𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 4: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵

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Next Morning.

The boutique is having new clothes and they need pictures to be taken so I'm heading over there with the kids. Fabian and Astrid are complaining about their hangover. I made sure the kids got their pills and potions for it. I had to get the kids ready to come with me.

Y/N: okay I have the kids ready breakfast should be here any minute so keep an eye on the kids guys while I get ready
Fabian: yeah go get ready
Astrid: all I hear was breakfast
*you laugh*
Y/N: alright I won't take long

I went to upstairs to my room and got my outfit laid out on my bed. I took a quick shower. After a while, I started to do my hair and makeup. I did a comfy but lazy look for today. I went back down to see them watching a movie while eating.

Y/N: what are you guys watching?
Kiana: Toy Story 3
Astrid: your breakfast is in the microwave
Noah: with your coffee
Y/N: thanks
*you walked over to the microwave*
Y/N: how's your knee Noah?
Noah: it hurts a little bit
*you walked over to them*
Y/N: I'll give you medicine for it before we leave okay?
Noah: okay

A few minutes later.

I dropped off Fabian and Astrid at their house so they can get ready for later. I'm just glad I won't see Zach until tomorrow and I won't see him ever again.

Kiana: are you okay Auntie?
Y/N: yeah I'm okay just thinking
Kiana: about uncle Zach?
Y/N: uncle Zach?
Kiana: I know I was two when I last saw him but I still remember him
Y/N: you still call him uncle?
Kiana: well yeah i have a feeling you guys are gonna get back together I saw him at the party
Y/N: you talked to him?
Kiana: no my dad never let me
Y/N: what do you mean? How many times have you've seen him?
Kiana: a bunch of times when we would drive around LA
Y/N: oh well no I'm not thinking about him
Kiana: I saw you talking to him when we were at the party
Y/N: don't worry about it it was nothing
Kiana: okay

A few minutes later.

We got to the boutique and I noticed the store was filled. I suspected it since we have a sell going on. I took the kids to the back and prepared the background and my camera.

Kaeli: hey girl you ready for us?
Y/N: imma get customer first and then when everything dies down I'll do you guys
Kaeli: I'll help you get people
Y/N: thanks

A few minutes later.

We gathered up a few people to take pictures and they all got a 50% discount. They all had different outfits.

Next Morning.

I woke up early to get my pictures in one portfolio before I head to school. I did a few final touches on my pictures. I carefully picked those that would be perfect. My photography studio is in the corner of the garage. I was focused on picking out which picture to have in my portfolio but I put the rest on a flash drive to give to him.

*Joshua walks in*
Joshua: you're up early
Y/N: oh yeah I need to gather some pictures before class
Joshua: can I see it?
Y/N: please I need some feedback
*you step to the side & he looks over*
Joshua: wait isn't that Zach Herron as in your ex?
Y/N: the one and only
Joshua: did he talk to you?
*you look down*
Joshua: he did are you okay?
Y/N: yeah im fine leaving the best life
Joshua: well if you need me to beat him let me know
*you both smile*
Joshua: well these are amazing im proud of you
Y/N: thank you
Joshua: oh and one more thing before I leave my cousin and his friends are coming over for dinner and they want to talk to you
Y/N: oh yeah uhm Brandon told me something about that I'll be coming home late
Joshua: you're working?
Y/N: no I have to go talk to someone
Joshua: if you need help getting away you know what to do
Y/N: text you ASAP
*you both laugh*
Joshua: good luck with that and I'll see you later
Both: bye

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