Chapter 17: 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘌𝘷𝘦 (𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘦)

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Two days later.

Last night, I spent Christmas with Zach's family and the other half with mine. We told them and they kept saying how they've been waiting for us to get back together. They brought back so many memories when we first started dating.

Today's the day, we tell my family about us. I'm in my new place with Zach getting ready for today. I already did my hair and makeup and quickly changed into my outfit.

Zach; baby!
*he wraps his arms around your waist*
Y/N: hey baby
Zach: are you ready?
Y/N: yeah let's get this over with

A few minutes later.

We finally made it to Arya's house. I'm honestly nervous to be doing this. I don't know how they're going to react.

Zach: you okay?
*he turns off the car & looks at you*
Y/N: just scared of what the 90% of my family will think
Zach: if I won your family's heart the first time, I can do it again
*he grabs your hand & kissed the back of it*
Y/N: yeah but that was before you broke me for years
*you both start to giggle*
Zach: okay but this time I will if not we'll move away and start a new life just me and you
*you guys kissed*
Y/N: that sounds good to me

I took a deep breath as Zach walks over to my door. Hands were definitely sweating. We walked up the driveway hand on hand. Zach was trying to calm me down a bit by doing circles on my hand. I looked up at him and gave him a quick smile. I opened the door and placed my things on the table.

Y/N: the party is here!
*Arya comes out*
Arya: hey sis
Y/N: hey
*you guys hugged*
Arya: what is he doing here?
Y/N: oh uhm is everyone still here?
Arya: they're in the backyard
Y/N: come on I'll explain it
*you all walked to the backyard*
Christopher: hey baby
Y/N: hi dad
*you guys hugged*
Marco: hey sis
*he hugs you*
Y/N: hey bro
Marco: what's up Z?
*they do their handshake*
Christopher: Zach
Zach: Mr. Munoz
Joshua: what are you doing here?
Y/N: that's why I asked you guys to be here?
*they all crossed their arms except Marco*
All: spill
Y/N: okay uhm...
*you looked at them & turned to Zach & back at them*
Y/N: so you know how I was Zach's band photographer...
All: what?!
Y/N: oh right I forgot to tell you guys anyways uhm throughout the tour Zach and I have gotten to talk
Arya: talk?
Joshua: what do you mean by that?
Y/N: like to create friendship and get a clean start because let's all admit I've never been happier the way I was with him at first
Christopher: yeah then he broke your heart
Arya: you cried for him for months
Joshua: you were a mess when he decided to leave you behind in Texas
Y/N: yeah well he had a good reason okay? He told me what it was and I was mad at first but then I got to thinking the way Brandon's fandom treated me when we were together it wasn't the good kind...
*you started playing with your rings*
Y/N: I would cry myself to sleep every time I read a hate comment I even tried to kill myself but Brandon talked me out of it that's why I got myself into dancing
*you felt a tear slip*
Arya: why didn't you tell us?
Y/N: because I didn't want you guys to see me as weak and not being able to handle what came with being Brandon's girlfriend
Joshua: you don't think his fandom is gonna give you hate?
Y/N: it doesn't matter which fandom I get into even if they don't have a fandom I'm always gonna get hate so if being with Zach consists of getting hate 24/7 then so be it because...
Zach/Y/N: I love her/him
*you both look at each other*
Both: what?
Zach: I love you I always did all these years I still love you and I never plan on stopping even if your family doesn't accept it...
*he turns to look at them*
Zach: I'm sorry that I hurt Y/N's feelings and I've worked my hardest to make her know how sorry I am for breaking her even through at first she tried to push me away...
*he had tears slowly falling*
Zach: from the day she came back into my life I never stopped showing her how sorry I am and how much I want her back in my life to finish my journey with me until the day she dies because that's when I die too
*he grabs your hand*
Zach: so I don't care if you don't accept our having the sparks return because as long as we both love each other there's nothing more we can ask for

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