𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 7: 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵

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A week later.

We had a week off of school so we can concentrate on this project. I really do hope I get this so I can get away from Zach for a while. I was so happy that there was a festival in Downtown LA. I was there all day taking pictures of everyone and everything. I also had help by Brandon and the guys.

Right now, I'm on my way to Brandon's place since I forgot my camera at his place. I got to his driveway and parked my car. I still left it on since I'm not gonna be here for long. Him and the guys are at a photoshoot for their upcoming ep. I walked to the front door and unlocked it with my spare key. As I was opening the door, I hear noises coming from the kitchen. I didn't think much of it since Austin's mom is in town for the week. I walked towards Brandon's room and got my camera. I went to go use his bathroom real quick. I was about to walk out until I heard a voice coming in his room. A girl's voice. Maybe Zion showing the girl a song he's working on.

I was wrong.

In seconds, I heard Brandon's voice coming in. I don't want to assume anything negative. Maybe he's helping her with a song or she's helping him with a song since he always gets help by other people besides the guys. I slowly opened the door to see them getting closer and closer.

*you cleared your throat*
...: oh my god hi I'm Amelia
*she sticks out her hand for you to shake*
Y/N: and I'm Y/N I'm sorry but who are you?
*you weakly shake her hand*
Amelia: oh I'm Brandon's booty call
*you look at Brandon*
Y/N: oh well I'm sorry to interrupt I'll leave you guys to it
Brandon: Y/N please let me expl-
Y/N: save it Brandon I have to go
*you tried to walk but he grabs your arm*
Brandon: babygirl please
*you pulled your arm back*
Y/N: I don't want to hear it Brandon imma be late for class
*you grabbed your camera & walked towards his door*
Amelia: but who are you?
*you opened his door*
Y/N: Brandon's now ex girlfriend

I slammed the door behind me and ran to my car. As I was about to pull away from his driveway, he comes out running towards my car. I tried to lock it before he opened my door but I was frozen I couldn't do anything.

*he opens the door*
Brandon: baby let me explain
Y/N: no let me go Brandon
*he takes your key off the ignition*
Brandon: no not until you let me explain
Y/N: you don't need to explain anything just give me back my keys
*he place his hand on your face to make you look at him & both of you had tearing eyes*
Brandon: I'm really sorry and if you want to punch me, slap me or whatever just do it
Y/N: i don't want to now give me my keys

He kissed me and I tried to push him away but I couldn't. He had a tight grip on my face. I started hitting his chest and he doesn't leave. Since he didn't want to leave me go, I slide my hand down his arm to get my keys from his hand.

I quickly snatched it from his hand and pushed him hard making him fall to the ground. I quickly closed the door and started up the car. I quickly backed away from his driveway seeing him standing up and running to my car. I pressed on the gas and went to school.

A few minutes later.

I got to school and since I still had time until class starts, I quickly ran to the bathroom and entered a bathroom stall to finish crying. He kept blowing up my phone and I keep sending it to voicemail. After a while, I flushed the toilet even though I just sat on it and cried. I walked out and look at myself in the mirror. Red and puff eyes.

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