𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2: 𝘙𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯

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Almost two hours later.

Only two people are in the store but they just needed to use the restroom. We started to cash out and clean up the store. We had the music louder than we usually do. In seconds, the two people left the store as Fabian closes the door behind them.

Fabian: and we're closed
*he turns off the sign*
Y/N: can I ask you guys for a favor?
All: yeah what's up?
Y/N: okay so at school there's a special guest coming and the professor recommended me but he wants to see people in action or whatevers
Kaeli: so what's the favor?
Y/N: would you guys like to model for me?
Astrid: hell yeah babe
Fabian: count me in bitch
Kaeli: when and where?
*you guys walked out as Fabian locks the door*
Y/N: well I was gonna say tomorrow but the party is tomorrow so Sunday at my place?
All: we'll be there
Y/N: seriously?
Fabian: if my bitches need help I'm there
Kaeli/Astrid: agreed
Y/N: awww
*you all hugged*
Y/N: thank you guys
Kaeli: alright well I'll see you guys tomorrow
Astrid: I got to go look for an outfit while I still have time
*they start walking away*
All: bye
Y/N: you need a ride today Fab?
Fabian: you know it
*you both laugh as you guys walked to your car*
Fabian: you know you should ask lady Besson to take the pictures tomorrow
Y/N: I should I'll call her when I get home
Fabian: let me know what she says
Y/N: always be the first

A few minutes later.

I got to my place. I threw my keys to the side and dropped myself on the couch. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw that it was Arya and Alice.

Alice: hey Tia
Y/N: hi baby
*you sit up & she sat on your lap*
Arya: you're home early? everything okay?
Y/N: yeah Y/N is having a party tomorrow so she gave us permission to close early if no one comes in in 2 hours
Arya: are you going to the party?
Y/N: i think so and don't worry I'll take the kids it's her kids birthday party
Arya: good because I didn't want to find anyone to babysit
*you both laugh*
Alice: mom and I made cookies you want some?
Y/N: Alice cookies? Duh i want some
Alice: I'll bring you some
*she runs to the kitchen*
Y/N: where's the rest?
Arya: oh they went downtown Kiana has a school project

We started to talk about her date for tomorrow with her husband. I told her about the special guest and she's happy for me. Alice brought me the cookie which are always the best. After our long talk, I walked upstairs to my room and called Y/N.

Y/N B: Hey everything okay with the store?
Y/N: Yeah we barely closed just a few minutes ago
Y/N B: So what's up?
Y/N: are you busy? I Can call back later
Y/N B: no I'm all ears you're not quitting are you?
*she had a worried voice*
Y/N: No no no i just wanted to ask for a favor
Y/N B:Shoot
*you told her everything*
Y/N B: oh my god yes I would love that I actually was a bit stressing since my original photographer quit I was gonna ask you but I didn't think you were gonna open to it
Y/N: oh my god so I can do it?
Y/N B: please do but for the store I need to talk to the rest and I'll let you know
Y/N: You're the best
Y/N B: you're too kind anyways I have to go I'll see you tomorrow
Y/N: let me know when you want me to be there
Y/N B: I'll text you in a bit
Y/N: Okay goodnight
Y/N B: Night

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