chapter 43 - an emotional day

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IMPORTANT: this chapter contains a heated moment between our couple,another warning will be posted with the option to skip the whole scene.

The next morning Cara was out of bed before kaz, making her way downstairs to make breakfast. She felt better. The sickness was completely gone, no more muscle aches or fever. she whistled a tune while she made breakfast, dancing slightly to her own tune.

she was so in her own world that's he did not notice kaz woke up and came down the stairs. It was when he wrapped his arm around her waist leaving his gloved hand on her side when she almost jumped In the air from the touch, she did not expect it at all. But she quickly regained herself and turned towards the now smirking kaz.

"I see you feel a lot better today." Cara smiled at him and kissed his cheek lightly. "yes I do, In fact I don't feel sick anymore at all!" Kaz's face lit up. "that is amazing love!" he rested his head on her shoulder for a moment when she turned back to what she was doing. She made him a plate and handed it to him.

after she made a plate for herself she sat down opposite him at the table. "so nina came by yesterday evening." Kaz already knew this of course so he simply lifted an eyebrow waiting for the second part of the sentence. "she told me something happened with pekka rollins but said that you should be the one to tell me." the man in front of her scowled and let out a sign.

"alright, don't get mad at me love ..." when Cara did not respond he continued. "I shipped his family off to somewhere he won't find them and made sure they won't come back to ketterdam. But I informed pekka I killed them" Cara's mouth fell open. Kaz never made things personal, everything he has done against the dime lions was because of money and revenge for his past. She didn't think he would take things this far.

"kaz that is cruel! His family had nothing to do with what he did and you know it! The child can't do anything about who his father is!" kaz had expected this kind of reaction so he wasn't surprised by it. "Cara he tried to kill you, he somehow got his hands on the powder that made you sick ... he tried to take you away from me. I simply returned the favor." Cara was not happy with the man in front of her. both her and kaz were young adults now but the child had nothing to do with this, kaz punished him because of who his father was ...

she picked up her plate and put it in the sink, without another word she put on her coat. "where are you going?" kaz's voice was cold but she could hear a slight worry underneath. "I need some fresh air." She made sure she had the key to the house with her before she went outside and then closed the door behind her.

the dregs were already working on the buildings outside, finishing touches to the stable and peter's house mostly. Cara greeted them as she walked past them. she walked in the direction she knew the sea was, her destination was a 20 minute walk away but she did not care. While she walked she listened to the nature, the birds, the trees and once she got closer the ocean.

she sat at the beach for at least 30 minutes, sometimes she just needed some nature to clear her head. As much as she loved kaz he was a dark person with a dark past, a ruthless gang leader that stops at nothing to get what he wants.

she enjoyed the fresh air and the nature for a little while longer before she started making her way back. She shifted to her bigger wolf form this time however and ran home instead. Opening her mouth to let her tongue out she looked like a happy puppy, once she got to the clearing a few minutes after she trotted by the dregs, inspecting the stable and work. They smiled at her, she saw most of the people who were working here were parents of the sick children a little while ago.

she walked back to the house, shifting before she got to the door. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. She hung her coat away and walked into the library. She was surprised to see kaz sitting at his desk hovering over a stack of papers. She would have thought he would go to ketterdam today, apparently she was wrong. She did not mind though, she had cleared her head and she couldn't do anything about what was done anyway.

she took the same book she was still reading and set herself on the couch. She swore this was the most comfortable couch ever, she didn't know where kaz had gotten it from but she was sure even in ravka they did not have couches this comfortable.

the thing that made this couch so comfortable was the fact that it was winder than your standard couch, making it so you could get yourself comfortable underneath a blanked while reading, or even sleep on it if need be.

she was reading a book about the training of horses and their behavior, smiling to herself when she thought of elvis and how what the book said just did not apply to that horse. She really did miss her horses, they would be showered with treats when they came back. She also couldn't wait to start training up the horses, maybe getting kaz to buy her some more.

she felt like right now she wasn't doing enough to help the dregs, she hoped that when she could start the horse training she could make a difference, allowing the dregs to start their trading route with horses that would help them in any way they could. She told herself she wouldn't train them as hard as she did elvis but train them everything they would need to keep the dregs safe.

she would learn them to alert the dregs when they would sense danger, horses were actually pretty good at that. But also train them to not run off without their partners because she knew horses were flight animals, it was a hard thing to train but she made it work before she would make it work again.

she heard kaz stand up and put away a stack of papers into a file, putting the file in the book shelf against the wall to the back of his desk. He glanced over at her, it was only for half a second but Cara had sensed it. He made his way over to the couch, standing in front of it trying to catch her attention.

