Chapter 11- Tour day 1

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Today is the day the girls and I leave for tour. I'm beyond excited. "Girls wake up!! It's time for tour!" I call down the hall to MJ and Lotties room. Deanna decided to invite a stylist for this tour which I'm beyond grateful for.

We all make our way downstairs and I find all four members of Propaganda asleep on our sectional. We had one last get together before 3 months of touring. "BOYS! you gotta get out right now!" I say as I jump on Levi. Slowly but surely they all get up and leave. I make sure to kiss Levi before he goes.

"Baby, I know how tours get. Just text me every once and a while to make sure your alive. I love you and stay safe." He says,kissing me.
Levi is such a sweetheart. Before he leaves, he gets a call from his manager, Dave. "So you weren't going to tell me you had a girlfriend? The tabloids found out before me?" Dave screams on the other end of the line.

"It's not that big of a deal, Dave. It'll all blow over. Byeee." He kisses me once more before he goes. We get all of our suitcases piled up by the door before we run through everything we need once last time. "Guitars,drums and bass will all be picked up by Deanna's crew. Tons of clothes, check. MJ, we got her, check!" Lottie calls out.

We haul our suitcases toward the big Yukon SUV that was our shuttle to Phoenix. Ring, Ring. Ring, Ring. I answer without looking at the caller ID.


"Amelia, is that you?"

I almost dropped my phone. I stutter, "Ye- Yes, Hi Mom." The girls all whip their heads around. I haven't talked to my mother in over a year.

"I hope you're doing good. We are all coming to your show in Detroit. By we, I mean all 6 of us, grandma, grandpa, aunt Taylor, uncle Jim and all your cousin."

I almost shit and throw up at the same time. What the hell. 

I decide not to cause any drama so that is why I reply with just an "Okay"

"I love you Amelia. I'm proud of you."

I hang up the phone before I respond. Why would she tell me now? Everyone is coming to to my show. "What did she say Mil?" MJ asks.

"My whole family is coming to our Detroit show."

We sat in silence for the rest of the drive. When we get to the venue, Henderson Care is there waiting for us. "Hi girls!! We are so happy to have you guys here!!" Leader, Brandy Wine says. She gives us a little tour before showing us to our glam and backstage room.

Lottie flops down on the couch. "This is so surreal. I can't believe we made it!" Val shouts. We all squeal before our stylist walks in. "Hi girls , I'm Stella Monae! I'm 23 and I'm one of the top stylist in the West Coast." We each sit down with her and talk about our fashion pieces.

By the time we are done, it's time to eat. We make our way to the dinning area. Jaylynn and Brandy introduce us to the tour staff. After we eat, we get to our hotel rooms. I fall asleep next to MJ.

The next day we wake up around 11. Our show isn't until 8:30 so we have time to kill. MJ and I decide we want to go out to a couple stores. "You guys can leave but you have to be back by 3. Also you guys now have security, We don't want you hurt." Deanna says.

We walk down the streets of Phoenix laughing, talking and singing. " Millie, I think I love Jonny D. I was talking to my sister,Addisen, and she thinks he loves me back." I whip my head around to look at her. "He has a whole instagram highlight just for you and y'all aren't even official yet. He def loves you." We both laugh.

We stop for a quick snack before going back to the venue. We get hair, makeup and outfits done before our set. "A-Vam on 3. 1,2,3 A-VAM!!" We all shout before running onto the stage.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" I say into the mic. "We are gonna start off with a cover song by Lana Del Ray called Trash Magic." The crowd erupts into cheers. I start to sing and my eyes scan the crowd. Tucked into the corner is Levi, Jonny D, C-Mac and Mitch. They came to support us on our first tour.

After Trash Magic, I start with our own song "Scream" followed by our other new song "1000 miles". The crowd loved 1000 miles and I can tell the boys love it too. We finish off our set with "Sign of the times" by Harry Styles. The song starts with me playing the piano then the other girls join in shortly after.

Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
Welcome to the final show
Hope you're wearing your best clothes
You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
You look pretty good down here
But you ain't really good

I start to tear up at the piano. This song has so much emotion and the crowd is loving it.

~LJS Pov~

My gosh she looked gorgeous singing and playing the piano. The emotion and control she has in her voice is something I have to train to do. She just does it so effortlessly. I'm beyond proud of her.

~Mitch Pov~

Lottie is the best guitarist I know. She's so beyond talented. I see the tears form in her eyes. I'm so proud of her even if she fake hates me. I know she loves me.

~C-Mac Pov~

My gosh, Val is going ham on the drums. They are all playing with emotion that is beyond comprehension. They are gonna go so far. I'm gonna stand behind Valentina the whole way. I love that girl.

~Jonny D Pov~

My girl. She's so beautiful. I'm so proud of her. She is playing that bass like her life depends on it. She has overcome so many fears and I just love her with my whole heart. I'm asking her after the concert to be my girlfriend.

~Back to Millie's pov~

We finish the song and i see all of us crying. We played this song with everything we had. We thank the crowd and run off the stage. This tour is gonna be amazing!!


Authors note: I'm so happy with this chapter. I'm loving this story. I hope you all are too!!

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As always,

Ari <3

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