chapter 54 - life goes on

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Warning: mature content in this chapter

A month had passed since then, kaz had wanted a wedding with only the 2 of them however Cara had been able to convince him that at least the crows should be there. And so it happened. It was a beautiful summer day when they got married at same spot he had asked her to marry him.

kaz would never admit it but jesper had told Cara that the man had shed a tear once he saw her in her dress walking towards him. kaz had managed to leave his gloves off for the whole ceremony to the surprise of the other crows. The wedding rings were simple. A silver band with their initials on the inside a simple K – C . they. Cara was now known as mrs brekker.

the couple had talked about the last name, kaz had been a bit unsure of the last name and even considered changing it back to Rietveld however Cara had told him that brekker was part of him as much as Rietveld was. And as much bad memories were attached to both last names she had always known him as kaz brekker and for her most of the memories associated with that last name were good and pleasant.

after the whole ceremony they held a small gathering with the other crows, kaz had put on his gloves again after the ceremony but pushed himself to the absolute limits and even managed to give jesper a hug, which made the poor sharpshooter very emotional. When everybody has gone home both Cara and kaz had been exhausted and kaz's trauma had gotten the better of him that night.

the day after their wedding things had resumed as usual, the trading routes kaz had set up were still new and frail as were the connections with their trade partners so kaz had to keep a close eye on it. Another 2 weeks passed before kaz had managed to relax again, Cara felt how stressed he had been the passed weeks and tried to help in any way she could.

then on a cold Saturday evening at the end of summer was the day kaz had won from his trauma.

Cara heard a door close and the familiar noise of a cane hitting the floorboards as kaz made his way towards the work room at the back of the hallway. He had opened the door and Cara immediately felt that kaz was unusually happy. "what had gotten you so happy all of a sudden?" she stood up from her desk and walked over to the smirking man. "I just signed the contract for a permanent trading deal between us and ravka." Cara smiled at him. "kaz that is amazing!"

"yes it is, and none of this could have happened without you." he bent down and pressed a kiss to her lips snaking his free arm around her and pulling her close. His lips trailed down her jaw and neck until Cara felt goosebumps over her whole body. Kaz and her had a few intimate moments over the past month but they had never gone all the way.

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she brought her hands up to his head removing the hat with once hand while gently tugging at his hair with the other. She felt the vibrations of his voice against her skin when he spoke soft and deep. "I want you." Cara giggled lightly as kaz moved his hands underneath her shirt. "not here love, lets take this to the bedroom shall we?" kaz grumbled under his breath but let her go, but not before placing another lustful kiss to her lips.

Cara quickly made her way to the bedroom with kaz on her heels. As soon as she opened the bedroom door she threw her shirt to the side of the room and removed her pants and shoes leaving them at the side of the bed, kaz being a few seconds behind her shrugged off his coat and removed his shoes before Cara was all over him. placing kisses to his neck and snaking her hands over his chest.

she moved her hands to the buttons of his shirt and undid they quickly helping him shrug of his shirt. Meanwhile kaz was quick to move his hands behind her back and undo her bra leaving her in nothing but her underpants. He bent down to place a kiss on her cheek before moving his hands to her chest cupping a breast in each hand. Cara moved her hands down his chest and slowly undid the buttons of his trousers hooking her fingers in the fabric and slowly pulling them down making sure to 'accidentally' stroke him through his underwear.

she knew he couldn't stand her teasing him and with one swift movement they were on the bed, kaz hovering above her. the room was dark, only the moonlight shining through the small window bathing the room in its light. But it was enough for Cara to see the look on kaz's face full of lust. She knew that she couldn't tease him to much and since he had made his intentions clear she tugged at his underwear, kaz helped her remove it and threw it to the side.

she stroked him a few time earning a moan from him before he removed her hands from his length. "I want you tonight sweetheart, if you keep touching me like that I won't be able to." His voice was deep and raw, it gave her shivers from just hearing it. So she moved her hands to his shoulders instead, she knew he loved it when she massaged them so she started kneading the muscles there.

kaz moved his hands over her body, exploring every centimeter of it and leaving kissed everywhere before he got to her underwear. He hooked his hands behind the seams and removed it slowly while pressing kisses to her stomach. He then moved his body back over her and started kissing the spot at the base of her neck while kneading one of her breasts in one hand and moving his other hand to her core.

he slowly moved his thumb to rib over her clit while he positioned a finger at her entrance. He broke the kiss at her neck to ask permission with eye contact and when she nodded her head he kissed her lips passionately before slowly entering her core with a finger, exploring her warmth. Immediately Cara was a moaning mess underneath him, he loved the sounds she made. He was very gentle with her slowly moving his finger inside her before slowly pumping it in and out.

