𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 3: 𝘓𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘬?

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That voice sounded so familiar. I was so focus on taking their pictures, I didn't bother to look up. Corbyn told me they were ready so I started my count down and took the pictures. That's when I looked up and made eye contact with the one and only Zachary Dean Herron.

2: can we see the picture?
Y/N: uhm yeah of course
*you showed them the picture*
4: woah this is amazing
1: you should be our tour photographer
Y/N: thank you and I'll think about it
*you gave them a smile*
Corbyn: anyways Y/N these are my band mates
1: hi I'm Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich
*he gives you a side hug*
2: Daniel James Seavey
*he gives you a side hug*
4: Jack Robert Avery
*he gives you a side hug*
Zach: and I'm Zach
*he tries to give you a side hug but you step back*
Y/N: not a hugger sorry but it's nice to finally meet you guys
Daniel: finally?
Y/N: oh Y/N talks a lot about you guys but I never listen to your guys music
Jack: you don't like our music?
Y/N: oh it's not that it's hard for me to listen to certain song types due to a uhm...
*you looked at Zach & back at Jack*
Y/N: bad breakup
Zach: well they were stupid to put you through that
Y/N: ye-
*Kiana runs towards you*
Y/N: hey baby
Kiana: Noah fell down
Y/N: what?
Kiana: Alice and I were playing with Starla and Noah and Noah tripped on something
Y/N: oh god
*you looked at the guys*
Y/N: it's was nice talking to you guys I have to go check on my kid
Corbyn: oh yeah if you need anything let me know

I'm so happy Noah fell and Kiana came. I'm not happy he fell. I'm happy because if he didn't Kiana wouldn't have saved me from going off on Zach. Kiana guided me to Noah and he was bawling his eyes in Kaeli's arms.

Y/N: come on Noah let's get you cleaned up
*you lift him up*
Y/N B: there's a first aid kit in the bathroom
Y/N: thank you
*you guys walked towards the bathroom as you heard someone call your name*
...: Y/N/N!
*you turned around to see Zach*
Y/N: it's Y/N to you
*you continue to walk towards the bathroom*
Zach: I'm sorry Y/N for hurting you I didn't mean to
Y/N: look I don't want to talk about it right now or ever so if you don't mind I got to clean my baby's wound
Zach: Y/N don't be like that please let's talk please
Y/N: bye

I closed the door on him and placed Noah on the counter. I got out the aid kit and started to clean his marks. I finished cleaning his scratches and I carried him out.

Y/N: hey where's the two kids?
Kaeli: which two?
Y/N: my kids
Kaeli: they're gathering by the cake
Y/N: you mind taking care of him while I go take pictures
Kaeli: yeah of course
*you set him down on her lap*
Y/N: where's my camera?
Kaeli: Kiana took it she wanted to do it while you were with Noah
Y/N: thanks I'll be back
*you started to walk*
Kaeli: bring me a slice

I gave her a smile and I noticed Kiana taking pictures. Everytime I go out to take pictures she's always going with me and she's honestly amazing with it.

Y/N: there's my mini photographer
*you kissed her head*
Kiana: they were looking for you so I took over
*she hands your camera back*
Y/N: you started you get to finish
Kiana: really?
Y/N: yes baby

She was happy I let her do it. I could feel a presence behind me and I turned to see Zach staring at me. I grabbed Kiana's hand and took her to the other side for better angle and to get away from Zachary.

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