𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 5: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘜𝘱

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A few minutes later.

I'm driving closer to the Glendale Galleria and I honestly kinda forgot I'm meeting up with Zach. The only reason I told him to meet me there was because I needed to buy Kiana a gift for birthday. I parked by the food court and I was a bit hesitant on going. I know by the end of this Imma be hurt.

Zach's POV:

I asked Corbyn for Y/N's number and of course they asked a bunch of questions. By they I mean the guys. I just told them I wanted to get to know her better and now they want us to date. I didn't tell them we already did because if I did they'll ask why I haven't mentioned her and I don't want to bring it up. It's took me a bit of convincing but we agreed on meeting up at the food court in Glendale Galleria.

I was a bit worried she wouldn't show up. I've been waiting for her in the car for the past 30 minutes. Maybe 2 hours. I went to go buy her and Kiana a gift since both of their birthdays are coming up. Kiana and I share the same day while Y/N is on June 8th. I was about to drive away when I saw her walking in the mall.

I grabbed the gifts and walked just a few feet behind her. I noticed she stopped in the middle of the food court looking for me. I softly tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

Zach: hey
Y/N: hi
Zach: you look good Y/N
Y/N: thanks
Zach: wanna get something to eat?
Y/N: cant i have a family dinner to get to later
Zach: let's find a place to sit and talk

She looked at me and quickly found a place close to the exit. We sat down and I was silent. I was nervous but also scared to even explain.

Y/N: so are you gonna talk or stay quiet so I can go?
Zach: sorry I just can't believe you accepted on seeing me
Y/N: yeah will I'm about to regret it so you have 10 minutes
*he takes a deep breath*
Zach: I'm sorry for leaving you the way I did
Y/N: Zach you broke me the way I never thought anyone would especially you Zach you were my best friend
*he grabs your hand*
Zach: and you were mine Y/N I loved you so much
*you quickly pulled your hand away*
Y/N: yeah well you had a funny way of showing it
Zach: I know I know it's just that the opportunity I had I just don't think it was best
Y/N: and what opportunity was that?
*you looked at him confused*
Zach: to sing in a band with the guys
Y/N: so what made you think it wasn't the best?
*you crossed your arms*
Zach: I was overthinking about the hate you'll receive and how you might deal with it
Y/N: and how do you think I would've dealt with it?
Zach: I know you you're gonna let hate get to you but you're gonna act like it's not
Y/N: I wasn't gonna let hate get to me Zach I wouldn't care if they hated me for being with you as long as we're happy together that's all I care but no you're here saying I was gonna be weak when those moments come
Zach: I'm not saying you're weak because I know you're strong
Y/N: well clearly not if you didn't think I was gonna handle a 8 year hating me
Zach: I know you can handle it just I know you were gonna let it get to you one day and I know you wouldn't want to be known as Zach's girlfriend when your goal is to be known by your work
*you shred a tear*
Y/N: what do you want to do now that you explained why you broke up with me?
Zach: I want a second chance please I still love you
Y/N: Zach you had years, you had my number and you knew where I lived to talk to me in fact you could've fixed this since the beginning but no you decided to end things with me
Zach: I know and I hated myself everyday for slowly letting you go when I went viral but I really want a second chance
Y/N:you know what I got to go and please lose my number and continue on doing music
*you stand up*
Zach: wait before you go I bought Kiana a birthday gift since it's coming up
*he hands it over to you*
Zach: can you please give it to her?
*you grabbed it*
Zach: also I brought you a gift since yours is after
*he hands over your gift & you grabbed it*
Y/N: thank you I will give it to her and I don't want you to ever contact me or anything just stay away from me Zach
Zach: please Y/N I'm really am sorry and I want us to be friends and get that spark back
*you start to walk*
Zach: please Y/N
*he starts following you*
Zach: I hated myself for leaving you i still do you're my everything Y/N
*you guys got to your car*
Zach: give me one more chance
*you shred a tear*
Y/N: goodbye Zach

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