she made it a big deal and held out her hand to him to signal him to wait while she read to the bottom of the page, then dramatically closing her book and putting it on the coffee table before she turned to him, giving him her full attention.

the glare he had one his face slowly went away as his facial expression softened. Cara saw his armor melt away before her eyes as he became unsure of himself. "are you still mad at me?" He said it in such a way that he almost looked like a child, Cara smiled at him softly. While she patted the couch, asking him to join her.

while he put his cane aside she answered his question. "I was never really mad, maybe a little irritated because I still find it a little unfair towards the son but I have never even seen the child so I can't get mad at you for it." Kaz looked at her while she was talking, focusing completely on her. "so we are good?" Cara smiled. "yes we are good kaz"

he mustered a little smile and then positioned himself to the back of the couch and a little hesitantly opened his arms, silently asking her to cuddle with him. she shook her head while smiling but she unwrapped herself from the blanked and positioned herself in his arms, throwing the blanked over both of them instead.

She put her head on his chest while she laid right next to him positioning her leg over his. In return he had one arm wrapped around her shoulders with his hand resting on her back and as she put her hand on his chest he put hos gloved hand on top of hers intertwining their fingers.

she could hear him release a sign, she felt him kiss the top of her head. They stayed like this for a while, Cara just enjoying the comfort of the man next to her however it did not take long before she could hear a slight snore coming from him. she chuckled, it seemed like kaz was catching up on all the sleep he missed as a teenager. She couldn't blame him though, he must have been so worried while she was sick probably emotionally drained.


WARNING: things get a little heated from here on skip to the next '----' if you want to skip this part. (no smut – yet)

while Cara was enjoying the moment she could hear a sound leaving kaz's lips. She wasn't sure if she had actually heard it or if she had just imagined it. Until another sound escaped his lips. Immediately Cara turned bright red like a tomato. The moan that escaped his lips was low and primal. She felt his grip on her get stronger, she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do.

she could wake up but that would lead to probably a very awkward conversation, she could act like nothing happened and act like she was sleeping ... not that she could fall asleep with the emotions that were rushing trough her body right now. It also did not help that her leg was over his legs, her thigh over his crotch area.

she decided very slowly try to remove herself from the couch, kaz was a deep sleeper he wouldn't notice .. right? She removed her hand slowly from his gloved one that was still laying on his chest, she felt his chest vibrate when he moaned once more.

very slowly she moved her leg down, she tried to be as careful as she possible could to try and not wake him up. when she had fully removed her leg she let out a sign. Then all of a sudden kaz moved his gloved hand that was laying on his chest before to her side while his other hand that rested on her back pushed her moving her to lay right on top of him.

She tried not to make a sound but it was becoming really hard as when he had just moved her in his sleep she could have sworn her name came from his mouth. She once again tried to move her body but suddenly the man underneath her stirred. Oh no.

She looked up as his eyes shot open. It took him half a second to realize the position he was in and he immediately remembered his dream making the tips of his ears turn red quickly. However the emotions that were still flowing through his body made him pull her even closer to him. he loved the woman that was currently laying on top of him so much that even when he slept his head would make up dreams about her. he looked in her eyes for a few seconds, lifting his head and placing a kiss to her cheek.

when he pulled his head back he looked into her eyes again, she had relaxed into his embrace a little now and her eyes had gone soft, he saw the lust in her eyes and knew how much she was holding back for him. she must have the same feelings as him, he would be lying to her if he told her this was the first dream of her.

he leaned in again, kissing her on the lips this time. He brought his hands up to cup her face but furrowed his brows when the leather of his gloves touched her face. He moved his hands up again and slowly pulled off his gloves putting them to the side without breaking the kiss.

he brought his hands up to her face again touching her skin gently. But he needed more, he craved more. her hands were on his chest and he knew she was unsure of what to do, he wanted her to touch him, treat him like a normal man, be that man for her.

With a growl he flipped them over so that he was now on top of her, his leg protesting but he did not care on bit about that right now. He was very aware of the bulge in his pants and he was currently regretting his fashion choice of wearing pants that did not give a lot of room around the crotch area.

he lifted himself up to he was sitting on his knees, his legs on either side of her. he quickly loosened the buttons of his pants before he would go insane and then unbuttoned his shirt but before he could shrug it off he made eye contact with Cara underneath him. just the sight of her laying underneath him made his heart go crazy.

not being able to keep himself from her any longer he kept the shirt on and went back down to kiss her again, licking her bottom lip hoping she would give him entrance. When she opened her mouth he deepened the kiss, massaging her tongue with his own.

when he pulled back for air he saw her hands were in between them, looking unsure what to do so he grabbed her hands with his own and placed them on his chest. he then moved his hands back down to her side while he placed gentle kisses on her neck.

