𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 16; 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦

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Brandon: no you were perfect for me Y/N
*he sighed*
Brandon: the next day when I asked your dad's permission I was gonna surprise you I had a whole thing planned I was gonna set up a big surprise in your room but when I saw the door slightly open...
*you sighed knowing what he's going to say*
Brandon: I'm heard you crying and saying you shouldn't have done that and you should just move on so I thought you cheated on me
Y/N: ba-Brandon I didn't cheat on you I would never
Brandon: I know...so I was waiting for you to confess
Y/N: so since I didn't confess you decided to cheat?
Brandon: no of course not I was gonna break up with you when we came back from Hawaii but...
Y/N: she came out to Hawaii
Brandon: I had ended it with her when you caught us and I wanted to fix us before we ended things but she came wanting me back I kept telling her I don't want nothing to do with her she kept begging me to take her back but I couldn't because I wanted to be with you and only you
*you stand up & sat next to him*
Y/N: I want us to be together but I can't I gave you so many chances even before we dated I just can't do it again
*you placed a hand on his cheek*
Y/N: I'm sorry B I really am but I just want us to be friends after all we are family
*he grabs your hand & holds it*
Brandon: I know and I'm sorry for hurting you Y/N
Y/N: I know you are because I know you and I know for a fact your mom didn't raise a dickhead
*you both laugh*
Brandon: we good?
Y/N: we're good unless you want me to hate you
Brandon: no of course not
*you both smiled at each*
Brandon: so you're giving Zach another chance?
Y/N: what?
Brandon: oh come on you're his tour photographer you're on his bus 24/7 and I've seen he's taking you on dates
Y/N: so now I got an ex that stalks me
Brandon: I think of it as getting updates or checking up
Y/N: call it whatever but just know it's called stalking
*you both laugh*
Y/N: but to answer your question I think I am but I haven't told him
Brandon: well he's lucky to have you I know I was and I'm sure he knows it too
Y/N: and any girl is lucky to have you
*you hugged him & he hugs back*
Y/N: well thank you for the food and the talk
Brandon: thank you for not hating me
*you both smile*
Both: bye

A few hours later.

I got a new apartment gonna move in next week. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, big living room, good sized kitchen and amazing view of the city. Plus the furniture comes with it. There somethings that they gonna fix so I can move in next week.

Right now I'm on my way to pick up Zach at his parent's house. He lives a bit further away from Arya's place but close to mine. So I got to his house in minutes. I parked my car in front of the house and walked up the driveway.

*you knock on the door & seconds Myta opens the door*
Myta: Y/N!
*you guys hugged*
Y/N: Mrs. Herron how are you?
*she moves to the side & you walk in*
Myta: Mrs. Herron? come on Y/N we've known each other since forever for you to be calling me that
Y/N: you're right sorry
Myta: it's all good and I've been good how's your family
*you guys walked to the living room & sat down on the couch*
Y/N: they're good Arya's having another baby
Myta: no way how far along is she?
Y/N: she's barely 3 weeks
Myta: well tell her I said congrats
Y/N: I'll tell her
Myta: so I heard you're the boys' photographer how's that going?
Y/N: it's going amazing I got so close to the boys I honestly thought I was gonna be homesick but the boys really know how to keep your mind off it
Myta: they really do but can I ask you something?
Y/N: yeah of course
Myta: are you and Zach getting back together?
*you looked at her with wide eyes*
Y/N: oh uhm I don't know I am giving him a second chance but he doesn't know it yet
Myta: and why's that?
Y/N: I just don't want him to be all worked up on getting me back I want it to be like it all happened suddenly let the sparks return by it's self
Myta: but he has taken you on dates?
Y/N: yeah he has and honestly I have fun in all of them
Myta: do you love him?
*you looked down*
Y/N: I never stopped
Myta: I do see you two getting back together
*you looked up at her*
Y/N: me too
*Zach comes out of his room*
Zach: what are my two beautiful ladies talking about?
Myta: just catching up with the girl that you stupidly left behind
*he wraps his arms around your shoulder*
Zach: I know and I've apologized
*he kisses your cheek*
Y/N: well apologies haven't been officially accepted yet
Zach: oh I'm still working on it
Y/N: yes you are

I looked up at him and smiled. We made a slight smile and soon Zach connected our lips together. We pulled away as the rest of the Herron family walked. We started talking to each other for a while.

