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the nightmare of a reaping

ROHAN SWIFLTY OPENS the door to his house, inviting Thana as last inside

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ROHAN SWIFLTY OPENS the door to his house, inviting Thana as last inside. Tomorrow the reaping will take place and when you are with four victors who can either be reaped or have to mentor, it is nice to agree on certain things. Especially when two of the victors are fairly new victors.

Rohan smiles as he puts a glass of tea before Thana and sits down at the round table as well. All four of them have arrived at the for evening of the dark day. Pearl sipping some tea as well and Latif drinking some water. Rohan's coffee is the most present smell in the whole room who is completely in silence.

"We all know, tomorrow would come," Rohan softly speaks up, "I think we should set some things in stone, as in it is clear how we are going to do no matter who gets reaped."

"I saw we don't volunteer," Pearl says, "none of us wants to go back in."

"Just let the odds choose from us yeah," Thana agrees with the woman. "Then we only need to appoint who shall mentor."

"Two mentors do feel like a lot yeah," Rohan agrees, "we should always keep one of us here in district 9, so we know what is happening outside and inside the Capitol at all given moments with all the uprisings happening."

"No offense," Latif pipes up, "but I don't know a lot about mentoring, so if I don't get reaped, I think it is smarter to let me stay here."

"That is a good point," Thana smiles sadly at the others. "I'll agree to be the first choice to mentor if Pearl gets reaped, after all, not to be mean, I am the most popular victor from here."

"And I shall mentor if Latif and you get reaped," Rohan nods her head at Thana. "Which makes you the mentor of the possibility of Thana and me in the games," Rohan directs his attention at Pearl.

"All fine by me," Pearl smiles sadly at them, "which means that no matter what happens tomorrow, Thana goes to the Capitol."

"I think it is best to say our goodbyes before the reaping," Latif sips from his water, "that way we can take all the time we need."

"That is smart," Rohan nods at the boy, "especially for Thana who always goes."

"I truly care for and love all of you," Thana smiles at the three victors, "I shall miss all of you greatly."


The morning of the reaping is just beginning as the Jardin family stands closely together. Nothing but pain in their hearts as they could break any second. Thana stands in a sober light brown dress ready besides Latif who is dressed in black. Besides the rules the victors made among themselves, they also decided to go dressed as if they were grieving. Nothing fancy or exciting could be found in their clothes.

The goodbyes are tearful of course, Rohan stands close to them with his daughter and Pearl.

"I love you both," Jamila hugs her two youngest children, "please come back to me, to us."

"I love you too, mom," Thana smiles sadly, "I love all of you..." small tears stream down her face. "Please always remember I love you."

Latif and Thana hug their sisters and father, proclaiming their love for the family. The most heartbreakingly goodbye is of course to the little Sols.

"I love you both very much," Thana kneels before the two, Diane and Demetre nod at their aunt. "I shall miss you, and please take good care of you parents and the little one on the way." Thana wipes down her tears as the two toddlers hug her.

"I love you all," Thana repeats as she and Latif say their final goodbye.

"Take care my little girl," Verrill hugs his daughter one last time, before the four victors leave towards the stage.


Even August Weatherly doesn't look cheerful this reaping day. For once he doesn't strut towards the microphone, instead he seems to shuffle his way towards the front of the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the escort starts, looking at his sides to see the four victors he had got to know better than anyone else at the Capitol. "This year we have a quarter quell as all of you know, and sadly we are going to have to say goodbye to at least 1 beloved victor from this beautiful district. So, for the 75th Hunger Games, the 3rd quarter quell, may the odds be ever in your favour." There is a complete silence, one out of respect for the escort that for once isn't cheery and acts like the games are an honour. "And like I always do, let us start with the men."

Thana suppresses her tears as August walks towards the bowl that had two little cards in it. The hand of the escort floating just above them, August closes his eyes and picks the one on the right side. Thana doesn't dare to look to her right where she knows Rohan and Latif stand, waiting for one of their names to be called out.

"The male tribute of district 9 is," August looks at the card, pausing, "Latif Jardin!"

Thana looks at Latif who has a little tear streaming down his cheek, she sees Rohan trying his best to contain himself and not volunteer for the boy. But a promise is a promise, and with small steps the youngest Jardin makes his way besides August who looks at the victor sadly.

"And now for the women," August dares to eye to two ladies standing besides each other in earthly tones. He sees their hands clasped together and he offers them a very sad smile.

"Don't volunteer if my name gets picked," Thana whispers to Pearl, "it is okay."

"I would've if you wanted to," Pearl whispers back, "I would've tried to get him out."

"You don't deserve to go back in," Thana smiles sadly at the woman.

"Neither do you, my darling." Pearl squeezes Thana's hand.

August walks back to the microphone, holding one of the cards. "The female tribute of district 9 is," August looks up at the sky, trying not to shed a tear, "Thana Jardin." His voice shakes and you can hear the sadness in it.

Thana lets Pearl's hand go and pushes it down, "it is okay," she whispers to the woman. Tears leave both of their eyes as Pearl nods, the older woman kisses Thana's temple softly before the girl moves towards the microphone where Latif is already waiting for her. There is only one thought in her mind, Latif needs to get out; I shall sacrifice myself for him.

"Wonderful," August sounds anything but excited or happy. "Please shake hands."

Thana smiles sadly at her brother who smiles back at her in the same sadness. Thana moves forward, reaching for his face, she wipes his tears away and then pulls Latif in for an embrace.

"It is all going to be okay," Thana closes her eyes briefly, when they break of the hug, she looks meaningful in his eyes. "I love you," Thana says before returning her gaze to the people of district 9.

"Ladies and gentlemen," August exclaims, "the tributes for this Hunger Games, Thana and Latif Jardin!"

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