𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 9: 𝘠/𝘕'𝘴 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺

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We got in 3 different cars since they boys are gonna head to do their own thing, I'll be taking the kids shopping and Joshua and Arya are gonna start to set up.

After Breakfast.

We all went out separate ways. The kids and I went to the Glendale Mall to meet up with Fabian. He needs an outfit for today so he wanted to come along. Anyways, we started to walk around looking for his outfit. Right now we're at Express, Fabian's favorite store.

Fabian: what about this one?
Y/N: I need to see it on you
Fabian: I'll be back
*he goes to the fitting room as you look around with the kids*
Kiana: can we get something to drink?
Y/N: we'll go when Fabian comes back
Kiana: okay
Alice: I'm tired
Y/N: you want to sleep in my arms?
Alice: yes please
*you carried her*
Noah: can I use your phone auntie?
Y/N: yeah it's in my pocket

I started to look around while I wait for Fabian to come out. I was gonna hand him a shirt when I heard my name.

...: Y/N?
*you recognized the voice & you turned around*
Y/N: Myta oh my god
*she gives you a side hug*
Myta: it's been so long how you been?
Y/N: I know right it's been good how about you?
Myta: amazing
*you smiled at her*
Myta: are these your kids?
Y/N: oh no these are my nieces and nephew uhm this is Alice, Noah and you remember baby Kiana
*she looks at her*
Myta: oh my god look how big you gotten
*she hugs her*
Kiana: I'm 6 today
Myta: oh right your birthday is the same as Zach
Y/N: ye-
*Fabian comes out*
Fabian: how does it look Y/N?
Y/N: it looks good babe
Fabian: okay I'll get it
Y/N: try this one
*you hand him a shirt & he goes back in*
Myta: are you guys together?
Y/N: oh no we're just friends
Myta: ahh okay well I should get going
*you look at Kiana*
Y/N: Ki go tell Fabian to hurry
Kiana: okay
*you look at Myta*
Y/N: well if you guys aren't doing anything later we're throwing Kiana a party if you and Josh wanna come
Myta: we would love that Zach is going out with his friends
Y/N: uhm give me your number and I'll send the details to you Noah give her my phone so she can pick her number in
Noah: okay
*he hands it over & she puts her number in*
Myta: here you go
*she hands it back to Noah*
Y/N: I'll send it over when my hands are free
Myta: it was great seeing you again
*she gives you a side hug*
Y/N: same here

She walks away as Fabian comes back with Kiana. Fabian ended up with the second shirt and we went over to the food court to get something to drink as Alice slept in my arms. After that we spent the whole time spoiling Kiana until we had to go surprise her.I quickly sent Myta the address and said they're going because Reese wants to see me again.

At home.

We were just a block away from the house and I texted Arya our ETA as Fabian blindfolded Kiana so she don't see what we have plan.

Kiana: can I take this off?
Y/N: not right now okay?
Kiana: okay
Y/N: wait right here uncle Fabian is gonna take you somewhere

I took Alice and Noah inside with Arya and I was amazed at how everything was decorated. We put her in the middle and I started to take pictures like there's no tomorrow. Fabian told her to take off the blindfold and she had the biggest smile every.

A few minutes later.

I took pictures of everything and everyone. I started greeting everyone as I take their pictures. I was about to go back in the house when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw my dad.

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