Chapter 19- Release Party

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I waited in my car for a good 20 minutes before walking into the facility. I haven't talked to Levi since our fight about a week ago.

You got this, Millie. You got this.

I walk inside and I'm met with a sweet lady.

"Hi beautiful, who are you here to see?"

"Levi Adams, please." She smiles a sweet smile before handing me a stack of papers to fill out.

She shows me to the visitation room where Levi is. He looks healthy and gorgeous. "Millie, I didn't expect you to be here." He says as he stands up to give me a side hug.

"Yeah I came to apologize. I'm sorry Levi. I really am.I was extremely drunk."

"I know. Vinnie told me." My heart starts to beat.

"How do you know Vinnie?" My hands tremble  .

"Old friend. But Millie, is an addict all you think of me?" The tears pool in his eyes, he's forcing them not to fall but time will tell.

"No, Leaves. I don't. I think you're so strong for getting help and becoming a better you." I grip his hand, while mine were still shaking.

The tears stain his cheeks and my heart pangs. "I love you Millie. I really do."

"I love you too Leaves." We finish catching up and enjoying our time before I have to leave for a recording session.

Once I get to the studio, Jonny is there with the girls and has a bong. I take a fat hit off the bong before singing.

"Millie you gotta stop smoking that weed." DJ shouts through the mic into the recording booth. "You sound like a dead animal." I ignore her and start singing again. We finish recording before we plan to go out for dinner. We all love Mexican food so we chose a restaurant named Marias Taco place.

I drive over with Lottie. " So how was it seeing Levi?"

" It was fine. We said that we weren't gonna be together again. We are too toxic and the secrets are too much for us. I said that I still wanted to at least be friends with him but he had to think about it." The tears are starting to come to my eyes but I force them back down.

" You'll be good Mil, youre a strong girl. I support you through everything. Also did you see the article posted about you?" I shake my head no.

" It says you'll be set to go solo in a few years. Fans want to see Millie J as a solo act." My jaw drops. We've always been a band there was never not a time were we weren't together. I couldn't do it without them.

" Thats why we are going out for diner, we want to talk about how to end A-Vam. I'm engaged, Val is pregnant, and MJ is almost married and she's moved out for good. Yes we still want to play but fame over a regular life. I choose regular."

My heart feels like a burden in my chest. Never would I have thought that I would be going solo. I've always wanted to do this with my best friends for my whole life. I understand why they want to go solo. Val is going to bring a child into this world. That baby doesn't need to suffer paparazzi all because their mom and dad are famous rockstars.

We get to the restaurant and both, Propaganda and A-Vam are sitting together. No one says a thing as I sit down next to Val. The tension is so thick, I would need to cut it with a samurai. " So Val, you're pregnant?" I say breaking the tension.

" Yeah, baby boy. We want you to be the Godmom." Val says as she looks over to C-Mac. The love in his eyes, could never be mistaken. He loves Val and there's no supermodel, billionaire, actress that could change the love he has for her.

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