when she moaned again and one of her hands trailed down to his length again he got more confidence and added a second finger in her core while still moving his thumb in circles around her clit. Cara was close he could hear it by the sounds that escaped her lips. he couldn't help but release a moan of his own when she gripped his length and pumped it running her thumb over his tip.

he knew that If he came now the confidence he had now would disappear and the bad thoughts had a way to creep in, he wouldn't let that happen tonight he thought. He moved his body so that his length was lined up to her core. He removed his fingers from her core and pulled back to he could look at her. he needed verbal permission for this. "sweetheart, can I - ?" she nodded very clearly for him but he needed to hear it from her mouth so when he did not move she spoke. "yes kaz, I want you." he pressed a kiss to her lips before guiding his length to her entrance entering her slowly. He knew it would hurt for her.

he pulled back from the kiss to watch her facial expression as he slowly entered her, he saw tears spring to her eyes and stopped moving immediately. "don't .. stop. Move .. slowly." She managed to say and he did as she said. Moving slowly until he was fully in her. then slowly he started pumping watching her closely.

then a moan escaped her lips and her hands grabbed the back of his head bringing him in for a kiss, he responded immediately moving his lips in sync with her while he picked up the pace. Moans filled the room. Cara had moved one hand to his back and the other was in his hair tugging at it. Meanwhile kaz was massaging her breast and used the other hand to steady himself. His leg screamed from pain but he simply did not care, right now all he cared about was Cara. "kaz I am gonna –" she was cut off by herself when a load moan escaped her lips.

Kaz felt her core tightening as she reached her high and with one last push he reached his own, her name escaped his lips as a wave of pleasure rushed over him. his whole body shuddered as he slowly pulled out of her pressing a loving kiss to her forehead before he took a towel and cleaned her up gently. Cara grabbed his attention as she cupped his face. "I love you mr brekker." He put a hand on her cheek. "and I love you mrs. brekker."

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Another month passed and after that night it many more intimate moments happened between them. while life moved a lot of changes also happened in the life's of the crows. Nina and Matthias got engaged after they opened their second waffle house in ketterdam. Wylan and jesper still helped kaz with the crow club and got a house together close to it where they both lived together now.

inej had bought herself a boat and a crew and rules the ocean around kerch, no slavers ship made it passed her. she would occasionally come back to ketterdam and meet up with the other crows but her heart lay in the justice of sinking slavers boats and saving innocent people from a life of slavery.

Cara had been helping ben keep up the schedule of training the horses but lately had been feeling quite ill and did not have the energy she had before, thinking it was nothing major she of course did not tell kaz or she knew she would be locked in the house being the overprotective husband he is ..

so behind his back she went to one of the doctors in ketterdam who confirmed her suspicion, she did not know how kaz would react to the news but she was hopeful he would be happy seeing as he still did not decorate the empty room in the house.

when she got back to the house kaz was already waiting for her in the library. "where have you been?" he asked as he stood up from his desk and walked over to her. "I made a trip to ketterdam Cara answered honestly." Kaz grumbled before he came to stand in front of her. "I know you aren't feeling well, you should stay at home and take more rest, ben can take care of the horses and I will take care of the field." Cara smirked as she was right about kaz's reaction to her feeling unwell.

"dear husband I think you should sit down." Kaz lifted an eyebrow but Cara could see the tips of his ears turn red, after all this time kaz could still get flustered when she called him names and she loved it. she moved to the couch herself and sat down, kaz sitting next to her. then his expression turned into a worried one. "what is it love? Has the sickness returned? Is it something serious? Is it life threatening?" Cara giggled at his worried ramble. "not really, it is however life changing." She knew from the confused expression on his face that he had not figured it out yet. "kaz do you remember what you told me when we first moved into here?" he did not respond verbally but only nodded at her not knowing where she was going with this.

"so how are the plans for that wall around the property going?" it took him around 10 seconds to figure it out, then his eyes turned wide in surprise and his cane that he was holding fell to the ground as he let it go out of shock. Back when they had moved into the house kaz had said he would build a wall around the property to protect his family, and in 9 months their family was about to get an addition.

"are you sure?" he asked almost a whisper. When Cara nodded he took off a glove and placed his hand on her belly. A smile breaking out on his face. Cara could see his mind racing before his smile faltered ever so slightly, she knew exactly what he was thinking. "you will be a great father kaz, just as you make a great husband. And I will be here with you every step of the way." She could see the emotions rushing through him as she saw his eyes water. This was really happening, he was going to be a father.

"I love you kaz." Cara brought her hand to his face wiping away a tear. "I love you to sweetheart, so much."

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