5 hours later.

The boys are almost finished with the last show of the tour. Zack and I were taking as many pictures as possible. At the end of the last song, they're planning on bringing everyone who helped with the tour and do a speech. Since I'm Zack's help, I decided not to go up there.

Jonah: before we leave we would love for our team to come up on stage
*they did their speech*
Zach: before we go I have to say one more thing to someone special
*he looks around stage but doesn't see you*
Zach: hey Zack whe-
*Zack points down at you*
Zach: Y/N come up here
Daniel: you should've been up here
*you wiped your tears & headed up there*
Corbyn: boys I think we should step back a bit
*they stepped back leaving you & Zach*
Zack: let me take the camera
*you hand him the camera*
Y/N: what are you doing?
*he reached for your hand & as you intertwined fingers as everyone cheers*
Zach: as many of you Y/N is a friend from Texas best friends actually but what you guys didn't know is at the beginning of the band we had to come to LA leaving everything behind including our love ones
*you looked down as a tear escapes*
Zach: but I had to leave the one person that was my motivation, my inspiration the reason why I started to focus on music all because I knew she wanted to known for what she loves to do and not for who she loves
*he sighs & looks at you*
Zach: Y/N I want to tell you and everyone else how stupid I was for letting you go, for having everyone we know not tell you what opportunities I got, for not letting you be part of my world you helped build so I'm sorry Y/N
*he starts to tear up*
Zach: I never once stopped thinking about you and definitely never stopped loving you and I hope you never did too
*you were in tears*
Zach: I have one question that I hope you have the answer I want to hear...
*he takes out a small box & goes down on one knee*
Y/N: Zach-
Zach: this isn't a proposal at least not now but a promise that I would never leave you behind no matter what I think because I know you're strong and I always want you to be by my side so Y/N Munoz would you be my girlfriend once again?
*you nod as everyone cheers*
Y/N: yes Zachary I would love to again
Zach: really?!
Y/N: yes!
*he hugs you & you guys kissed*
Zach: I guess the sparks returns to those who work it out together
Y/N: I guess they do

Two months later.

Tomorrow is gonna mark two months that Zach and I started dating. After agreeing to being Zach's girlfriend once again, we told everyone not to post any pictures or videos of it until we want to announce it. No one has broken that rule. We haven't told our family about it just Zach's time and the guys. Tomorrow is also Christmas and we're planning on telling Zach's family about it before we tell mine.

I'm currently picking up my dad from the airport. My brother and my dad were gonna fly in together last week but only Marco came last week and now my dad comes today. I parked my car in front of the entrance and waited for my dad. As soon as I saw him, I got down and ran up to him to hug him.

Y/N: dad! I missed you
Christopher: I missed you too baby
*he kissed your hair*
Y/N: ready to go?
Christopher: yeah just one more thing
*you saw that he had 4 suitcases*
Y/N: why do you have 4 suitcases? You usually bring 2 suitcases
Christopher: that's the thing I brought something
Y/N: okay wh-
*you heard someone yell your dad's name*
*you turned to see a woman*
Christopher: right here!
*he lifts his hand up & she walks towards you guys*
...: sorry I'm late there was a big line in the bathroom
Christopher: you're all good uhm Maite this is one of my beautiful daughters Y/N
*you guys shake hands*
Maite: it's so nice to meet you Y/N you're dad has talked so much about you
Y/N: well he hasn't mentioned anything about you not to be rude
Maite: no it's all good uhm we didn't want you guys to know until we knew this was gonna go somewhere
Y/N: ahh smart well welcome to LA and our family
*you all smile*
Christopher: shall we get going?

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