Chapter 10- Quality Time

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(This chapter is gonna be written through only LJ pov)

Shit, no way i just texted Millie that. I hope she doesn't think Im a weirdo.

I try to fall asleep but I can't. Every scenario of what she's thinking is racing through my mind currently. I feel like the 10 year old little boy again wondering how much longer until mommy says it back.

Growing up being the oldest of 3 sisters you know the drill. Girls will overanalyze every last thing you do. You cough too hardly, they think you don't love them anymore. You get used to it.

My parents were very addicted to drugs. Every night,not knowing where they were at. My mom,when she was pregnant with each of us kids, she was still using. After she had my littlest sister, Olivia, CPS was finally contacted and we were placed in the states care.

My uncle stepped up to raise all of us. I was 10. My sisters all ages 7,4, and 1. My uncle Chris, played guitar and taught me how to. I then found out that i could sing too. I met Mitch in 6th grade, he lived on my block. We found Jonny D and C-Mac in our 6th grade band class. We all became friends and Propaganda was formed.

My sisters Melody, Nicole and Olivia all live in Florida still with Uncle Chris. I'm forever grateful for that man saving our lives. I woke up the next day with a major headache and I didn't even drink. I call my sisters.

"How's my best girls??" I say smile plastered on my face. Oliva's face lit up. "We are doing okay here. Uncle Chris is in the hospit-" She earns a quick hand covering the mouth from Nicole. "We are doing fine over here. I have it all taken care of." Melody says.

I raise my brow to her comment. "Is Uncle Chris in the hospital?" I ask in a stern tone. No one would answer me. "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

Mel shrugs her shoulders , "You're busy, why would we interrupt your life?" I feel myself getting angrier and angrier. "I always have time for my family though! You girls know you're my priority. I'm coming to Florida."

Nicole shakes her head. "No LJ it's okay. He'll be okay in a couple days." I roll my eyes. "Well how's school?" I say trying to change the subject. "Mel dropped out." Olivia says, earning her another clamp to the mouth.

Now I've really lost it. "Melody Annmarie Adams, what the hell? YOU DROPPED OUT!"
Im pissed. More than pissed. " It wasn't for me, now Im doing freelance art." I know i have no room to talk considering I didn't even go to college, but Im making roughly about the same as a NEUROSURGEON! "Melody, what the fuck? You wasted my fucking money for you to make some shitty art projects no one will buy."

"Your money?" Melody asks,confused. "Yes I paid for your tuition. ALL of it. I sent Uncle Chris the money." Her face just hangs. "Im sorry Levi. I didn't know."

"It's fine, just make your little art projects and do your stupid shit you want to do. When you make 36,000 dollars to pay me back, let me know." I say just spit balling whatever is in my head.

"You're sounding like dad." Nicole says. Fuck, that stung so bad. My dad, James, would hold everything over our head constantly. He would take us for a court-mandated outing and he'd expect us to pay him back for ice cream. He had enough, he was a dealer for gosh sakes. But he blew it all at a casino or booze constantly.

"I'm sorry girl. You guys are my world. I just wish you'd come to me more when you guys are struggling. I have the money. More than enough." They all nod their heads.

"I love you guys so much."

"We love you too, big brother."

A couple days go by since I sent Amelia that message. She hasn't responded yet. I think about deleting it all the time. She's leaving for tour in two days, I need to see her before she leaves.

I drive to her house only to be greeted by Jonny D. "Hey Levi. You here to see Mil?" I shake my head yes. He lets me past and I sprint up to her room. She's laying there on her computer in booty shorts and a see through white tank top.

"Hey baby." She looks up at me and smiles. My gosh this girl is the most beautiful in the whole wide world. "Hi Leaves!! What are you doing here?" She says while jumping up to give me a hug. Her ass is hanging out of her shorts and I can't help but take a peek over her shoulder when she hugs me.

We climb into her bed before turning on Netflix. She had taken her beautiful curls out of the bun they were and she laid her head on my chest. "Hey Mil, I'm sorry about my text."
she looks at me with confusion. "Why are you sorry? I'm sorry for not replying, I've been so busy and we leave for tour in two days."

Oh, I forgot about tour. "Let's go out!" I shout way too loudly. "OOO there's a carnival in town let's go!!" Millie shouts just as loud. We both jump out of bed and get some clothes on. Mil and I both decide to invite our bands with us.

Lottie and Mitch ride with us. Jonny D, MJ, Val and C-Mac ride in Jonny D's car. Once we get there and pay to get in, lots of girl fans come up to my band mates and I. "OMG LJ you're my fav!!" This girl says as she pretty much jumps on me. I hug her back as Millie walks of with the other girls, leaving us guys stranded.

After we get away from the mob, we meet them in line at the zipper. "Oh my gosh Mil, You have to go with me." Val shouts. "It'll be like old times" She says back as they squeal. I really want to ask Millie to be my girlfriend but tour is coming up and I don't want to ruin anything.

I get stuck riding with C-Mac who screamed like a sissy the whole time. "Amelia, let's get snow cones!" MJ says. She nods her head yes and they sprint ahead of us. She's so adorable.
While we are waiting in line, a little girl no older than 8 years old runs up to Mil and MJ.

"You guys are A-Vam!! I'm coming to see you guys on tour. I love your music. Can you sign this for me?" Millie's face just lights up with excitement. She pulls the sweet and innocent girl into a huge hug. She signs the girls lemonade cup before she runs off with her mom.

"My heart is so full. Is this what you go through, Leaves?" I nod. "Yes always but the looks on their faces, makes me so happy." I pay for her snowcone and we sit on a bench near by.

"Hey baby. I've been wondering for a long time. We've been on and off and i think we really like each other. Well i know i like you. But would you be my girlfriend?"

She looks at me with eyes of excitement. "Yes, of course Levi. I like you a lot too. You bring the best kind of chaos into my life and I love how you make me feel. I would be honored to be your girlfriend." I pull her into the tightest hug. This is my for real life girlfriend.


Fuck, it's the paparazzi. Why today of all days? Millie grabs my face and just kisses me. "I love you,boyfriend." I'm shocked, I don't know what to do so i just say "I love you more ,girlfriend." and kiss her again.

By the time everyone gets their food and rides the rides they want to, the fair is closing. "We are all going to a bar. LJ and Mil y'all want to come?" Mitch asks. I shake my head no. I'm too tired. I just want to go to bed. Mitch and Lottie go with Jonny D as Mil and I drive to her house.

She strips down into her just underwear, which is a black lacy thong. She knows black is my favorite color. Millie climbs into bed and I climb in right after. "Goodnight Levi." as she pecks my lips ever so softly. "Goodnight Mil, I don't know how long I'll be able to sleep for though."

At 2:30 am, she wraps her leg around my waist. I just cuddle into her deeper and she moans in response. "Oh yes baby, pull my hair, I will I will just for you, kiss me Leaves kiss me." Millie starts to say. "Baby what are you doing?" I ask wondering why she's talking like that. Then I realize, she's sleep talking. She's having a sex dream about me and is sleep talking.

I learn something new about my girl everyday.


Authors note: I hope you guys like it . I think half of the next chapter will be LJS POV and then the rest Millie's.

Remember stay safe and drink water!!

Don't forget to vote too!!

As always,

Ari <3

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