Cara roamed her hands over kaz's chest, feeling every little bit of skin. She expected him to be tense, every muscle like a brick underneath her hands but it was quite the opposite, he was relaxed. When she got to his shoulders and slightly massaged them she could hear him let out a growl while he shrugged off his shirt, quickly pulling up his arms so he could rid himself of the clothing item as he threw it to the side.

the sight she was having right now was amazing to say the least, his pale skin in the light that came from the fireplace, a few beats of sweat around his neck. She moved her hands to his back digging her fingers in his skin while she moved her hands up and down his back, a moan escaped her lips and kaz immediately reacted on it.

he moved his hands lower to the hem of her shirt, moving them back up again, his hands now roaming the bare skin of her sides. His lips roamed her neck until they found a resting place between her neck and shoulders, when he kissed her there goosebumps ran all over her body. He felt them underneath his hands and Cara could feel him smirk against her skin. She could feel his hands roaming up to her breasts but stopped right underneath them. for a moment she thought he had reached his limit for his trauma but he pulled his head back from her neck to make eye contact with her.

it was then she understood that kaz was silently asking for permission, the gentle soul. When she nodded at him and brought her head up to kiss him his hands moved again. Cara was kind of happy now that she decided against wearing a bra for today as he felt the bare skin of his hands over her breasts. She moaned in his mouth when he kneaded her breasts and grinded her hips up a little.

kaz pulled back from the kiss and went for the spot in the base of her beck again. then slowly the hand he had been resting on her side carefully grabbed her wrist and brought her arm down, he craved her touch. He gently placed her hand on his crotch area and couldn't hold in a moan when he felt her hand touch his member through his pants.

Cara had never guessed in her wildest dreams that kaz would place her hand there, slowly she stroked his member through his pants. She could feel it twitch slightly under her touch. She couldn't hold back another moan as she felt kaz slightly biting the spot on her neck.

her other hand that had been resting on his back moved up until it was in his hair, she slightly tugged at it earning her another growl from the man. Kaz's hand move to her other breast as he rolled his thumb over her nipple.

her hand that was on his crotch area slowly moved up a little and then slid inside his pants, the buttons were already undone which made the movement easy. Cara noticed kaz's breath hitch and tense up so she thought she had gone too but when she moved her hand over his member again kaz moaned her name. she loved him saying her name like that.

she moved her hands more, stroking his members through his boxers. With her other hand she tugged at his hair again lightly. Kaz moaned louder, Cara could feel him humm against the bare skin of her neck. Suddenly he pulled his head back as Cara could feel his member twitch. A deep and primal moan came from the man as he released into his boxers.

kaz spoke, his voice deep and raw. Cara had never heard a more handsome voice. "it is almost unfair what you can do to me without touching it directly." He kissed her cheek and forehead before removing his hands from her body and giving her space to sit up.


kaz moved himself to the edge of the couch while still holding Cara's hand. it was then that Cara felt his hand trembling as he held her hand. she moved to remove her hand from his bit he kept a tight grip on her hand refusing to give in to his trauma. Now that his emotions had died down bad thought had managed to invade his head again but he refused to give in to them.

"I love you so much" he whispered to her. Cara wanted to kiss him but she knew that it was not the best idea right now with his trauma coming up. "I love you to kaz. and I am so proud of you." Kaz smiled at her. he hated the fact that he had not been able to bring himself to touch her more but he promised himself he would get there.

meanwhile Cara was already the happiest person on earth, she did not mind that kaz had a hard time touching her. this was the furthest they had ever gotten. And if giving him release was as far as they would ever go she would die happy knowing that she gave this man this experience.

while kaz went upstairs to clean himself up Cara went to make them dinner. A little wraith had told her kaz's favorite dish was fries (also known as chips to some) with steak so that is exactly what she made for him.

kaz walked into the kitchen soon after, his hair was damp so he had taken a quick shower. Just in time Cara thought as she put his plate in front of him. "you spoil me." he said as he smirked at her. Cara said nothing but smiled at him instead.

AN: I did not realize how long this chapter was until I looked at the word count! This is my first time writing something like this .. or anything for that matter because this is my first ever book so I hope it is alright and readable xD

furthermore i would like to ask for opinions (again i know) i realize i ahve better writing days and some bad ones. i am currently trying to release 1 chapter/day however i somethimes write more than 1 chapter a day making it so i have a unreleased chapter. now my question is what do the readers of this book prefer:

option 1: release a chapter every day consistently like i have been doing now (with a few extra chapters like this one)

option 2: release more chapters in a day when i have some good writing days but there might be a day where i don't upload a chapter (not every other day - option 2 will definetly make the chapters come faster because now i just stop writing after i have 1 extra chapter)

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