𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 8: 𝘒𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢'𝘴 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺

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After dinner.

After dinner, I came in my room to lock myself in. All the lights were off so everyone is sleeping. Once I got in my room, I turned on the lights and went straight to my closet to get my comfy clothes. I went in the bathroom to take off my makeup. When I turned off the bathroom lights, I heard a groan coming in my room. I looked around my room to see someone laying down on my bed. I walked to the other side to see Noah. I softly shake him.

*he slowly wakes up*
Y/N: hey baby
Noah: hi
*he sits up & you sit next to him*
Y/N: what are you doing here?
Noah: I had a nightmare and my parent's room is locked so I came here like I always do but you weren't here
Y/N: oh I'm sorry bud but I'm here now so how about...
*you get him up & carry him*
Y/N: we make ourselves hot chocolate
Noah: yeah
*you walked towards the door*
Y/N: we got to be quiet okay?
Noah: okay

We walked downstairs and I put him on the kitchen step stool for the kids to use. I took out the ingredients.

Y/N: alright bud slowly pour the milk, okay?
*he smiles at you & pours the milk*
Noah: like that?
Y/N: just like that...okay now add the cocoa powder and I'll add the sugar
*you had him the cocoa powder & you got the sugar*
Y/N: pour it in slowly

30 minutes later.

We finished making the hot chocolate and we put a few cookies on a plate. We were about to head up until there was a knock on the door.

Y/N: take the plate and pick out a movie in my room I'll be there in a sec
Noah: okay be careful
Y/N: I will
*you gave him a kiss on the head & he walks up*
Y/N: who's here this late?
*you walked towards the door & put on a hoodie*
Y/N: it better not be a creep
*you look through the peephole to see Brandon*
Y/N: fuck!
*you opened the door & closed it behind you & crossed your arms*
Y/N: what?!
Brandon: I came to talk to you
Y/N: it's late we'll talk later
Brandon: no we need to talk right now
Y/N: go talk to your booty call
*you were about to open the door until he placed his hand on yours*
Brandon: please Y/N
*you sighed as you rolled your eyes*
Y/N: 10 minutes
Brandon: she means nothing to me
Y/N: sure she doesn't
Brandon: she doesn't the only one that means so much to me is you, my family, my fans and my career
Y/N: did you really think I wouldn't have caught you in your lies Brandon?
Brandon: please Let's not end this not now not ever I love you Y/N with everything in me please give me a second chance
*you crossed your arms*
Y/N: I give you another chance and then you get another booty call just to break my heart no Brandon I'm not gonna do that
Brandon: please babygirl I can't lose you not like this
*he holds your hand as tears slip*
Y/N: you broke my heart Arreaga im not just gonna hope you'll fix it for you to do it again
Brandon: im not please Y/N Let's work this out
*he gives you a kiss but you don't kiss back*
Y/N: I need time to think about it
*you step back*
Y/N: we'll talk later just not now
Brandon: I'll do anything for you so if you need space I'll give it to you but just know I'll be waiting
*he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek*
Brandon: goodnight babygirl
*you closed the door as you walked back inside*
...: who was that?
*you jumped a little*
Y/N: oh god
*you quickly wiped the tears away*
Y/N: Arya what are you doing up?
Arya: I heard a knock so I came down but I heard you talking
Y/N: it was Brandon he wants another chance
Arya: are you going to give it to him?
Y/N: I don't know
*you start to cry as she pulled you closer to hug you*
Arya: take your time you can figure it out when you're on this tour
Y/N: I just need to figure this out before I leave because I want to enjoy my time away not thinking about anything
Arya: okay whatever you need imma go check up on my kids
Y/N: Noah is in my room
*she looks at you confused*
Y/N: nightmare
Arya: ahh okay well goodnight
Y/N: goodnight

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