𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 15: 𝘎𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦

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A few minutes later.

We keep talking about what's gonna happen between Zach and I. I really thought Marco was gonna tell me not to give him a second chance but he's been trying to convince me to do it. It's gonna take a while for me to do it.

Marco: why?
Y/N: why what?
Marco: Y/N you've been in love with him before I was born and you still continued to love him after he left you
Y/N: I stopped loving him why do you think I've been with Brandon? I was in love with Brandon
Marco: you would cry for Zach when you were with Brandon and he even knew that
Y/N: what?
Marco: remember that time when dad and I went to visit you guys last year
*you nod as he pulled up to the venue*
Marco: Brandon pulled dad to the side and asked for his permission to take you away for a year to clear your mind because he would hear you cry everytime you thought you were alone
Y/N: but he never did
Marco: because one day he heard you crying for Zach saying how much you love him and how you wish you were still with him
*you looked down & played with the promise ring Brandon gave you*
Y/N: how do you know he heard me?
Marco: I was going to say goodbye to you when I saw him crying on the steps and I asked him what's wrong and he told me
*he parked the car*
Y/N: but why didn't he tell me?
Marco: maybe you should ask him
Y/N: maybe I will

We got down and helped me bring down my suitcases. We parked near the bus so I put my things in. We gave each other a hug as we say our goodbyes.

Marco: let me know how it goes but please sis give him a chance
Y/N: I'll think about it bro now you behave and listen to dad and no more secret parties
Marco: yes ma'am
Y/N: I love you
Marco: I love you too
*you grabbed your camera & the supplies*
Marco: talk to him and find out
*you start walking away*
Y/N: I will

I waved goodbye as I got to the door. I waited for him to drive away before I went inside. He's right I never stopped loving Zach. Maybe I should let's just see how he treats me throughout the tour.

A few months later.

I got really close to the guys and the team but especially, Zach. Every stop we made, he would take me to places. Sometimes it would just be me or the guys would come along. We do act like we're in a relationship but we're not. I haven't told him about me giving us a second chance. I don't want to tell him and then have him all worked up to get me back or whatever's.

Right now I'm in the tour bus trying to edit a few pictures and videos from last night's show. I'm still doing online school. I'm going into my last year of college next year. Also I've been looking at houses to move into. I decided to move out of Arya's house before I graduate.

Right now, I'm so focused on editing. I'm not be able to hear a pin drop. I had noise cancellation headphones on. I finished editing the guys personal photos and sent the guys their pictures to post. I started working on the shows pictures but I felt someone kiss my cheek.

Y/N: oh my god Zach
*you playfully push him as he sits next to you*
Y/N: you scared me
*he kiss your cheek down to your jaw*
Zach: sorry babygirl I made you a snack
*he slides a plate from behind your laptop*
Y/N: Nutella on bread?
*he nods*
Y/N: thank you
*you give him a kiss on the cheek*
Zach: you're welcome so what are you doing?
Y/N: I'm editing your guys pictures from last night
Zach: how about you take a break? you've been editing since we got here to Arizona
Y/N: that's not true I just barely started
Zach: what time did you start?
Y/N: at 7 in the morning
Zach: it's almost 3 in the afternoon
*he closes your laptop*
Y/N: no it's n-
*you check the time on your phone & realize he was right*
Y/N: oh my god the shows about to start and I haven't showered or gotten ready
Zach: baby relax remember today you have it off
*he kissed your cheek*
Y/N: oh right
Zach: how about you take a nap and see us at the show?
Y/N: I wish I can but I got class in two hours so I'll just make myself coffee and take a hot shower and get ready before the show
*you started gathering your things together*
Y/N: you mind moving so I can get ready
Zach: just one thing
Y/N: which is?
Zach: give me a kiss
Y/N: ahh I can't I don't have any kiss candy
Zach: not that kind of kiss
Y/N: then?
Zach: you know the one I want
Y/N; nah I'm good
*you tried to go over his lap while facing him but he pulled you down on his lap*
Zach: not without a kiss
Y/N: you're annoying
*you gave him a quick peck*
Zach: what was that?
Y/N; a kiss
Zach: that was nothing give me a better one
Y/N: fine
*you guys gave each other a passionate kiss as Zach squeezes your ass*
Zach: ughhh what, Jack?!
Jack: you're late for rehearsals
Zach; oh fuck I'll be there in a minute
Jack: hurry up I'll wait out here
*he leaves & you try to get out of Zach's lap*
Zach: where you going?
Y/N: Zachy you can't be anymore late now get out and I'll see you in a bit
*you quickly kissed his cheek & ran to the bathroom*
Zach: Y/N!
Y/N: I'll see you later Zach

Last show.

We're back in LA. FINALLY! Today I sign into my new apartment and I get to meet up with Brandon. I just need to figure out why he cheated on me. Get that closure. It's been almost a year. We plan on meeting at Tender Greens.

I'm currently getting ready to meet up with him and after go to Zach's rehearsals. I did a quick shower and did a light makeup *swipe to see*. I kinda felt lazy to do my hair so I'm gonna do a half up and half down style *swipe to see*.

*Arya walks in*
Arya: hey
Y/N: hey what's up?
Arya: are you free tomorrow?
*you nod*
Arya: I was wondering if you would help me with something
*you finished with your hair & turned to look at her*
Y/N: what can I help you with?
Arya: so you know how last month I went to Bora Bora with Joshua to celebrate our anniversary?
*you nod*
Arya: well we took that time to you know get some fun and I found out last week that I'm 3 weeks pregnant
Y/N: oh my god!
*you ran up to her & hugged her*
Y/N: congrats sis imma be auntie again
*you pulled away*
Y/N: so what am I good for?
Arya: you know how girls do those calendars for the boyfriends?
Y/N; you want to do that and on your 9th month have you post with something to do with babies?
Arya: exactly
Y/N: oh my yes I'm so down maybe tomorrow we can get some clothes and supplies and we'll do it
Arya: thank you sis
*you guys hugged*
Y/N: of course sis anyways I gotta change and head out
*you got up & started changing*
Arya: where you going?
Y/N: I got to meet up with someone before my last day at the job ends
Arya: okay I'll see you later

She walks out and I change into my outfit *swipe to see*. I got my things and said my goodbyes to everyone. After a long drive, I finally got to my destination. I walked in to see him in our usual spot.

Y/N: hey
Brandon: hey
Y/N: mind if I sit?
*he nods*
Brandon: I ordered your usual
Y/N: ah thank you
*you sit down in front of him*
Brandon: how's the tour going?
Y/N: it's good you know having so much fun
Brandon: that's good
*you guys begin to eat*
Both: so...
*you both smile*
Brandon: you go first
Y/N: no you should go first
Brandon: okay well I just want to start by saying I'm sorry I cheated on you twice
Y/N: why did you do it?
Brandon: I don't know I was deeply in love with you I was even planning on marrying you
Y/N: what?!
Brandon: I had asked if I can take you away for at least a year when you're done with school and I was gonna propose to you half way through the trip
*he gets something out of his pocket*
Brandon: I even had to pick up the ring today
*he hands you a ring box*
Y/N: Brandon...
*you open it*
Brandon: it's the one you have marked on the catalog
Y/N: it's beautiful B
Brandon: yeah I saw it while I was waiting for you in your room but back to what we were talking about I didn't mean to
Y/N: did you loose feelings for me or was I not enough anymore?

*you open it*Brandon: it's the one you have marked on the catalog Y/N: it's beautiful B Brandon: yeah I saw it while I was waiting for you in your room but back to what we were talking about I didn't mean to Y/N: did you loose feelings for me or w...

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