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||Author pov||

you were following him quietly but suddenly, your ankle of left leg get twisted causing you fall to the ground with a loud sound, he stopped on his tracks, you gulped, he turned around to see who it was.

V- You.....what the fuck you're doing here??

You slowly get up from the ground while shivering.

Yn- Ta-Taehyung... ple-please...lis-listen t-to m-me-

V- I don't have time to listen your pointless bullshit so, you better get lost.

You shook your head slowly.

V- You don't get things softly....right??

Your breath got heavy upon hearing those words but soon you realized something and you went towards him, he was surprised becouse you re not afraid of him, you showed him your weeding ring, his eyes widened, your hand have the same ring as his, he took your hand in his and keep looking at the rings, you were so happy that you feel like you're back to life after a long state of syncope, after so long time you feel like your veins start to circulating blood in your body.

Yn- You don't know taehyung how happy and excited I'm right now, i don't think i can express my joy in words.

You said while wiping your tears away, his head started to ache.

V- You're telling the truth....right??

Nodding your head slowly, you gently cupped her face.

Yn- If you don't believe me just look into my eyes taehyung, eyes can never lie.

He looked into your red teary eyes for a while and then he lowered his gaze, seeing his behaviour you understood that he has probably amnesia so, he has forgotten everything.

Yn- Remember the way you used to call me "Princess" remember our memories, our late night conversation and that hugs and cuddling and the way you used to vanish all the fear, reaching up on your tiptoes, you placed a kiss on top of his head before resting your head against him.

Yn- Taehyung.... ple-please....be-believe m-me... I'm telling the tru-truth.

His head was aching very badly couple of flashbacks starting flashing in front of his eyes.

Tae- I love you.


YN- Nooo please get shy first.

Tae- Did i make my princess cry??

Tae- I'll kiss you so hard that you I'll never be able to get the taste of me out of your lips.

Tae- I can't never bear the thought of us geeting separated.

Tae- It has not bullets.


Taehyung walked closer to you and gently lifted your chin up to meet his soft lovely eyes.

He didn't remember anything but he saw you in those flashbacks, he just saw himself searching of you, teasing you, scolding you, comforting you, cuddling with you, his head hurts so much that it feels like some is hitting his head with a crowbar.

Yn- Remember...... taehyung when i got kidnap-


He screamed while breathing heavily, you flinched and backed off from him, his whole body is shaking, he placed his hand on his head, you panicked seeing his trembling figure.

Yn- What hurts taehyung are you alright.

V- My head.......MY HEAD HURTS.

He felt weak in his knees, he fell on the ground holding his head with both his hand.

Yn- Taehyung...... Taehyung......

You quickly kneeled down and took his upper body in your arms.

Yn-Taehyung plz don't close your eyes....

You took his cold hands in your hands and started to rub them to make him feel warm, you want to take him inside the house because the weather was very cold you don't know how, he feel so helpless with his horrible headache, it feel like he's dying, you were crying hard you don't know what happened to him.

V- Pa-Pain kil-killer o-on th-the nigh-nightstand.......

He said while breathing heavily, you made him lie on the ground and run into the house.


To be continued........
Sorry you boring part......i know I'm not so good in writing ff......but I'm trying my best......next part will be long like always.......

next part will be long like always

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