Chapter 15- Protecting me

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We play Deanna our demos about two weeks after we recorded them. It took us so long because the lyrics needed to be changed a lot. "Girls, I love the songs so much." DJ says while smiling. "Also tomorrow you guys have an interview with Randy Coffee again. Stella said you guys have some group chat and she'll send you some outfit pieces. I have to run girls. I love you." She says, blowing us all air kisses.

She leaves us a packet of stuff about our record deal. It states that we must have at least 12 songs to work with in order to produce this album. We created 14 so hopefully they like them. We meet with them in 3 days.

Val and Lottie go out with Mitch and C-Mac leaving MJ home with me. "Mil, Do you want to go out for dinner?" She's always so sweet. Growing up, I always felt bad for MJ. Kids would pick on her for wearing weird clothes. I would always push them away and help MJ when I could.

I throw on some leather pants,a white corset top and some chunky boots. "I'm ready to go!" I shout as we walk out to her car. We drive downtown looking for restaurants to eat at when we find a place. Finger Licking BBQ. Maybe I'm a bit overdressed but I can never say no to BBQ.

MJ and I walk inside to a booth. Our waiter is a huge fan of us so naturally we sign his paper. "So did Levi really cheat?" MJ asks. We've always been straight forward with each other. "Yeah with Bailey and another girl. I found a picture in the tabloids. I think her name was Maya." I shrug. There isn't much I can do about it. He made his own mess now he can clean up.

MJ just shakes her head. " He doesn't know what he's missing out on." I laugh. We order and get our food in a short time. "So if this record hits it off, DJ said we could go on our own tour!!" I say excitedly. MJ cheers with sorrow. "Madalyn? What's wrong?"

"I just don't like being so busy all the time. When it our tour, we can do shows every other day not back to back." We chuckle together. After dinner, We meet up with Lottie and Val. Val's been keeping her distance which is killing me but I need to stand firm.

We decide to hit up a go kart place. All four of us race around the track trying to beat one another. I come in first place. "Wooooohoooo!! Take that suckas!!" We do a couple more rounds before heading home. My birthday is in about 10 days.

"Mil, what do you want for your 21st birthday??" Lottie asks. I think about it for a sec "Honestly, I just want to spend it with you guys!"

Val has a smile turn up on her face. "Remember the time at your 16th birthday, Daniel got up on the table and started twerking. All the girls were going crazy for him." I start dying laughing.

"Yes and I was so embarrassed. But you stayed with me while I cussed him out." I pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry Mil. I honestly didn't know that he was cheating. I would've told you right then and there , had I known."

"It's okay. I trust you girls with my life. I love you all." We group hug before heading home. When I get home, I see someone on our porch.

"Levi, what the fuck? Get out of here." I shout. "Millie I'm sorry." He starts scratch his skin. His eyes are red and his pupils are shot. His clothes are completely mismatched and the smell coming from his body is unmatched to anything.

"Jesus Christ Levi. What the hell did you do?" I help him get up and put him in the bathtub. i help get him undressed and washed up.

"Amelia, I'm sorry. For everything. You were so good to me. You helped me quit and you didn't even know." I have a shocked look on my face as I'm washing his back so he can't see.

"I've been using drugs on and off since I was 17. The longest I've gone without was when we were together for almost a year. Being a rockstar, everything is right there for you. Top of the line shit." Even thought his face is wet, I can tell which droplets are tears.

"I relapsed almost a month ago. Actually right after the Detroit show. I'm so sorry Amelia. I truly am. This isn't who I am or who is want to be. " I just hug him, I don't even care that he's all wet. He wraps his arms around me too.

It's a sweet moment between us. I finish washing him up and help him to the couch. Im pissed at him but I would never mistreat him. I help him lay down before saying goodnight to him.

"Mil, my body hurts. Please lay with me. Don't make me beg."

I stop dead in my tracks. Fuck, he got me right in my chest. "Please Mil. I need you. Im tired. I haven't slept in days being worried bout you and well,being high. Please Mil."

He's my weakness. There's no doubt about it. "Let me get some sweats on and i'll be back, I promise." I walk up the stairs and change.

"Millie J, you need to be careful. I really don't want you hurt again." Lottie says. I give her a hug. "I know, me either. He's being using, he needs a non-addict person there helping him. He'll be gone in the morning I promise."

She smiles. She knows that's what I do. I help people. I walk back downstairs and see him struggling to sit up to grab his water cup. " Here, I got it." I say pushing him back. Making contact with those huge brown eyes, which are slowly going back to normal.

"Thank you, Mil. For everything. I lov-." I shush him. "Don't say anything you don't mean. Let's just go to bed." I lay on the couch next to him. He wraps an arm around my waist and nuzzles into my neck.

"Mil, would you please relax? It's not fun to sleep with a rock." I let my body relax a little. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to get hurt again. Levi, you ripped my heart out and stepped on it many times."

He lifts his head out from the crook of my neck. "I know Mil and I'm sorry. I'm checking into rehab tomorrow. I'll be different, I swear."

We snuggle into each other. I'm woken up by the early sun. He's still here, wrapped up by a blanket and cuddling my warm body. I sneak out of his arms to make some breakfast.

"Thank you, Mil. Would you actually drive me to the facility?" I nod. I want to make sure he gets there and gets the help he needs. We eat in comfortable silence. I grab my glasses ( yes i know nerdy but i need them) and head out to my car.

I make the 45 minute drive with Levi. We get there and he's nervous. "Don't be nervous Leaves. I'll be supporting you forever, even if we aren't dating." I reach across the front seat and hug him.

We look into each others eyes and our lips are magnetized. I don't realize I'm kissing him until after I do it. I get out of the car helping Levi walk into the rehab center.

Click. Click. Click.


Authors note: Millie is too kind. Drama in the next chapter....

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As always,


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