chapter 47 - the deal is the deal

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WARNING: intimate scenes in this chapter

When Cara returned to the farm she immediately went to the fire place to turn it on because the house felt cold without kaz. she settled herself in the library with a book in her hand, leaving the curtains of the window open so she could see kaz when he would arrive back home.

when it turned dark outside and Cara got tired she wasn't sure if she could stay awake for him to get home, maybe something happened or ... right as those thoughts crossed her mind she thought she heard a horse neighing in the distance. The put her book on the coffee table and walked over to the window. Sure enough in the distance she could see a figure moving closer towards the house entering the clearing.

she went over to the door quickly leaving her coat hanging in the hallway. She quickly made her way outside and walked towards the figure. She knew it was kaz by the way he walked, his limp was very recognizable. In his right hand he held a rope to a horse. She walked closer to them until she realized it wasn't just a horse he was leading it was the beautiful gypsy vanner from the harbor she saw a few days ago.

she immediately went over to the horse stroking its head. "hey there beautiful, what are you doing here with this grumpy man." She heard kaz scoff but the smirk on his face let Cara know that he enjoyed the moment. "I told you I would bring back a gift." Kaz said. Cara chuckled as the horse nudged her head into her touch. "bought or stolen?" kaz smirked again. "does it matter?"

Cara laughed. "come on big girl lets get you inside the stable and get you some food and water." Cara took the lead rope from kaz as she walked over to the stable, the moon was high up in the sky which lit up the stable enough for Cara to find her way around. She put the horse into a stable and went to grab some hay and food while kaz stayed with the horse.

when she returned with everything kaz was stroking the horse's head. Cara loved to see the caring side of the grumpy gang leader as he whispered something to the horse that she couldn't hear. Cara entered the stable and placed everything where it should be, the horse was slightly underweight and did not look In the best shape but she would fix that soon enough.

she was stroking the horse, running her hands over its legs to make sure there were no abnormalities she needed to know about but everything checked out fine. When she straightened her back again she shivered slightly form the cold. Before she knew it a coat was hung over her shoulders and when she looked back kaz placed a hand on her shoulder. "let's head inside, I think both you and the horse can use some rest" Cara agreed to go back to the house but she knew she was not tired at all anymore now, not after the gift she was just given.

"so how did you manage to steal her?" kaz looked at her and smirked. Once they were both inside and Cara hung kaz's coat in the hallway he answered. "me and jesper went to the harbor again this morning and when jesper was checking out one of the horses the man had for sale I couldn't help but overhear that he called the horse 'his prized possession'. Now you know that I cannot let something like that go by without acting upon it. So later when you had left for home after we left the waffle house I went back to the harbor. It was simple really. Caused a slight distraction and when he wasn't looking picked the lock and took the horse." Cara chuckled as they both walked into the library, Cara walked over to the fireplace to put out the fire.

"and what kind of distraction did you use?" she asked. "I burned down his boat." Cara's mouth fell open. "kaz!" Kaz shrugged. "I couldn't let him just get away with abusing his own horses, as cold hearted as I might be towards humans I don't like animals being treated poorly." Cara walked over to him and brought her lips to his ear. "you really are just a big softie underneath all your armor aren't u kaz brekker." She felt him shiver and quickly made her way upstairs.

when she was done washing her hands in the bathroom of their bedroom kaz was already sitting in bed waiting for her to join him. Cara had noticed he couldn't get comfortable if she wasn't there next to him before so she quickly changed into some shorts and a loose shirt and got into the bed herself.

Kaz still had some papers in his hand that he was closely examining while the gas lamp on his night stand was still burning. Cara smirked, this man never stopped working she thought. Then with a swift movement she grabbed the papers out of his hands earning a grumble from the man as she placed the papers on her own night stand. "What are you-" Cara interrupted him by moving over him until she was sitting over his lap facing him.

-----------------------start intimate scene-------------------

she leant forward until her lips were next to his ear. "the deal is the deal" She whispered in his ear earning a growl from the man as he remembered their deal from before. He had held up his end of the deal. Cara roamed her hand over his chest as she saw lust form in kaz's eyes. He placed his hands on her hips and brought her even closer to him until their chests almost touched. As he did so he pressed his lips to hers.

their lips moved in sync and with his growing emotions kaz seemed to relax more into the touch. Slowly he moved his hands underneath Cara's shirt to hold her sides. His hold on her was firm but also somehow gentle. Cara pulled back from the kiss and leaned in towards his ear again. "who knew that the great bastard of the barrel would actually be a softie in the bedroom." That earned her a growl, it was deep and primal and raw of emotion.

in one swift motion kaz grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, she quickly lifted her arms to help him remove the piece of clothing, he threw it next to the bed where it landed with a soft thud. For a moment kaz leaned back admiring her exposed chest his eyes flickered from her chest to her eyes for a moment as if asking for permission and when she gave a small nod he slowly brought his ands to her sides again moving them slowly but surely up to her beasts.

meanwhile he connected his lips with the base of Cara's neck leaving a trail of soft kisses as he moved down towards her chest. Cara put one hand in his hair and the other on his shoulder to keep herself steady. She felt the bulge in kaz's boxers underneath her grow she moved her hips slightly so her own core had some friction, this small movement seemed to have a big effect on kaz however as he moaned against her chest.

one his his hands cupped her breast and began massaging it softly and gentle, as if he was afraid he would hurt her otherwise. Cara did not mind, in all honestly she found the gentleness the man used very romantic, she felt the emotions in every movement he made against her skin.

