Chapter 8- The winner is...

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I woke up earlier than the other girls. I decide to take a shower to help wake up. After my shower, I check my phone and see I had a video in my siblings groupchat.

"GOOD LUCK!! We love you and we will be cheering for you sis!! Rock it out" All 4 of my siblings said. I almost tear up. Growing up Daniel, Carson and I were super close until I wanted to leave Michigan and go to Los Angeles.

"You are so selfish, Amelia! Mom and Dad have done everything under the sun for you. Now you want to go out and fuck around in LA. You're such a stupid bitch. Don't EVER show your face at this house again." I got a flashback from the fight from my 17th birthday.

Daniel found my plane ticket to Los Angeles and freaked out on me. He drug Carson into it and they both cussed me out. They belittled me into nothing. I still decided to follow my dreams. My ex, Brantley, was going with me to LA. Val and Lottie were already down in LA. MJ would meet us shortly after.

It was fun for us living in LA at 17 but it got lonely. I missed my little sisters and big brothers. I missed waking up to Mom cooking for all 7 of us. I missed when Dad would pull out his guitar and make us all sing. I missed it all. But I told myself this will all pass. Once I turned 18, I got back in contact with my family. We all made up but I still keep my distance to protect myself.

After I snap back to reality, I get dressed and wake up the rest of the girls. " No Millie, I don't want to wake up." MJ pouts. "Come on we don't want to be late." After everyone gets up and gets ready. We head over to the concert venue.

My phone goes off and it's a text from my sister. "Thank you sis for the limo, we love you and are so proud of you." the text read. I smile and heart the message. We get there and go straight to hair and makeup. Our theme for our set today is Dark. So we all have black outfits. My outfit is a black mini skirt and cropped top with black boots . Lotties outfit is a black cropped long sleeve with grey pants and black platforms. MJs outfit is a black shirt with netting all through the front and black plants. Val's outfit was a black tank top, black cargo pants and tallish black boots.

 Val's outfit was a black tank top, black cargo pants and tallish black boots

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(Millie's outfit)

(Millie's outfit)

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