𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 6: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵⚠️

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I was a bit taken back to what Brandon had asked me. I don't even know how to answer him and I'm sure right now he's thinking the worst.

Brandon: are you gonna give him a chance?
Y/N: that's what I want to talk to you about
Brandon: okay
Y/N: do you think I should? I mean i don't want you or your fans to think I'm gaining feelings again for him or cheating on you with this second chance
*he grabs your hand*
Brandon: I would never think bad of you and I know you got a big heart and you would forgive anyone so if you do want to give him a chance I'm fully supportive
Y/N: what about your fans?
Brandon: baby i don't care about their opinion on our relationship it's our relationship as long as we know what's going on that's all I care about
*he kisses you*
Brandon: so if you want to give him a chance, that's up to you but just know if he cross that line I'll beat him up good
*you sit on his lap as he places his hands on your waist*
Y/N: thank you baby
*you kissed him*
Y/N: I love you
*he kisses you*
Brandon: I love you
*he moves his hands on your ass*
Brandon: now about the offer earlier
*you leaned closer*
Y/N: oh it's still on


He pulled me in for another kiss. It got heated real quick. He picked me up and carried me to his room without breaking the kiss. He threw me on his bed and we both take off our shirts. I pulled him down for another kiss as he lifts my leg up as we're making out. He starts to leave hot kisses down from neck to edge of my panties. He slowly takes them off and without a pause he starts to aggressively eating me out. Let me tell you...he KNOWS what he's doing.

Moans coming out of my mouth as I felt a knot form in my stomach and released on him. He kissed me making me taste myself and he takes off his sweats and boxers and slammed into me. He gave me no time to adjust to his size before thrusting in and out of me making tears form in my eyes from pleasure. He reached down rubbing circles on my clit making reach my climax quicker.

He placed his hand on my throat still thrusting in and out of him. In minutes, I felt him twitched inside of me letting me know he was close. Since I can unhook my bra from the front, I move his hand down so he can unhook it. He started to caress my chest making him groan. He gave me three had thrust before cumming inside of me as well as I did.

We switched positions and I start leaving my marks as I slide my hand down to his dick and started caressing it. I tugged on lips and passionately kissing him. I put him in me and started jumping on it and we both started releasing moans and groans. Before he releases, I started to pleasure him. After a while, he released and I kissed him so he can take himself. I dropped next to him and pulled me onto his chest.

Y/N: the boys are definitely gonna give us shit for this
Brandon: I don't think so
Y/N: you don't think so?
Brandon: no i had you scream louder before this was nothing
*you softly slapped him*
Brandon: you know it's true
Y/N: yeah whatevers
*you guys kissed*
Y/N: goodnight baby
Brandon: goodnight baby girl

We gave each other another kiss and I grabbed the shirt I had on and put it back on. In seconds, I turned off the lamp on his nightstand and faced the other way as he pulled me closer and leaving his arm around my waist.

Next Morning.

I woke up early today because I have to open up the store since I don't have class today. I took a quick shower and all that. I blow dry my hair to do a hairstyle *swipe to see*. After a while, I put on Brandon's shirt and one of my biker shorts that I left here. I walked to the kitchen and started to make myself and the boys breakfast.

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