout. " Why do you care? I was out with C-Mac and we got caught in traffic." She says without a care in the world. "So you can't text or call us to let us know you'll be late?" Lottie says, just as fed up.

She just rolled her eyes and walked over to her drum set. We just ignore her attitude and practice "Scream". We decided to play this song because it's our most popular song. Valentina messes up her solo in the song. "Valentina, get your fucking shit together. You aren't new to this shit. You're 21 years old. Let's fucking go!" DJ shouts from her chair.

When DJ is stressed out, she swears way too much. We practice Scream a couple more times before moving to our new song. It's called "N.L.F.M" It stands for No love for me.
We start to practice and I ace the high notes in the song.
I'm all done, there's no going back
No more love for me
You made your choice, picked her
You're all out love for me
No more love for meeeee

I have Lottie and MJ singing the chorus with me too. After we run through it a few times, DJ says we are free to leave to get ready for the event tonight. Tonight you meet the other bands or solo acts, before preforming tomorrow.

I get home after dropping Beth off at the hotel. LJ is calling me. "What do you want? I'm sick of you calling me." I say highly annoyed. "Please just listen to me, Bailey is gone. I never really like her. My manger said it would be a good publicity stunt to take the heat off all of us in the picture." LJ says.

"Okay LJ. That's fine, I need to focus though. I need this record deal. After battle of the bands, we can go for dinner. Tito's. 7 pm. You're paying solely for all the emotional trauma I've been going through." And with that i hang up.

I pick out the fanciest dress I had. Our theme for tonight was Elegance. Lottie, MJ and I had gone shopping a couple days ago to pick out our outfits for the event.

After getting ready as we are leaving the house, Val calls and says she'll be walking with C-Mac for the event

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After getting ready as we are leaving the house, Val calls and says she'll be walking with C-Mac for the event. We all say that's fine, just don't tell him anything. When we get to the event, there are reporters and paparazzi everywhere. This really is a huge event!

The three of us walk on the red carpet and struck a pose. After about 20 billion photos, they shooed us off and we went into the ballroom. They were serving us the best dinner ever. Propaganda is seated close to us. I keep seeing LJ stare at me.

The other band seated with us was Cherry Lemon. They consisted of 2 girls and 3 boys. The cutest one, Cayden Satomi, kept checking me out. It felt good. I watched his eyes bounce from my boobs to my face back to my boobs and then to my face. Him and I start having a conversation. He places his hand on my thigh as we continue talking.


No way is she talking to Cayden Satomi. He's so ugly.

Anger flashed through my body.

She's mine.

I walk right over to Millie. "Mil, baby. Can I talk to you please?" She gives me a mega side eye, throws her napkin down and excuses herself from the conversation with Cayden.  "Excuse me love. I'll be right back."

Love? She called him love?? I'm literally gonna vomit.

We make our way to a private area. "What do you want, Levi?" She says, crossing her arms and placing them right under her boobs. Fuck, the way she says my real name makes me want her to scream it. I place my arm around her waist and pull her close.

Our lips slowly interlock. She tasted like cherry and lemon cheesecake. Which makes sense considering she just ate cheesecake. "Hm, you taste like cherry and lemon." I tell her before leaning in for a second kiss. She puts her hands up on my lips. "Tsk tsk. You know you have to wait until tomorrow. I just wanted to give you a sneak peak for tomorrow." She leans really close into my ear. "If i forgive you, you'll be in for a treat."

~Millie's POV~

I kiss his neck before leaving him in the room alone. I walk back to the table and Cayden has moved on to a different girl at another table. I knew it was too good to be true. After we are all done eating, Courtney the lead singer of Cherry Lemon, tells us they are having an after party.

As much as I would love to go, I need to focus on tomorrow. Besides we have to be up early anyways. Val, Lottie, MJ and I make our way back home. I lay out my "hair and makeup" outfit for tomorrow before getting in the shower.

When I get out, Val is in our room. "Hey Amelia. I'm sorry for being late today. A lot has been going on and I can't do it. I'm finishing this competition and then I need to go back to Michigan."

"That's totally okay. I know Los Angeles has been hard on me too. Take your time. I still love and care about you regardless." We gave each other a hug before turning in for the night. I text my sibling groupchat saying goodnight and I'll send them a surprise in the morning. I'm so nervous.


Authors note: I'm so excited for the next chapter. The most exciting part is about to happen. I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far.

Don't forget to drink your water!! Don't forget to vote as well!!

As always
-Demi <3

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