Chapter 9- Shopping date

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Two weeks after LJ and I's kiss, we've been hanging out. It's honestly so exciting to have a little fling with him.We hook up on occasion but it's casual. The girls and I leave in 1 week for our tour.

We get to tour with Henderson Care. Every single day we have practice. It's been hell but it's so worth it.

"Millie Moo-Moo, whatcha doinnnnn?" Lottie asks me as she flops down on my bed. "Just working on some computer work." I say while setting my laptop down on my bed. "I wanna go out but MJ is with Jonny D and Val is passed out."

Lottie is always down to go out so I naturally agree to go out. I throw on a pair of cargo pants, one of LJ's oversized tees he left over and some Jordan's before leaving with Lottie. Lottie and I aren't the closest in the band but since Mitch and LJ are best friends, her and i have been hanging out more. We've gone on double dates like every other day with them. We let Val know that we are leaving without her. She just gives us a thumbs up considering she's still half asleep.

We take my Jeep and head to Glendale Galleria. "Mil, Let me tell you about what happened at my parents house." She goes on with her story talking about how her little brother got caught with a girl in his room. His parents gave him barely even a punishment. "But if I were to do that, I would've gotten beat up." I start bursting out laughing.

"It reminds me of the time Daniel got caught with a girl in MY car and I wasn't allowed to be upset about it." I say, still salty about it.

"Parents." we both say looking at each other.

We get to the mall and head straight to American Eagle. Lottie starts talking about random stuff before I spot my ex in the men's section. "Lottie, shut up, look." Her eyes get large. "Oh hell no, he doesn't get to be within 5000 miles of you." She screams before trying to storm over there. I catch her arm before she lands herself in jail.

"BOO!" I hear two booming voices scream at us. "Dude what the fuck?" Lottie screams. We turn around to see LJ and Mitch. "What are you doing here, Charlotte?" Mitch says before slanging his arm around her shoulders. " We came here for some shopping before going to get a fill." Lottie says, obviously annoyed that they scared us.

Mitch just gives her an eyebrow. "A fill is to get our nails before we leave for tour, Mitch." I explain. "You're just a dumbass, Shawn Mitchell. Now that you've ruined girls day, you can pay for my clothes." She says, while walking away with a huge smile plastered across her face. Mitch rolls his eyes and follows her. "Wait for me, Lottie K." He calls after her.

"Hi baby. Are you doing okay?" Levi says, giving me a hug. I nod my head yes and continue looking through the jeans. "Hey good lookin, miss me?" The annoying voice rung through my ear like nails on a chalkboard. Brantley. Fucking hell.

He comes over, very obviously seeing LJ, and puts his arm on my lower back almost butt area. I push his arm away as fast I can.

~LJ's POV~

When I seen his hand go on her ass, all i seen was red. I wanted to beat his ass for touching her like that. With me right there. Seeing her so fucking uncomfortable made me SICK.

"Hey buddy. Why don't you just go the other way, huh?" I say pulling Amelia closer. She's my girl, I need to protect her.

"Excuse me who the fuck are you? Millie is my girl." This douche says. He's playing with fire at this point.

"The hell I am!" Millie shouts, standing up for herself. Yep, that's my baby. "Mil, stop playing and come back. I'll support you through everything!" God, does this guy ever shut the fuck up? Like bruh take the hint and leave.

"She's actually my girl. So you can go elsewhere, thanks." I say while waving bye. "Nah she ain't she still loves me." Oh my gosh, this prick is just waiting for a beat down.

"I don't know pal. She was just screaming my name last night, begging for me fuck her better than her ex did. I think it's time to move on brotha." I say giving him a fake pat on the back.

I pull Mil away from him as fast as I can, not giving him a chance to even speak. "Thank you so much,Leaves." She says wrapping her arms around me. Leaves. I haven't heard that in so long. She actually gave me a nickname. I think I might love this girl.

~Millie's Pov~

After getting away from my ex, I thank Leaves from the bottom of my heart. We pay for our stuff before meeting Mitch and Lottie. "Look at how long this receipt is." Lottie says pulling it out. It's as long as her arm! "This girl wiped me clean out of money. I don't know what i'm gonna do with her." He cares so deeply about her, it's too painfully obvious.

We finish up at the mall. "Now we have to go get our nails did for tour." Lottie says to Mitch. "I wanna get my nails done too." Levi says. I'm shocked. "Only if you're paying, Mister." I say half joking. He grabs my hand and we walk to my car. He jumps in the front seat. With Mitch and Lottie in back seat.

We get to the nail salon and my favorite nail tech. "HEYY BIG BOOTY BITCH!!" Tiffany says, giving me a huge hug. Tiff has been doing my nails for years. "Who is this fine ass man you got with you girl?" Tiff smirks and looks him up and down. "This is Levi, he's from the band Propaganda. He's my boyfriend." Tiff smiles widely and winks.

She takes me back to her station while Derrick, who is amazing at pedis, takes Mitch and LJ to the pedicure chair. "Lottie, I'm so excited for tour. I think it'll be fun." Lottie picks out her nail color and makes small talk with Holly, her nail tech.

"Holy shit, this tickles but feels so good." Mitch shouts. "God he is so loud and embarrassing." Lottie says, obviously in love. The boys get done before us. "Y'all have been paid for by those handsome fellas over there." Linda the owner says.

As I walk out,  I thank him with a kiss on the cheek. "You owe me. Something very special ." He says winking. I roll my eyes. After stop at IN-AND-OUT,we drop the boys off and head back home. I carry all my bags upstairs, to find MJ passed out in my bed and Val passed out in hers.

I throw my bags down, change into shorts and a t-shirt, and climb over MJ into my bed. Shortly after, I hear the door open and Lottie climb into bed with Val. I get a text from LJ.

LJ: Thank you for such a fun day, Mil. I love you so much.

WHAT?? He said he loves me....


Authors note: Im SO sorry for getting this out so late!! i hope you enjoy this chapter!!

please vote and remember to drink your water!!🫶🏽

As Always

Ari <3

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