she moved her hips again grinding against his bulge as she let out a moan herself, just the friction was enough to build up a knot in her stomach. Kaz however was done with the teasing, he knew he wouldn't last long with her teasing him like this and he needed his emotions to be able to build up the confidence to do this so with one swift motion he turned them so that he was hovering over Cara now.
he was on his knees and held himself up on one elbow so he could have his other hand freely roam her body. He trailed soft kissed along her jaw down to her breasts while his free hand moved down to her hip. He never thought he would but he loved the feeling of her warm skin underneath his hands, her skin was soft and he loved touching her when he could bring himself to.

he felt her tug at his hair as she let out another moan, giving him confidence to move on. Slowly he moved his hand to her the inside of her thigh until he felt the end of her shorts. He leaned back to make eye contact with the woman underneath him, silently asking permission again. he knew it might look weak but he would never want to do something she was not comfortable with.

when she leaned up and brought her lips to his for a small kiss he took that as permission granted as he moved his lips to the base of her neck, the exact spot he knew she would get goosebumps if he kissed her there. But also slowly he moved his hand up over her shorts. Some part of him would have loved to tear off the fabric and touch her skin but he needed to do this in small steps because if he would have to stop in the middle of what they were doing now due to his trauma he would never forgive himself.

so slowly he moved his hand up until he reached her core. Moving his hand slowly over the fabric covering it from him, he could feel the fabric being damp which made the pressure in his own boxers only seem to make worse. He pressed his hand against her core rubbing the fabric slightly against it earning him a loud moan. He smirked against the skin of her neck loving the effect he could have on her body.

Cara had been trailing one hand over his chest and was slowly bringing her hand lower towards his boxers. He growled against her neck grazing his teeth along the skin and he felt her whole body shiver underneath him from the action. He trailed his mouth down her breasts again while he pressed his hand against her core once more, stroking is slightly. Her hand moved from his chest to his boxers as she cupped his length. He moved his head until it was over her breast and kissed her nipple softly.

he felt her stroke his length once more and he felt like he was one another planet, one were ketterdam did not exist, just him and her. his emotions took over his rational thinking, he needed to feel her hand. he needed to feel more of her. the hand that was previously on her core moved to his own boxers, removing them in one swift moment. The freedom that gave made him moan again her breast.

Cara had pulled back her hand, not sure if she was still allowed to bring her hand to his length but kaz took her wrist gently and moved her hand back to where it was where he let go and moved his own hand back to her core pressing it gently again, he had moved his hand so that he could press his thumb into her core, exploring her folds through the fabric with a single finger. she stroked his length softly testing the waters to see if he was still comfortable with it.

then kaz's thumb found a spot that made Cara moan loudly, she felt him smirk against her chest as he pressed the spot again massaging it with his thumb. She moaned his name and felt his length twitch when she did earning a growl of satisfaction from him. she grabbed his length putting slight pressure on it.

kaz moved his body up so that he could reach her lips once more and captured them with his own, moving their lips in sync while he worked his thumb around her core. Her own hand pumped his length a few times making a deep primal moan escape his lips. She loved that sound with every cell in her body, her other hand tugged on his hair as he pressed his thumb into the spot again. kaz pulled back slightly. "love, I am ... close" his voice was deep and raw and filled with emotion. His eyes were soft and full of love for her. "me to" she managed to say before he captured her lips again.

his confidence seemed to have grown as he pressed his full hand into her core again, massaging her clit with his thumb while his other fingers provided friction against her folds. It only took a few seconds for Cara to release the knot in her stomach as she pulled back from the kiss to moan kaz's name loudly as her hand grabbed his length again, running her own thumb over the tip while pumping it a few more times.

a shudder went through the mans body as he moaned her name with a growl as Cara felt his length twist in her hands and he released, most of it hitting her stomach. He slowly removed his hand from her core and instead brought it up to her face to remove a strand of her hair that had fallen in front of her eyes. No words were spoken out loud as they made eye contact but more than a thousand words were silently spoken between them with just their eye contact right then and there.

kaz moved himself off of motioning her to stay where she was as he quickly found his boxers and pulled them back on, he made his way over to the bathroom and got back with a towel cleaning her up while planting a kiss to her forehead. He then moved over to the dresser to pull another sheet out of it and Cara quickly helped him change the sheets so it was done in under a minute. She grabbed her shirt from the ground and put it back on as well.

----------------end intimate scene-----------

once they got back into bed Cara kept her distance remembering that last time kaz had needed some space after their intimate moment but he was having none of that today, he pulled her close to his chest as he snuggled into her. "I love you" those 3 words. Probably the 3 words most couples said to each other without real meaning, however in this moment for Cara it had all the meaning in the world.

kaz brekker, the feared bastard of the barrel, the cold hearted killer and gang leader. The person who had gone through so much, with trauma's so deep they would probably never really heal ... loved her. the words were genuine, not without any meaning for in this moment they meant the world. A tear slipped down Cara's face when she saw the genuine smile the man had on his face. "I love you kaz." she saw his eyes water slightly but no tears fell down his face, he was better at keeping his emotions locked up behind his eyes.

he pressed a kiss to her forehead before he pulled her closer to his chest. they fell asleep like that, both content and truly in love with one another.

AN: it's me again, wow the reader count of this story is going up really quickly! Thank you all for 12k reads! Does anybody have any name suggestions for the gypsy vanner mare that Cara got as a present from kaz?

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