𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 12: 𝘛𝘰𝘶𝘳

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A few minutes later.

We were having laughs here and there. Arya was telling us that she's been hanging out with Myta since Kiana's birthday party. She asked me if I saw Zach in Hawaii since Myta told her he was gonna be there. I was about to answer when we heard cheering just a few tables away. There were a lot of people at one table so it was a bit loud.

Arya: anyways did you see him?
*she takes a bit of her food*
Y/N: oh uhm y-
*you heard someone call your name*
...: Y/N!
*you turned around to see the boys*
Y/N: oh my god hey guys
*you stand up & hugged them*
Y/N: what are you guys doing here?
Daniel: just having a tour dinner
Jonah: what about you guys?
Y/N: dad wanted to celebrate my birthday so birthday dinner
*Christopher clears his throat*
Y/N: oh right uhm guys these are my family that's my dad
*he stands up*
Christopher: hi I'm Christopher
*he shakes their hands*
Y/N: my baby brother Marco
*he shakes their hands*
Y/N: my older sister Arya
*she shakes their hands*
Arya: this is my family my husband Joshua and our kids Kiana, Alice and Noah
*Joshua shakes their hands as the kids wave*
Jack: nice to meet you guys I'm Jack this is Jonah, Daniel and Corbyn we're missing one
Y/N; oh yeah where is he?
Corbyn: he went to use the restroom
Christopher: so what do you guys do for living?
Jonah: oh we're in a band called Why Don't We
Arya: wait isn't Z-
*Zach comes towards you guys*
Zach: alright I'm ready let's g-
*he looks at all of you*
Kiana: Zach!
*she stands up & hugs him*
Zach: Ki! You gotten so big
*he lifts her up*
Christopher: Zachary
*Zach puts Kiana down & he shakes his hand*
Zach: Mr. Muñoz nice to see you again
Arya: Herron I see you continue with your singing
Zach: yeah I did
*you all stayed quiet*
Corbyn; uhm it was nice meeting you all but we got to go to
Joshua: good luck on your tour
Y/N: I'll talk to you guys later
Jack: we'll be waiting
Jonah: bye guys
All: bye

They all walked away as they wave goodbye. The table is officially awkward and quiet. My dad was about to say something until the waiters came with a piece of cake and singing happy birthday.

Zach's POV:

We got in the bus and it was a bit awkward in here. I was close to her dad but now he hates me. I understand him. If my daughter's boyfriend did what I did to Y/N, I would've hated him.

Right now, we're on our way to the hotel. It's been quiet since we've left the restaurant. I know the boys are wondering what happened.

Zach: just ask already
*they all talked at the same time*
Zach: one at a time
Jonah: what happened back there?
Corbyn: how do you know Y/N's family?
Daniel: why did Y/N's dad say your name like that?
Jack: why did her sister say "I see you continued with your singing"?
*they all look at him as he sighs*
Zach: before we came to LA Y/N and I dated for almost 4 years but the day we moved to LA I broke up with her
All: what?!
Daniel: why?
Zach: At that time I told her we should focus on our career but i recently told her in Corbyn's party that I didn't think she would handle the fans I'll be getting
Jack: that's just cold Zachary
Zach: I know I know
*he stands up & runs his hands in his hair*
Jonah: why didn't you tell her earlier instead of waiting for years to tell her?
Zach: because when I broke up with her I blocked her on everything I changed my number and I told my family and our friends to not tell her anything where I am, how I am nothing
Corbyn: that was a fucked up move Herron
Zach: I know and I've apologized to her a bunch of times
Jonah: did she forgive you?
Zach: I don't know but when we were in Hawaii I took her to see the dolphins and we hold hands and had the best time then we went to dinner and the club
Jack: and you guys slept in the same bed
Zach: we did and we ended up doing it on the balcony
All: what?!

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