𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11: 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦⚠️

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They all smile at me as the waiter approached our table with their drinks. After a while, we all gave our order and talked amongst each other.

Almost 2 hours later.

We decided to get drinks to end my birthday night. After everything that happened today, drinks are definitely needed. We went to a nearby bar that's close to the restaurant but a bit far from the hotel. We've been here for 30 minutes and most of us are either drunk or tipsy.

Y/N Besson: come Y/N let's go dance
Y/N: sure
*she grabs your hand as you looked at the guys*
Y/N: you guys coming?
Zach: later

Once we got on the dance floor, we started dancing like there's no tomorrow. Soon the boys came over and started dancing with us. Of course the rest of the guys went to dance with other girls.

3 hours later.

My birthday night ended with me being drunk as well as the rest of the crew. Even though I'm drunk, I'm still responsible.

Y/N: alright guys this has been fun but I do got a plane to catch in a few hours so imma head out
Zach: you're drunk I'm not letting you go by yourself so I'm ending the night too
Corbyn: yeah I think we all are
Jonah: we got a plane to catch too
Y/N: are you guys going back home?
Jack: no we're going to Texas
Y/N: no way me too
Y/N Besson: great I'm taking you guys to the airport
*she gives you all a smile*
Corbyn: should we get going?
*he grabs Y/N's hand*
Y/N: yeah but where's Daniel?
Jack: I think he's talking to some girl
Y/N: should we let him know we're leaving
All: yeah

A few minutes later.

We finally got to our hotel room. Zach and I dropped down on the bed. Who would have thought my bad day could become into a good one. I turned around to face the ceiling.

Y/N: thank you for today Zach
*he turns his head to look at you*
Zach: you deserve to have the best birthday especially this one
Y/N: yeah you really helped make it better
*you turned to look at him*
Zach: I did didn't I?

We both chuckled and stared at each other for a bit. I hate drunk me right now.


I leaned in and kissed him. I could tell it took him by surprise but he did kiss back. I moved to straddle his lap while moving my lips down to his neck. His hands landed on my thighs. I started to tug on his shirt so he can take it off and he did. He started to slip my dress up as he starts to suck on my neck. We pulled away for a bit so I can take off my dress. As I'm taking it off, I walk to the balcony.

Zach: where you going?
Y/N: there's a beautiful sunset that's about to end I want to see it before it ends and...
*you opened the slide doors*
Y/N: I always wanted to have sex on the balcony
Zach: so you want everyone to hear you scream my name
Y/N: yess daddy

He runs towards me and lifts me up by my thighs. We started to kiss with full passionate and intimacy. He sits me down on the recliner chair that's on the patio. He rolls my underwear down my thighs and tossed away from us. Let's just say we fuck on every inch of that balcony into the room.

Next Morning.

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I check to see it 5 in the morning. I only slept for 5 hours which isn't much for me. I grabbed whatever shirt was close to me and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and ready for this flight. I started to prepared my shower when I heard Zach's phone ringing.

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