𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 13: 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴

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Two hours later.

I finished taking their pictures as they rehearse. They're still rehearsing so I decided to go change the battery of my camera.

*you start to change the battery*
...: hey can we talk?
*you turned around to see Zach*
Y/N: okay
Zach: I wanna talk about what happened at the hotel
Y/N: uhm alright then...
*you sit down on the couch*
Y/N: what's up?
Zach: what does that mean for us?
Y/N: like...
Zach: was it you letting me know I got a second chance or you just need a rebound?
Y/N: oh my...Zach you know I don't do that rebound shit but it wasn't me letting you know you got a second chance
Zach: then what is it?
*you stand up & walked across the room*
Y/N: I don't know what it is Zach I just wanted to...you know what forget it
*you sighed*
Zach: no what did you want? play with me?
Y/N: no Zach I didn't want to play with you seriously
*he walks over to you & stands in front of you*
Zach: then what is it? tell me please Y/N
*you went to go sit back down*
Y/N: I just wanted to know if the spark returned or not and I know I said I wasn't gonna give you a second chance but I just had to check if I still have feelings for you before I make a fool of myself
*he sits next to you & kisses you*
Zach: baby you're not gonna make a fool of yourself the spark is still there in my part but what about yours?
Y/N: I don't know Zach
Zach: I really want us to try again so how about after the show we go on a date
Y/N: you're gonna be tired after the show
Zach: baby I'm not gonna be tired if I go on a date with you
*he softly squeezes your thigh*
Zach: so go on a date with me and you'll figure if the spark returns then and there
Y/N: fine I'll go on date with you
Zach: yess!
*he starts kissing you all over your face*
Zach: you won't regret it
Y/N: okay
*you both leaned in & kissed*
Boys: woah!
*you guys pulled away*
Corbyn: hope we're not interrupting anything
Y/N: you guys weren't interrupting anything
Jonah: so did you guys fixed your situation?
*he sits down on the beanbag*
Zach: I'm taking her on a date when we're done here
Jack: hell yeah
*they do their handshake*
Y/N: okay well imma get ready for whoever wants to take pictures for their instagram

I walked over to my stuff leaving them discussing who's going first. They told me they're gonna get cleaned first then they'll meet me wherever I want. I went out of the green room to go look for a good spot.

A few minutes later.

It's been a little over 10 minutes of walking. I was gonna go to the other side of the building to see if there's a better place but the only problem is the line is about to start. Pictures with fans are much needed. I texted Zach if it was okay with it and they agreed. I was gonna take a few photos as the line gets bigger and bigger but I heard my name yelled by one of them.

(LL- Limelight)
...: Y/N Munoz!
*you looked up to see a fan wave & you walked up to them*
Y/N: hey guys
LL #1: are you Zach's ex?
Y/N: oh no I'm Zach's friend from here why you ask?
LL #2: Zach has mentioned you in some interviews and his family would post a picture of you as throwbacks with him
Y/N: oh we did grew up together so we have tons and tons of memories
LL #3: can you tell us a favorite memory you have with him?
Y/N: uhm there's a lot of them but if I had to pick one it would be when I ran down the street to his house
LL #2: you guys lived close?
Y/N: yeah he lived two blocks from me
LL #4: let her finish
*you softly laugh*
Y/N: anyways my dad got me this small camera and I was so excited about it I went to his house to show it to him and him being supportive of my dreams to have my own photography business he took me well his mom took us to Dallas Arboretum
LL #3: oh my god I love that place
Y/N: me too anyways Myta had to do some errands so she left us but we didn't know it was close so I thought we were gonna be leave but...
*Zach comes up to you guys*
Zach: I had other plans I found a way to get in and be came her first model with her first ever camera
*he kissed your cheek*
Y/N: yeah well then the security came and chased us out and since then we were careful to not be see there again
*you all laugh*
Y/N: and that's when I knew he was gonna be in my life no matter where we are
*you both look at each other & smile*
Y/N: anyways I got to go do my job I'll see you guys later
LL: bye Y/N
Y/N: bye guys

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