𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 1: 𝘔𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘖𝘯

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*you guys are yelling*
...: A MONTH?
*you calm down a bit*
Y/N: yes Zach it's been a month that we hardly talk
Zach: we talked two days ago
Y/N: Zach you asking me for the answers for history that wasnt us talking
Zach: then?
*you sit down on your bed*
Y/N: I missed the old us we don't talk like how we use to we use talk like we won't see each other in a few seconds or minutes or the next day
*he sits next to you*
Y/N: we don't try to work it out we're just letting each other slip I'm happy that you're blowing on socials but we no longer have time for each other
*a tear fell*
Y/N: I want us to f-
Zach: break up
*you look at him*
Y/N: what?
Zach: we should break up
*you look down*
Y/N: no
*he lifts your chin so you can look at him*
Zach: Y/N you have your photography and dance going on and I have my singing career
Y/N: I know but we can work this out
*he holds your hand*
Zach: I'm sorry Y/N just remember I will always love you and if we're meant to be maybe we'll try again and hope THE SPARKS RETURNS
*he stands up & looks at you*
Zach: goodbye Y/N Munoz
Y/N: Zach please don't
*he walks away*

I laid on my bed and grabbed his pillow that he leaves behind and started crying. That right there was my now ex boyfriend of 3 almost 4 years. We were doing good until someone posted him singing and went viral on all socials then everything went downhill from there. Anyways, let me introduce myself.

I'm Y/N Munoz and I'm 16 almost 17 years old. I'm a sophomore in high school. Im from New Jersey but I grew up in Dallas, Texas. My main focus in life is to become a tour photographer and a dancer.

Two months later.

I couldn't bring myself to bring his things over to his house. I was gonna send my sister to do but she moved to LA with her now husband. I honestly didn't think they were gonna move to LA but her husband got a job offer over there and my younger brother, Marco, can't go by himself plus he's with my dad, Christopher, for a father and son trip they do every year. So I have to do it on my own. I put everything in a box and drove over to his house.

I blocked Zach on everything and deleted his number. Just a few weeks before we ended things, he moved away and I don't know why. I was broken knowing I wouldn't see him again. What confuses me the most is that his parent and siblings are still here in Texas but he's not. I guess im gonna have to ask them.

A few minutes later.

I finally got to the Herron's house and I was a little bit nervous about seeing him or his family. I'll just leave it on their doorstep, ring the doorbell and just leave but I don't think that's gonna happen. I walked up to their doorstep and knocked on their door. I stayed there waiting for them to answer the door. In seconds, his mom, Myta shows up.

Myta: Y/N oh my god
*she pulls you in for a hug*
Myta: I haven't seen you in a while
Y/N: I know I just been busy with school, games and photography
Myta: come in
*you guys walked in*
Myta: do you want something to drink?
Y/N: I'll just have water please
Myta: of course
*she gets you a cup of water*
Myta: how are you? How's your family?
*she hands you a cup of water*
Y/N: I'm good we're all good uhm Arya got married and Marco is with my dad at their yearly trip so I'm stuck at home
Myta: oh my god when did she get married?
Y/N: a month ago it was just family they didn't want a big party
Myta: well tell her I said congratulations
Y/N: I will so how are you and your family?
Myta: we're doing good you know still trying to get through Zach leaving but you know he's doing what he loves
*you guys sat down at the backyard*
Y/N: about that where did he go?
Myta: oh I'm sorry baby he made us promise him to not tell you anything
Y/N: please Myta I miss him so much
*you felt a tear slipped & pulls you in side hug*
Myta: I know he misses you so much too
*Reese comes in running*
Reese: Y/N!
*you quickly wiped the tear away*
Y/N: oh hey Reese's
*you hugged her*
Reese: why you crying?
Y/N: oh it's nothing I was just telling your mom that I'm alone in my house
Reese: oh mama can she stay the night
Myta: that would be an amazing idea but you have to ask Y/N if she wants to
Y/N: oh I can't I don't think it's a go-
Myta: stay for the night I know it's gonna be hard but it's gonna be fine Josh and Ryan misses you
Reese: please Y/N!
*she starts to shake you as she begs*
Y/N: okay I'll go home get some clothes and come back
Reese: Zach has some of your clothes here come
*she grabs your hands & guides you to Zach's room*
Myta: we'll finish the conversation later

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