Chapter 5- Levi and Amelia

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(Warning: SMUT ahead, read at own risk!!)

"LJ, what are you doing here?" I question.
"I came to see you and apologize for being a dick earlier." I step aside and let him in the house.

"Where are the girls?" I ask giving him the cold shoulder. "With the rest of them. I just dropped them all off at Club Capri. Millie can I ask you something?" I nod my head yes.

"Why do you think you're not valued?" I was taken back by his question. I honestly never thought of it. "Have you seen the other girls? They're perfect. I wanted to be loved as much as the other band mates, even if I'm not as attractive."

"But you are gorgeous, Millie. When I first seen you, my eyes were drawn to you. Not your friends. I was drawn to your crazy curly hair, your beautiful tan skin, the way you dance, the way your girls are always your top priorities. I loved your voice on the track. Not Lottie's or Val's or MJ's. Yours."

I'm shocked by the words he just spoke. "You really noticed that?" He looks back at me with the don't be dumb face. "Remember when I said when I loved your voice without even knowing I was telling the A-Vam star herself? That was real."

At this point he's standing so close that I can smell his cologne. It smells so good. He puts his face so close to mine just like he did at the concert. He grabs the back of my neck lightly and pulls my face closer as we lock lips.

Sparks get sent through my entire body. My arms link around his neck as his other hand goes to my waist. His hand slowly moves down to my butt and squeezes it. I press closed to his front. He groans in response.

He moves down to my neck. I don't even try to stop him. He really good at this. I'm melting at every touch he makes. He makes his way up to my ear and whispers "Where's your room?"

I lead him up the stairs and into mine and Val's shared room. I lay down on the bed and he lays on top. "You're... so... beautiful.. Millie J..." He mumbles inbetween kisses,which he's placing everywhere.

"Then dont be a wussy and do it." I say in a playful tone. He looks deep into my eyes before placing a kiss to my lips. He starts by flipping us over so Im on top. He scoots up so his back is on my head board and I'm on his lap. He takes my shirt off swiftly.

"Please, fuck me. I can't take this anymore, LJ." That must've lit a fire under his butt because he's back on top taking my shorts and panties off. He stays in between my legs for a second before looking up at me with a sly smirk.

He sticks his tongue out and licks my private. I let out the biggest moan. "Yes,baby, talk to me" LJ says. Oh my gosh, It's been so long since i've had this. My last time was with my ex, i swear i fell asleep during our time together. He keeps kissing and licking before he comes up to my chest.

I've always had big boobs my whole life. LJ seems to really enjoy them as he keeps licking and sucking on them. "Look i'm a vampire." LJ says proudly. I check it out and there's hickies all over my chest. He ignores me and takes his own shirt off. My lord he's ripped, all those baggy clothes threw me off guard.

I get the courage to lick his abs up and down. After I did it a couple times, he grabs my chin and pulls me up to his lips. He groans into our kiss. I start to undo his belt and he pushes my hands away. "I got this, baby, just relax. I know you're getting greedy." He chuckles.

He finally gets his pants and boxers off. I was so mesmerized by his private. It was perfect for me. He pulls out a condom from his jean pocket. "Are you okay with this, Millie?" He asks while rolling on the condom.

"Yes." And with that, he wastes no time entering me. I have to grip onto his back and wrap my legs around him. "Fuck LJ. Oh my gosh" I say eyes rolling back. He takes that as a sign to go faster. Just as it was getting better. he pulled out.

"Whyd you stop?" I say pouting. "Don't be a brat, there's more positions than missionary." He flips me onto my stomach and pulls my legs so i'm on my knees. I arch my back as i feel him enter me for a second time. He grabs a fist full of hair so he can reach my ear. "See, you fucking little brat, you just have to be patient with me. It more fun for me seeing you beg for my cock."

The way his breath ticks down my neck and the words me spoke caused me to clench around him. He groans into my ear. " Fuck, I liked that." He slaps my ass as a good girl reward. He pulls out again. LJ flips me back around and tells me to sit on my ass as he climbs off the bed

He takes the condom off and comes closer to where i was. He places his private near my lips. "LJ, i've never done this before." I say with cheeks red as tomatoes. "I'll talk you through it, beautiful girl. Just follow what I say"

" up... swirl your tongue, Shit just like that. Now try to fit what you can in your mouth, Damn. Now swirl around again. Shit you don't need me, you're good at this." He hisses. I look up at him through my eyelashes as his hands are all through my hair. "I'm close, just keep doing what you're doing. Don't stop." He says with the sexiest breathing ever.

I feel a warm substance hit the back of my throat. "Good job, my love. You did so good. I'm so proud of you baby girl." He says while climbing into bed with me. He kisses my cheek too. "I'll be right back, LJ"

"You can call me Levi. That's my real name."
He trusts me enough to know his real name. My heart starts to melt. " Okay Levi. You can call me Amelia. That's my real name."


She trusted me enough to say her real name. She's so beautiful. I think she's so special. I finally go onto my phone while she's in the bathroom. 10 missed calls from Mitch the Bitch. Shit, I should probably call him back. I'm too tired, I'm sure it's nothing.

~Millie's POV~

I go into the bathroom to pee. I go on my phone. 10 missed calls from Valentina Rain.
Shit, I call her back while i'm on the toilet. "Yes Valentina. You guys can stay at the boys house. Please use a condom though. Love you Val."

A night with just LJ- I mean Levi. I go and crawl back into bed with a sleeping Levi. I cuddle up to him as close as I can. He must've felt my presence because he wrapped his arms around me tight.

I like this. It feels good. It might be less than a month since my breakup, but Levi gives Brantley a run for his money. I fall asleep soundly.


Authors note: Y'all this was my first time writing anything like this so please comment if you liked it or if you'd like me to add more! Chapter 6 should be fun but mellow. I wonder what Amelia and Levi will do next.

As always,


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